Fans of PoM Hot Potato-RP

Tressa-pom posted on Sep 01, 2012 at 06:29PM
Tressa: Hello everyone! You will ask me why we met here.
Smarty: Are you sure? I mean, maybe noone will ask it.
Tressa:*looks Smarty with anger* If you ask me why, I will tell you that *grabs a bomb* HOT POTATO! *throws the bomb*
*No swearing.
*No inappropreite stuff.
*No dying.
*No rude stuff.
*Anyone can join! ^^

Fans of PoM 39 replies

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over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin) Hmmm... *takes bomb and hides it behind back* I did nothing. *smile evily*
over a year ago kivamarie said…
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: if I seem to be getting smaller, it's because, I'M LEAVING!!! (runs away) FEET, DON'T FAIL ME NOW!!!
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
Emma: *To Kait* You're not supposed to keep the bomb you'll blow up!!! D:
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin) *gives Emma the bomb* There you go! *runs away laughing*
over a year ago kivamarie said…
over a year ago Tressa-pom said…
Tressa:LOL! Emma, RUN!
over a year ago Tressa-pom said…
big smile
Tressa:*takes the bomb from Emma and throw it to ....*
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
Kaitlyn: Hey, guys!! *bomb hits me in the Head and then lands into my arms* So, we're playing Hot Potato.
over a year ago Tressa-pom said…
Tressa: I love this game! XD
over a year ago mixmaster15 said…
Hannah: So do I! XD
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: Kaboom?
Rune: You sure you're not Rico.
CC: Yes.
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
big smile
Kaitlyn: *hides and puts the bomb in a gift box* hehe... *comes out of hiding* Hey, CC, I got you a gift! ^^
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
big smile
CC: Oh yeah...?
over a year ago Gumball17 said…
big smile
Dylan: *comes out of nowhere* Hey everyone! What are we doing? :3
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: *grabs 'gift' from Kaitlyn, and thrusts it at Dylan* Happy Birthday!
over a year ago Gumball17 said…
big smile
Dylan: It's not my birthday but alright! :D
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: *snickers* Alright, then, Happy UN-Birthday!
over a year ago Gumball17 said…
big smile
Dylan: *opens the present* :D
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
big smile
CC: *stifles giggle*
over a year ago Gumball17 said…
Dylan: *sees the bomb* *it explodes*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: *laughs&
over a year ago Tressa-pom said…
Tressa: *laughs* Ric! Where are you?
Rico:(hiding) WHAT?
Tressa: I need a bomb.
Tressa: I won't throw it to you! I just want to play with my friends.
Rico: Okay. *gives Tressa a bomb* Here. *runs away*
Tressa:*throws it*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: *laughs more* Ican'tbreath! I can't breath! HA HA HA HA HA!!!
over a year ago Tressa-pom said…
*Bomb hits CC*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: OUCH! *picks up bomb, and hands it to Rune* Can you take care of this, Runey-Tune?
Rune: Sure! *takes bomb*
CC: What am I doing?! *snatches bomb, and throws it away*
over a year ago Tressa-pom said…
Tressa:LOL! XD Ricky?
Rico:*throws bomb from somewhere*
Tressa: Thanks! ^^ *realizes Neil* Hey, Neil!
Neil: Hi Tress! Nice to meet you again. Do you know where is Dilara?
Tressa: Well, she sent you a note. *gives the bomb to Neil* HOT POTATO!
Neil: O_o

over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: *laughs*
over a year ago Tressa-pom said…
Dilara: Hi Neil! *realizes bomb* OMG! *takes the bomb and runs*
Neil: Give me back,Dily! You can hurt yourself! *chases Dilara*
Dilara: Never!
Tressa: LOL! Silly lovers!
Dilara: *throws it to Kowalski*
Kowalski: AAAAH!
Tressa: *runs to Kowalski and takes the bomb*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: *grabs bomb from Tressa, and throws it to Neil*
over a year ago Tressa-pom said…
Neil: Well, Miss... a, what's her surname?
Tressa: McClear.
Neil: Miss McClear. You want this. *throws bomb to CC*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: *catches bomb, and throws it to Tressa*
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
Kaitlyn: *laughing* X3
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: *laughs*
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Lech:(penguin) *runs pass Tressa and goes up to Kait with the bomb* Take it.
Kait:(penguin) No! *pushes it away*
Lech:(penguin) *holds bomb out* Now you see it. *bomb disapeares* Now you don`t.
Kait:(penguin) *stairs at Lech* That better not be in me!
Lech:(penguin) Um, okay. See ya. *walks away*
Kait:(penguin) *yells to Lech* WHERE IS IT!!! *sighs*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: It's on your head...
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin) *grabs bomb* Very funny.... *throws it up in the air* Merry Christmas! *runs*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
CC: *bomb lands in her flippers* AHHH! *bomb expledes*