Fans of PoM Wall

Displaying wall entries 81-90 of 2022

Jhordan232 said …
Jhordan: Has Anyone Heard From Penguin_Pinky? :( Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Nope. Sorry, dude. over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
*shakes head* sorry :( over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
Oh No D': over a year ago
Johan-Tirado commented…
Nope over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
The boringness is intense. Who woul like me to draw them something? Ive got free time! (trust me...) Posted over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
kay you could draw me and Jenny if you'd like "3 over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Could you draw Lexii and Julien asleep together in the park pweese ^^ :3 over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
^ sure. over a year ago
PomAndHoaFan2 said …
hi! 701st fan! my second account! Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
Hi and welcome to popfan! Have a great time here! over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
What was your first? P. S. Welcome back! :D over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
Hey pomandhoa. How'd you loose your old account? Welcome! Again! over a year ago
Catherina_PoM said …
Madagascar 3 was a blast!!Eventhough penguins aren't allowed at the theater,but I sneak in..When the movie end,they saw me and I got kicked out..But it was awesome and funny!No wait,awesomely funny!! Posted over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin commented…
OMG! saw it too! Wasn't it freaking AMAZING!? :D Skipper sneaked me into the theater XD over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
aw man!am i the only one not watching Madagascar 3? over a year ago
Kowalski355 commented…
i loved it as well! :D over a year ago
JediPenguin16 said …
Hey Fanfic writers, listen up! :D NoShameHere and I have a new club for critiquing and improving new fanfics ( FREE HELP!), we thought that some of you might be interested! Here is a link to the rules of this new Fic-critique club-check it out here! link
Please read and understand the rules before joining, feel free to ask questions, and most importantly, have fun! Posted over a year ago
NoShameHere commented…
Thank you very much Jedi. :3 over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
I kinda already have a club like this... Called future authors of the world or something. For any and everyone who love to read and write. over a year ago
JediPenguin16 commented…
^ This one is specifically for PoM and Critiques though. over a year ago
Private1sCut3 commented…
Oh this sounds like a great idea. I hope it's okay if I join. over a year ago
big smile
Colonelpenguin said …
Yay!!! 700 people joined the club!! :D Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
BOOMSHAKANA over a year ago
:O Yaaaay!!! :D Lets party! :P over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
WOOT! over a year ago
DrBsNumber1Fan said …
Hey guy! It's movie night at my fanclub! In fact it's movie weekend at my fanclub! All movies start at 8pm. Here r the movies.

Tonight: Blowhole Strikes Back
Saturday: Jessie in Creepy Connie Comes a Callin
Sunday: Spongebob in A Squarepants Family Vacation

Here is the link to the club! Posted over a year ago
DrBsNumber1Fan commented…
link over a year ago
big smile
Colonelpenguin said …
OMG!! 1 more person will make 700!! woot!! :D *throws confetti* Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Woooo hooo!!!!!! :D *catches confetti in my mount and eats it* blech! That didn't taste as good as I thought it would... Hahaha ^^* over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
*mouth over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
Woot 700 hundred people!! over a year ago
BeKaTora said …
Hahaha :D I find a little emoticon on facebook. In a message you can make a pinguin XD combination is: <(")
After send you see a penguin :) Posted over a year ago
BeKaTora commented…
without the : and.... you can add me if you want ;) my name is "steffi dettler" over a year ago
Ah yes I've seen that before, it's funny. XD over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
<(") lol over a year ago
big smile
_Lexii23_ said …
Ughhhhhh.... I'm bored... I can't wait till Sunday!!!!!! new penguins!!!! Woo!!!!! :D

So does anyone have that app "draw something"? If you do then please tell me so we can play it!!! XD

Yup :3 Posted over a year ago
You've got new peguins on sunday!?! :D Your lucky. :3 But I think there's a premire week next week in England. :D over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
I DO!!! over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
I DO! But I forget my user....=( over a year ago
ricoiswsome said …
Fans of PoM if you want to keep the show going to this link don't clickp on it type it up in the google search the penguins petitio Posted over a year ago
ricoiswsome commented…
Petitio is actually petition over a year ago
ricoiswsome commented…
It' sign not sing over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
Signed it like forever ago. over a year ago
coolkowalski said …
hey. now i prefer to be called Yellow.

yeah. im making a drawing of me as a penguin. but my name is Yellow.

