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Ferrets Question

What are Ferrets like?

get one and find out
hotgirl7777 posted over a year ago
 Zuko14 posted over a year ago
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Ferrets Answers

Buck7 said:
I don't know, I've never had one, but my cousin Linda, were she worked they had ferrets there, and this is what she told me:
She said that they are very playful animals and that they are also very affectionate. She said that its kind of wierd though because you can bend them funny because of they're tube shaped bodies and you'd think it hurt them, but they just look at you like, "Is it SUPPOSE to hurt or something?"
I've also heard though that they are smelly, but that's only because they're related to skunks, so when they go to mark their territory, the smell that comes from their scent glands smell bad to us. But you can get their scent glands removed by a vet or something if you want. I know, it's a little gross to talk about.
Anyways, I've also heard though that they can sometimes turn on you and bite. I asked my friend Meranda, who has owned up to three or four total if this is true. She told me that her first ferret was really sweet and would curl up in her bed with her, but the second one that she got was pure evil and would bite you and be mean all the time. The one she has now she said though is nicer and likes to hide her things around her room! So, basically, I guess it depends on the ferret and what his or her personality is like.
I hope this has answered your question.
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I don't know, I've never had one, but my cousin Linda, were she worked they had ferrets there, and this is what she told me:
 She said that they are very playful animals and that they are also very affectionate. She said that its kind of wierd though because you can bend them funny because of they're tube shaped bodies and you'd think it hurt them, but they just look at you like, "Is it SUPPOSE to hurt or something?"
 I've also heard though that they are smelly, but that's only because they're related to skunks, so when they go to mark their territory, the smell that comes from their scent glands smell bad to us. But you can get their scent glands removed by a vet or something if you want. I know, it's a little gross to talk about.
 Anyways, I've also heard though that they can sometimes turn on you and bite. I asked my friend Meranda, who has owned up to three or four total if this is true. She told me that her first ferret was really sweet and would curl up in her bed with her, but the second one that she got was pure evil and would bite you and be mean all the time. The one she has now she said though is nicer and likes to hide her things around her room! So, basically, I guess it depends on the ferret and what his or her personality is like.
  I hope this has answered your question.
posted over a year ago 
SnapeSoulmate said:
Having a ferret is awesome! But it does take a LOT of effort; even to take care of just 1! The good thing about ferrets is that they can be house trained if trained so early. x) a litter box is a good idea... Thats what mine uses. xD And feeding Isn't a crisis at all; just a stocked supply of bagged ferret food will be great and maybe some treats! Ferrets are also carnivors so they might also go for meat if you have any nearby... I advise being careful if you have any other smaller rodents in the household(such as hamsters) because it IS possible for the ferret to actually kill it.

One other important thing is that ferrets have a distinct odor and its pretty bad. Bathing the ferret is recommended; I personally use "ferret cologone" after giving mine a bath and brushing him it makes the smell a lot less putrid for the passing days. Not to worry though cause ferrets dont necessarily stink up the place... especially if you bathe it.

Ferrets also need a lot of exercise; a ferret in good shape is always best! They love to run free so maybe buying a leash with a harness and taking it outside is a good idea. (I let mine just run through the house lol... he always ends up curling up in my downstairs closet and sleeping in there!)

Rather than all that ferrets are one of the most enjoyable pets out there! Mine has even become my best friend.
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posted over a year ago 
Dark-Blood said:
idk I don't have one.... yet lol

but I have read that they r playful and loving that they love people and they sleep eat and poop and play lol their curious about everything and loving exploring and they loving shinny stuff
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idk I don't have one.... yet lol

but I have read that they r playful and loving that they love people and they sleep eat and poop and play lol their curious about everything and loving exploring and they loving shinny stuff
posted over a year ago 
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