its an official OC. :D

aanndd its 1 am in the morn...O3O i dont feel sleepy. Posted over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
Jenny, Joanna and Farniy are still my OCs though XD over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
Yellow. <3 over a year ago
coolkowalski said …
hello! :3 Posted over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
Konichi'wa over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
X3 over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
:D over a year ago
Catherina_PoM said …
What's wrong with me!?!I keep drawing sketches of Kowalski..No wait that's normal XD But I keep pulling out a chainsaw from nowhere and laughs psyco-ly like Rico(pulls out a chainsaw from nowhere)BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Okay am I crazy??I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!Okay,random??NOW TO DESTROY SKIPPER..MWAHAHAHA!!Now why would I want to destroy my own cousin??This is a really random day!! Posted over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
dont worry, its normal! (in this club XD) over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
i'm more random. i am wearing 97 psycho patches as we speak. over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
I'm crazy, I love blowing up cars :p, and it's not ranodm it's thinking faster then others!! over a year ago
big smile
:O I got my Dedicated fan medal today!!!!!! :DD Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Le gasp!!!! :D CONGRATS EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs you* :D over a year ago
Thanks Lexii!! :D *Hugs you back* :D Hey and y'know that little project I was talking about with the images from my poem book? I've got the first picture up. :D over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
OMG! Come on the the S.S Dedicated fan! XD over a year ago
big smile
Lilly_Penguin said …
Hey!!! :D
Can you guys add my friend "Ninjinbunny"??? She's a Soul Eater roleplayer, but she wants to make an OC for POM too! Make her feel welcome! :D
~Lilly Posted over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
Added her!! over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin commented…
Thank you! X3 over a year ago
coolkowalski said …

guys please go to this and help me out!

thanksies! Posted over a year ago
big smile
Ok so I had a random idea for the next load of pictures I post. :D So in my English class we've got these poem books which were allowed to write on because they're ours so on every poem I've drawn a little Oc picture on it and it actually relates to the poem. So I was thinking that I draw some of these digitally then when I post them you've gotta guess what the poems about. :D For example if I draw one where Emma is sitting by the sea you could say it's about nature. What do you guys think. :) Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
That's an AWESOME idea Em! I can't wait to see them!!! :D over a year ago
Hehee thanks Lexii! :D over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
LOL over a year ago
BeKaTora said …
Uhm.. I have looking for new episodes and find a articel about "tunnel of love" :"The speculation that the Big Time Rush guys will be playing beavers is officially confirmed, per this article on Nickelodeon's website." what are this person means??? O.o beavers? or it gives a song from big time rush with the name beavers?? :D please give me an answer :) Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
As in BTR will be voicing characters who are beavers. :) over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
I also herd Becky and Stacy Return, too over a year ago
BeKaTora commented…
ah okay :) but... beavers?? cool, family :D but wait.. what I'm? XD I be wonder how they are looking :) over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Yes! Beavers!... This will be... WEIRD. over a year ago
Jasmine-POM said …
Hi! I created my club. Can you join my club? Here's the link: link
Thanks! Posted over a year ago
Joined. :) over a year ago
doctorboffin said …
Anyone want me to draw them anything? Posted over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
Draw my OC, amber? Just look at my icon. over a year ago
doctorboffin commented…
^okay over a year ago
Hmm could you draw my Oc and Kowalski cloud gazing in the park? :) over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
Three new episodes!
(unaired in America)
Operation: lunacorn apocolypse - sounds like fun.
Nut to you - no guesses yet
Terror on Madagascar - sounds also like fun! Posted over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin commented…
I think I found "Terror on Madagascar" On's in spanish though :P over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
What was it titled? over a year ago
_Lexii23_ said …
Does anyone want me to draw something for them?? I'm bored so... Yeah.. XD

Note: they won't be posted until I can get my new scanner set up!! :D

Request away peoples!! :3 Posted over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
Can You Draw My Oc Please? :D over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
How 'bout Dylan? :D over a year ago
Tressa-pom commented…
Can you draw me ? :) over a year ago
67Dodge said …
Ah, I give up writing period. Really. I decided to give up my other ones till I finish with this current one. Apparently, not even a CLASSIC HORROR NAME, flashes out to you all. Don't give me crap about "Oh but I like your fanfics!!" because unless you actually comment on it, then I don't think anyone cares that I write anymore. >:( I'm done. I've wasted 2 hours last night writing this first chapter, it's time this ignoramus is eliminated, and ALL things on this club get noticed. Posted over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
Richard, just because someone dosen't comment on your things doesn't mean they like it, I love your stories, I'm just to lazy to write out something like "awesome, story," or "I can't wait til' the next part," or "love it!" But, don't get mad... I over a year ago
BeKaTora commented…
I be on a project for you ;) I want draw a scene from your story ^^ but you all right! you need comments for your work! without comments it makes not so mutch fun to right anymore. I hope I finnished the picture in the next week ^^ over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
But it says you have 1 fan, so obviously someone read and liked it. I only have 2 commenting on my articles but I keep going for them. You should try for that 1 person. over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
I just read part of that new fanfic of yours, the title and most of the story was blocked but it looks pretty good. If you don't think it a great story you might just not be a natural at writing. I wrote 7 chapters of a story in less than an hour last year, I that easy with it. over a year ago
skipper12a said …
Hi! Official Group Project Reminder Person (GPRP) Skipper12a here. The post for the Group Project in the PoM spot is a little deserted right now, so I came to remind you fanguins about it and hopefully get more fanguins to contribute to it. We still have a little over one week to the deadline, so contribute ASAP! Posted over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
uh....contribute? over a year ago
skipper12a commented…
Contribute a picture to the Group Project. Just find/draw a picture and post the link in the Group Project post, which can be found in the PoM fan spot. over a year ago
skipper12a commented…
I remind myself. Period. over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
If any o you are reading any of my fanfics, I have too many out. I'm discontinue all but one.
I'm keeping truth in lies because I only have chapter one out.and I'm starting a new one called "diseased" and it's gutty and gory. Im posting the first chapter now. Posted over a year ago
:O I like your fanfics as well. D: Almost all of them? Even the one with all our Oc's in? over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
yes, sorry to say. over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
yeah, proves why i suck at drawing. XD over a year ago
Colonelpenguin said …
I feel kind of.. sort of.. well, maybe left out, right now... Posted over a year ago
WillyThePenguin commented…
Me too.. over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
it's okay... over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
WHAT?!?! ur never left out in my world of randomness and cookies! over a year ago
coolkowalski said …

guys plz go there! :3 Posted over a year ago
KowalSkip9 said …
Hey guys. Just thought I'd let you know, I'm not gonna be coming to fanpop very much, if at all. I just feel like I'm invisible here, and it's not near as fun as it used to be anyway. So, if you want to talk with me or anything, you can find me on dA (deviantart) by the same username as here.

Goodbye everyone. Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Bye. I'll miss you. :'( over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
bye over a year ago
ImAnEasel commented…
Aww!! That's such a shame! I've been wondering where you've been! 'Bye bye, blender! I will always remember you as a friend!' - Mort. We'll miss you!!! over a year ago
BeKaTora said …
I make a music video too ^^ Today I sitting in my room and sing the last verse :) than I must make a video with me and maybe your OCs? it concerns all the kowalski - girls ;) give a sign when your oc will be in this video ^^ Posted over a year ago
It sounds awesome! :D Good luck. :) over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
Good luck with that!! over a year ago
BeKaTora commented…
I'm sorry, but I have finnished my video. At the next time, I take a picutre from your oc :) over a year ago
big smile
Tressa-pom said …
I finished my music video. Sorry, I am late because my exams. I used some OCs’ pictures in video.Here’s the list:Dylan,Ally,Emma,CC,
Starlite,Annie,Willy,Lilly Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
what's the song you used? over a year ago
Tressa-pom commented…
We are the champions. I know fanguins pick Blackout but I like We are the champions more. over a year ago
Tressa-pom commented…
Your Amber over a year ago
JediPenguin16 said …
Hey guys! Remeber Angle's group project? We are re-launching it, and we are putting the Fans of PoM and the PoM fan stuff together!
It is, however, a brand new collage, because instead of passing the file around, simply post a link of the picture you want us to use on this forum: link this forum:
More detailed instructions are on the forum page. Posted over a year ago
skipper12a commented…
And I'll be reminding you guys every once in a while these couple of weeks to contribute. It's better if we work together, ain't it? over a year ago
skipper19 said …
A bit more. Alex loves music. Mostly alternative rock. His favorite group is Needtobreathe. His favorite song is Take Me As I Am by FM Static. He is a devout Christian also. Posted over a year ago
stlouisfan commented…
Really? My guy, Dave, is a rock fan as well. over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
My OC, amber ADORES music, anything but rock, sorry to say. Her fav band is evenescence an fav song is super bass. Amber leans toward rap music. over a year ago
skipper19 said …
Here's a bit of Alex the Otter trivia. Alex is deadly afraid of wolves. Some exceptions. Mostly on account of an accident in the millitary that he doesn't like to mention. Posted over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Ah, he won't like my OC Tom then XD over a year ago
skipper19 commented…
I did say there are exeptions, so I don't really know... over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Hmm, well Tom isn't exactly the nicest of wolves. But I guess you never know what'll happen :3 over a year ago
skipper19 commented…
Do u have a story with him. I will read it if u do. over a year ago
big smile
Skilene234 said …
:D im postin random stuff and i dont know why:D ..............PIE xDD x3 Posted over a year ago
have64 commented…
Woo hoo! o3o over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Is it... Apple Pie!? over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Pecan pie? :3 over a year ago
Skilene234 commented…
It is PIEEEEE:D over a year ago
coolkowalski said …



and bonus in movies got madagascar europe's most wanted. WOOT me wan watch!! Posted over a year ago
skipper19 said …
Does anyone have a female otter OC that I could use in my next story? I need a background OC for my next story. It has to be an OTTER (No exeptions) Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Skilene234 has one! :3 over a year ago
skipper19 commented…
The SHORT first chapter is up: link Read an review over a year ago
skipper19 commented…
Even shorter chapter 2: link over a year ago
_Lexii23_ said …
I'm hyper!!!! Or maybe on a sugar high... I don't know!!!!! I just ate a bunch of PEZ candies, a giant pixie stick, a frozen hot chocolate, and now I'm eating a Lolipop!!!!!!! Muahhaahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! SUGAR!!!! *gets a bag of sugar and throws it at everyone* FUUUUUN!!!!! *hops around singing who knows what* yaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!!! :D

You know, Fanpop really needs a crazy face thingy that you put on the posts! Dat wood be awesome! :D *falls down randomly* :3 Posted over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Bring me back a kitkat Lexii!!! over a year ago
iloveprivate commented…
I'm hyper too! XD over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
:D over a year ago
skipper19 said …
691 Fan. ...And you hopefullly have seen me on Fanpop, dA, PenguinsHQ, or Twitter before. If you have not, I'm Skipper19, a Christian, Airsofting, Happy, Content, PoM fan. I have a account but I only have 1 published story to date, and 3 others in works in progress. My animal alter-ego is Alex the Otter,. Posted over a year ago
stlouisfan commented…
Awesome. Welcome to the club. over a year ago
Skilene234 commented…
Hello!yay another otter! :D over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Colonelpenguin is right. Just watch out for this one above me XD over a year ago
67Dodge said …
One problem after another, oy, this is not a good summer..... Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
What happened? over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
No need to say, a Facebook problem that if I go on about, will get infused into the club. U__U over a year ago
Are you alright. <:( *Is worried* If you need to talk you can message me. <:) over a year ago
BeKaTora said …
This songtext...It matches perfectly of me!!!! I try to dream my life and it's great to do it. Nobody can conceive, in what a world I be lifing. But I hope, that I will born as Steff the beaver-cat in my next life :) Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
That's a good song for you Steff!!! :) over a year ago
DrBsNumber1Fan said …
Hey everyone join my pen club for my birthday it's calle drbsnumber1fan thank you Posted over a year ago
DrBsNumber1Fan commented…
My bday is tomorrow! over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
I`ll join tomorrow and say HAPPY BIRTH DAY!!!! over a year ago
ricoisawsom said …
The new penguins are comming, the penguins are comming it's on right now for those of you in Colorado and New Mexico. Posted over a year ago
ricoisawsom commented…
It shows moon cat over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
A new episode? Is it the one "street smarts"? I've seen it in Spanish! Y yo ablo espaniol over a year ago
ricoisawsom commented…
Sorta mynspanish is a little rusty also yes over a year ago
BeKaTora commented…
I have see it in german also my language :-) its a nice story ^^ Tomorrow it comes "night night ninja" :D over a year ago
ricoisawsom said …
Is any one a Irishman Posted over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
I'm Irish! But I don't live in Ireland. My grandmother was born in Ireland, my dad and me were born in American. E in new York I in Louisiana. over a year ago
ricoisawsom commented…
Cool over a year ago
coolkowalski said …

wat did i miss? :3 Posted over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
The invasion of the chickens. Good to have ya back! XD over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
^Wha??? over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
woot! nice over a year ago
ricoisawsom said …
Hello 690th fan here LONG LIVE POM Posted over a year ago
ricoisawsom commented…
I got a medal two over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
Goody news peeps! It's summer and I haw no more school! Now I can focus on fanpop! I can draw anything but penguins. I need to practice those. So I'll open up a forum, and you can. Resquet anything! Even digital. Posted over a year ago
ricoisawsom commented…
Aren't you the one who said Kowalski hates Dr. Blowhole? over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
Kinda... Yeah. over a year ago
ricoisawsom commented…
Just cirious a lot of people have this picture of Kowalski holding his flipper to his head over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
They do? Oh I am SO changing this. over a year ago
big smile
SgtSkipper said …
Hurray! I got a medal for this club! :D Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Cool. You're not drunk this time, right? XD over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Nope. By the way, I got my slipper back XD over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
Is NO-ONE on here save meyself from Australia? It really stinks... :( over a year ago
big smile
CreemyBisscut said …
Hi everyone my name is Mandy i'm the new chick here and i'd like to say hi to everyone and make friends So HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! LOL i'm random XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD anyway i hope i get to meet u all :DDDDDDDDDDDDD Posted over a year ago
Tressa-pom commented…
Hi Mandy! Nice to meet you! :) over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
Madny + CC + Extreame Randomness? over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
@Sgt: Will do! @Mandy: You're very very welcome! over a year ago
1Amberpet said …
Theres 104 days of my vacation! Summer vacation! Woot! Got off school May 22nd! Posted over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
I got off today! Go summer, boo math!!! over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
but the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it. see what i did thete? over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
♫Finding a dodo bird, painting the contenent, and driving Blowhole insane!♫ over a year ago
ImAnEasel said …
Ok, I do NOT want to insult, offend, or annoy anyone, when I say this. But... Is anyone else getting a bit sick of these 'Do you hate me?' picks (I refuse to call them polls)? I've counted about 4, so far... I just hope there aren't going to be many more. :/

... Why do I get the feeling I'm saying something terrible? Ahh, well, I'm posting this anyway... Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
I posted a "Do you like me?" pick. over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Yeah. If we hated them, we probably would've said something. :P over a year ago
ImAnEasel commented…
^ Quite. X3 over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
I made a new club for people who want to be authors ad writers. Please if you are a novelist or want to be, join my club, future authors of the world!
link Posted over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Cool. I'm not sure what I wanna be. I might be an author so long as I can travel as I please. I want to see the world before I settle, if I ever do settle XD over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
I am SO gonna be an author! over a year ago
ricoisawsom commented…
So um Im not sure about the author thing. . . over a year ago
Kait_Wolf said …
Sorry guys about the drawings Im supost to do. (Lazy me.) Im just not in a mood for drawing on computers......... Posted over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
sorry fo unnsesary caps. just excited for nothing but fanpop ALL-DAY. Posted over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Darn it! Oh well, I leave school on 13th June... FOREVER!!! over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
I'm off now :D so, let's wreck havoc to FANPOP!! over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
#There's a hundred anf our days, of summer vaication, and school comes along just to end it. So the annual problem of our generation, is finding a good way to spend it!!# You'd only get it if you know Phineas and Freb, but I just HAD to. over a year ago
coolkowalski said …
wazzup? :3

so today im going to sarawak. gonna miss you all

but don worry i be comin back in a few days. :)

wish me luck! (there is gonna be a dark cave we are entering O.o) Posted over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
I is going to miss you!!!!!! ^^ don't let any bats eat you in the cave!!!!!!!! Jk!!!! Lol ;) over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
lol X3 over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
Those of you who k ow my fox OC, shine. I've changed her name. She is no longer shine. As of now, until she does. Her name is shannah. Nothing else is changer, she still has redish-orange fur and green eyes, she still is mean, her name is just shannah. Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
ShinetoShannah. :3 over a year ago
Firegirl1015 said …
i lost my internet im typeing this from my aunt's house. i hope i get my internet soon Posted over a year ago
AnnieThePenguin said …
Ello...e3e Posted over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Ello Ello! over a year ago
Kowalski355 commented…
Hola! over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Aloha! over a year ago
Kait_Wolf said …
Hey guys.
Im not saying that im leaving, but there are times where I won`t be here. It`s mostly that I have a new hamster as a pet and Im looking after him.
Btw, his name is Coca, I named him.
Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
what's his last name? Cola? XD over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
XD He does not have a last name.......but maybe I`ll think about it. over a year ago
ImAnEasel commented…
He sounds adorable, by the way! :3 over a year ago
67Dodge said …
WHAT THE **** HAPPENED TO ******* FANPOP?! IT'S SO ******* WEIIIIIIIIIRD!!!!!!! DX Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
It's so bluuuuuue! :D over a year ago
Even though I love the colour blue, I don't like this, it reminds me too much of facebook. DX I want the old layout back. :( over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
it should be yellwo X( over a year ago
GothicPinkiePie said …
*goes on fanpop* I wonder whats on fanpo-WHOA! WHAT HAPPENED HERE?! D: Posted over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
new layout...i think over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
so awsome X3 over a year ago
big smile
mixmaster15 said …
*walks in through the door*....Uhhmmm....Hi everyone!! :D Haven't been on here in FOREVER! Missed you guys so much! Posted over a year ago
Kowalski355 commented…
Woo! Hola. i havent seen you in a loooooong time! over a year ago
starslight101 commented…
Hannah! Finally, I was so worried! I thought the person who reported Rusty returned! Whew, glad thats not the case! over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
I am sooo late on this but Yay you returned! *joins in hug fest* over a year ago
_Lexii23_ said …
Wow the style of Fanpop changed!!!!!!!!!!! Do you like the change or no? I'm liking the blue!!!!!!! XD Posted over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
I like but I was you can change the color to a different color like green, *something likr you can do to your yahoo account* I love blue though to over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
^ AHH, it doesn't. I no liky new Fanpop. I want old back! over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
The new design confused my PS3 so it turned itself off O.o over a year ago
Firegirl1015 said …
My Kitty just cut his leg I'm worred bout him Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Noooo, Kitty? D: Poor Kitty. Don't worry, I'm sure it'll heal. :3 Juuust...Make sure its, you know, clean. over a year ago
Firegirl1015 commented…
we cleaned it and doctered it up but i'm still worred cause i think its still bleading he is like a son to me over a year ago
Firegirl1015 commented…
:D over a year ago
coolkowalski said …

so im going off to Sarawak on wed. so much preperation. >.<
lol and next month is my b'day X3 Posted over a year ago
Tressa-pom commented…
Next month *takes note*. :D over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
lol X3 over a year ago
TinishaVondonna said …
Hello everyone may I ask you if you can draw me? I love everyone's drawings and I would really love to see you all draw me oh! and don't forget to add your OC in it too ^-^

your beloved friend or family member,
Tinisha Posted over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
:3 i will try to find time over a year ago
Sure i'll try, it will probably be up by tomorrow. :3 over a year ago
TinishaVondonna commented…
yay thank you! :3 over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin said …
Hey there! If anyone gets like.....bored....I made a POM meme on D.A! Use it if you want, just read the rule thingy at the bottom. It's not that bad I swear XD
~Lilly P.

link Posted over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
I might use it ^W^ over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin commented…
>w< yay over a year ago
FlameSnatcher13 said …
Hey everyone! I just wanted you all to know that i'm not new, i'm Rico4ever16/Loren, i just made this account for my other OC, Flame Snatcher. My other account will NOT be forgotten, i'll always be Loren, but i just brought back Flame for my latest RP on the forums "Tragedies" (the name of the forum might change) so, if you're interested in defeating my younger brother Shadow Stealer and his army of the dead, then feel free to go to the rp! XDDD Bai! :3 Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
One quest, do you want your brother dead or alive? over a year ago
FlameSnatcher13 commented…
Dead? He already IS dead, he controls the army of the dead, actually, here's the story: when he was supposed to be dead, he lived, at first, he was impressed by his skills, but soon, his powers began to torture him, knowing that he would never die, it just sickened him, so he turned evil, he wants the world to feel his pain, the only way to get rid of him, is to weaken him, and i'm the only one who can get closest to him and not get killed in the process. over a year ago
FlameSnatcher13 commented…
^ Thank you, you are a very awesome and noble wolf, it is an honor to have you on my team instead of shadow's. ^^ over a year ago
big smile
Kait_Wolf said …
(real life) My brother, Brain is born! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM A BIG SIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *howls* Posted over a year ago
Firegirl1015 commented…
congrats over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
Oh, how exciting! Brain is an interesting name, or is it ment to be Brian? over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
*hugs too* I wish we could see him. He sounds cute! over a year ago
Kait_Wolf said …
Is anyone else having probloms with fanpop? For me, its slow, the replies won`t show. It`s really making me mad! Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
You know what, Im taking a break............ over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
yes my fanpop is screwy today! >:( over a year ago
It's been annoying me too, when I click on a picture or something it doesnt take me to it. >.< over a year ago
BeKaTora said …
Wow very cool *_* new episodes on youtube... i be so happy :)) thank you for upload, where ever it was! Keep it up :) Posted over a year ago
big smile
Roseflame107 said …
Hey Guys My name is Ember I'm new here and ver happy to be here i hope we can all be friends :D Posted over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
Hey, Ember, My name is Kaitlyn.and welcome to the Nut Hut, nah welcome to the POM land. and I'll add ya (⌒▽⌒) over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
you has so many flippers? over a year ago
Roseflame107 commented…
LOL yes yes i do jenny :D over a year ago
_Lexii23_ said …
Soooooo.. What's up?

Ughh I'm so bored. I can't think of anything to draw, I have writers block, and it's raining and dark so I can't go outside.. Anyone else bored?? (⌒▽⌒)

You know what! We need to do something awesome! Any ideas??? ^^

Also: RANDOM MONKEY FACE!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Talk to CleverBot! I had the most interesting convo with he/she/it earlier today... over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
do what i do and daydream of pom over a year ago
Kowalski355 commented…
XDD haha Cleverbot is wierd. over a year ago
SgtSkipper said …
New Penguin Episodes! *Desc.*
Marlene wants to attend a concert in the park, but finds herself unable to go because she goes feral whenever she steps outside the zoo. 
'Smotherly love'
A maternal possum moves in with the penguins after they accidentally trash her own home, but her overprotective nature starts to interfere with their missions.  Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Ohhhhhhh, Marlene overcomes feral! EPIC! over a year ago
JediPenguin16 commented…
That sounds sooo epic! over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Yay! (⌒▽⌒) over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
Does anyone else feel randomly like crying right now? I sad, I don't know why. Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Uh, no. But I can try! (Cue concentration face)----> ಠ_ಠ Okay, not working. You don't know why? Maybe...It's hormones. Laaaaaaaa♪ over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
i just feel like no one listens to me. or wants to. over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
Aw, poor Amber. over a year ago
leonaxe said …
Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
What`s up? over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
heyo over a year ago
leonaxe commented…
great and you over a year ago
DS4ever0600 said …
Can someone tell me what's wrong with the meebo chat bar? The upgrade is sorta confusing me... O_e Posted over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
yeah. me too. it ate too much sugar i guess... over a year ago
Tressa-pom commented…
Me too :( over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin commented…
The upgrade is a peice of CRAP. It hasn't worked all WEEK -_-' over a year ago
DS4ever0600 said …
I... Have been gone... For about... O_e I don't know! 4? 5? 6? Months?! Well, here's a very simple question. If you've been in Fanpop for more than 1 year, you might recognise me... >:3 guess.... XDDD Posted over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
welcome back, i'm not going here often now ^^; over a year ago
kowalskirocks09 commented… may not also recognize me but welcome back...just call me Sally over a year ago
DS4ever0600 commented…
^ Sure! Thank you anyways! X3 over a year ago
have64 said …
Oh snap, I haven't been on fanpop for a while.... Who missed me? :D Anyway, I was on twitter (yes I have a twitter (P.P.S Twitter CAN be for stalkers) But I don't stalk people. On the other news I forget to say yesterday was my birthday (I was sick) and It was a good Birthday -._.-
How has everyone been? LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! HAVESON SPARKY 64 IS BACK! :D Posted over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Me missy youz! over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
howdy :3 over a year ago
have64 commented…
People misses me! :D Awesomeness! X) over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
Is anyone else getting logged off of fanpop randomly for no reason? It keeps happening to me more frequently now. Posted over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
yeah me sometimes' over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Hasn't happened to me so far. You on mobile, laptop or home computer? over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
I'm on my PS3's internet browser so it probably won't happen to me XD over a year ago
mostar1219 said …
If anyone's seen my fanfiction "Jiggles..... the HUMAN?" do you think Jessica and Jiggles could be an item? Posted over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
Oh my god, I remember I had a fan fiction like that a few years ago, but my plot was different. over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
try to look this one up. it's on the POM spot, though over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
I just looked at it, but I couldn't read cuz I got logged out again. over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin said …
Is anyone else not able to use their meebo? XD Posted over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
mee isn;t over a year ago
stlouisfan commented…
I can't use mine either. over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin commented…
e_e mhm over a year ago
big smile
Dustin_Blowhole said …
Pen-ga-wins. 8D Posted over a year ago
doctorboffin commented…
Awww he says it right ^^ over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin commented…
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! X3 over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
Your so cute ^w^ over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
i made a club for my oc, amber. can you join. its pretty pathetic right now. -_-
link Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
i kind of made a club for myself, too over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
I was looking for your club just now, but I can't find it. over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Joined both! ^_^ over a year ago
TheDrBlowhole said …
DrBlowholePWNS, I dearly apologize for being so mean to you when hearing of the certain conversation... I just believed that you were talking behind my dorsal fin and I thought you were mostly saying I shouldn't have even returned here... Paranoia gets the best of me I guess. It does bother me somewhat when hearing things like this so I don't exactly handle them correctly like most intend to. A public apology, for what I said on Twitter. Posted over a year ago
TheDrBlowhole commented…
Yes, I take full blame for his distress and sorrow. over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
aw i have no idea wat u talks about but i forviges you for watevers u did over a year ago
TheDrBlowhole commented…
It is on my twitter. It was nothing direct I was only releasing some of my thoughts. He rarely came on so I suspected who wouldn't even notice or care to look. I just thought he was replacing me here and I just said I'm fine with that at lest I got Twitter and Fanpop. I also said he had a bit of an attitude and more is just a fan then actaully trying to be the character. I was not bitching him out, like he supposedly suspected. over a year ago
Lt_Kowalski said …
I will admit, THIS club is rather weird.. No offense... But I think it is.. Perhaps because I am used to the other clubs I hang around on.. Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
do you think "different" might be a better term? over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
^ Then what's queer? over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
Weird is awesome. You can only know that when you've grown up with, an sometimes in, wierd. over a year ago
KaylaFoxeh said …
kowalskirocks14 said …
If you feel dumb right now, say I! I just kneed myself in the nose accidentally. Right after I accidentally wrote an essay for school on a sheet of paper I drew a great picture of rune(Cutecuddley's OC). Yep, feel the blondness. sorry, CuteCuddley. I really did a great job, and I was hoping to put it up tommorow. :'( Posted over a year ago
cattoy10 said …
Hey, listen up everybody! If you are reading this could you please join my club "Hanna the penguin :)" She is my OC.
link Posted over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
I joined your club :) over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
is it alright if i hypathetically made a club for myself or my OC? over a year ago
cattoy10 commented…
i'd join too :) PS: Thanks ;) over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
does anyone know where i can see the episodes that premiered this week? my vcr didn't record any. i NEED to see these, or i will die! Posted over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Which episodes? Have you tried over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
Yes, but the newest episode is big blue marble. over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Oh... I'm in UK XD over a year ago
big smile
new pics coming soon :D Posted over a year ago
ICY_POPPYWUV commented…
first ones out :D over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
WOW! Loving the picture Poppy! over a year ago
67Dodge said …
What a surprise that some of you "Miss me". Well then, where's all the messages or comments I should've gotten to convince me otherwise? I don't think I'll ever drop that fight. I was punished, and no one else responsible was punished. Yeah, that "You're in one of the nicest clubs imaginable" comment somewhere was so false and ambiguously fake. Not very many people are actually "nice" as they claim it to be. All a piece of piss. I've even considered quitting Fanpop altogether, bullshit site. Posted over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
hey if you want to leave its ur problem. i know i dont want ppl who say this site is bullshit to stay over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Sold by you my frenemy XD over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
@K & R:Y'know what? If you gonna act like whiny babies with bad mouths, don't expect me to say another freaking word to the either of you. Freaking idiots..... over a year ago
_Lexii23_ said …
Hey everyone.... Yes.. 4th account... Please add me.. I guess 4th times the charm here! XD

And just to let y'all know if this happens again I may not come back on.

Hope I can stay on here with all these awesome people here!! You guys rock! ;) Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Fanned you again. =l (Not that I don't want to, just annoyed at Fanpop.) over a year ago
CuteCuddly commented…
^ I don't swear because, A: It's dirty sounding, and rude. B: I'm a Christian, so I wouldn't ANYWAY. C: I can't think of one. over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
^C: Degrading? over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …
So...What's up with ya'll? Posted over a year ago
stlouisfan commented…
Tired. Work is a killer. over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Better. I can finally walk on my ankle again. =) over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
^Amen Penguin over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 said …
That's it, im cursed, I know I am. I have teste all thu week so I'll be studying when the new episodes are on, my cable is broken, so I couldn't watch anyway, I dont have a VCR (thanks, dad) so I cant record, my little sister won't let me use her tv or VCR, and my friend is out of town, so we can't watch together! GAH! My life is stupid!!! :( Posted over a year ago
Kait_Wolf commented…
That sucks........... My life at school, that damn kid is back in my class. X( He`s so annoying and he throws things at other pepole. over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
Happy B-Day in 128 days! XD over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
^You calculator!!! over a year ago
penelope101997 said …
Okay, I'm just gotta write this here otherwise I think I will explode!!! Dx What the heck is wrong with the Amber OCs people?! In this club..o.O I mean c'mon! Dx I know one Amber OC in FF.....and then I come here and I spot some other 2 (or 3) Amber OCs.....o.O Posted over a year ago
penelope101997 commented…
I know that it is practically an OC club, but all that Amber scares me....Dx over a year ago
penelope101997 commented…
lol ^_^ here *gives you a plate with freashly baked cookies* over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
Yayz! *nom nom nom, scoff scoff scoff* over a year ago
Tressa-pom said …
I am going to make a music video, I want to use the pictures of all of the Oc's .Canyou add your OC's pic on this :link Posted over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin commented…
Good luck with the video ^^ over a year ago
Skilene234 commented…
I didn't drew any of my when i drew it,it literally was a chatastrophe,so im not gonna add my Oc.:/ But oh well,:) GOOD LUCK!:D Im sure its gonna be an awesome music video :3 over a year ago
67Dodge said …
.........Life is just the most precious thing in the universe, isn't it? I figured to drop by for those who weren't there to say their goodbyes. You all probably hate me, but if you don't, good for you, because I'm not going to come here as I used to. Just to drop a comment every month or so. For those of you who do hate me, tell me exactly what did I do, besides "hurt Lilly's feelings" to you? That's all I ask of, no trolling, not here to cause a hate war, just to get more answers. Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Yay, good for me. Anywho, Hi Richaaaaard. :3 over a year ago
KJBiggestFan commented…
Bye. Really, I did respect your maturity, but I found something on this spot that you said that has pissed me off. But that aside, seeya. over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
Yes, I saw it. I was having a bad day when I wrote that question, I meant the lesbians that are extremely Hypo-Sexual about it. They bother me, but typical "I'm a girl, but like girls" is fine. Sorry I wrote that in a way that offended you. <:( over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin said …
Life is good everyone.............Life is good. X3 Posted over a year ago
Gumball17 commented…
I suppose. over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Indeed. In a way. :3 over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
Yes for you of course. Per usual. ........ over a year ago
Lexii_the_Lemur said …
Hey everyone! My account was deleted... I have no idea why.......
Will everyone please add me. Thanks!
Grrrrrr im so mad at Fanpop right now....... *sighs* 3rd times the charm right? XD Posted over a year ago
SgtSkipper commented…
I've added you :) over a year ago
Lilly_Penguin commented…
I totally added you ^^ over a year ago
kowalskirocks14 commented…
I get logged out of fanpop randomly. I added you! over a year ago