Fans of PoM New RP.

CuteCuddly posted on Jul 06, 2012 at 01:28PM

The group has brought Rune, so she can play on the island. Everyone is just relaxing in a clearing in the forest.
last edited on Aug 14, 2012 at 08:57AM

Fans of PoM 471 replies

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over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin)... Role playing...... Role playing..... BORING!!!

(Random idea. XD)
over a year ago Gumball17 said…
Dylan: *notices a table floating in the air* Um, I don't think tables are supposed to do that.
(Randomness! ID)
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
big smile
(Hmmmmm.... we could all be getting snowcones whilst seeing a random table fly by? XD)

Emma: Yeah that's not normal. *Looks at table* O.o
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin) *looking at flying table* Who the wolves is doing that?! *sees that table is going after her* HOLY BLASTED WOLVES!!!! *runs with flying table after her*
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
Kaitlyn: *comes in with a magician's hat on and a cape* Sorry for the alarm, guys I'm trying to draw my flippers, at magic, *stops table chasing Kait* pretty cool, right?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Kait:(penguin) *stops running* You can move things with your mind or flippers? Wow, there`s alot of things that I didn`t think that anybody can do.
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
Kaitlyn: I was watching a TV show, and this guy, did something really kewl, so I wanted to try it!! :D
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee (haven't RPed with her in forever! XD) : Yes, it is, but levitating tables isn't quite as impressive as levitating tables, and singing Flight of the Bumblebee at the same time.

(Still RANDOM!!!!!)
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
big smile
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
Kaitlyn: O rly!! you want to bet, I probably can play it on my Clarinet, and levitate it!!
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: Try it. *waves hands, and brings a clarinet out of nowhere* Let's just hope you're not like Squidward... *hands it over*
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
big smile
Kaitlyn: Oh, squid ward can kiss my butt, I play the clarinet a lot when you guys aren't here (actually I play pretty, good Irl I actually play the clarinet!!) *warms up* okay, let's see if this works *starts playing flight of the bumble bee* *then starts to lift the table magically*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: OOh! I like that effect!

(do you even know what Flight of the Bumblebee sounds like?)
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
big smile
Emma: Woah I love magic! :D Y'know, about 4 years ago I would have been able to lift that with my mind. :3 * Watches floating table.*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: Really? I totally believe you. *rolls eyes*
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
big smile
Kaitlyn: *is done*
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
Emma: No seriously, I had telepathic and telekinetic powers, ask Skipper, Rico, Kowalski and Private if you don't believe me.
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: I see I'm not the only one using magic
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: Actually, you're not. I sometimes use magic. Science and magic go well together, and I have inventied some devices to make the illusion of magic, and I have discovered my own powers.
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
Emma: Well there's this little old theory that I've thought of since I was little: Magic is just science that we don't understand yet. :3 I do miss my powers, but I can live without, beucase if I didn't sacrifice them, Private and Kowalski would have died. D: (Long story) But there are still two places where I can use the powers. :P
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: Which are?
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
This island in the pacific and another planet. :3 *Looks at table.* :P
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
big smile
Kaitlyn: Kewl, emma!!
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: have you heard of Nicholas Flammel, Emma? Because that's where I heard that theory
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: There is life on other planets?
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
big smile
Emma: *To Monique* Hmm that name sounds familiar but that's probably beucase I recognise it from Harry Potter. :P *To Elcee* Yup, on quite a few, but not really any in our solar system, except for the Space Squids on Mars. :3
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: yea, I was shocked when I heard that name on Harry Potter
over a year ago Gumball17 said…
Dylan: *to Emma* Sometimes, I feel like the only one who hasn't seen or read Harry Potter. XD
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: I'm no super fan of Harry potter, either
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: *to Dylan* You're not alone. (True IRL!)
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
(Hehe I'm quite a big Harry Potter fan, I wouldn't put it in my top 10 films or books though. :P But it is really good, and funny. XD)

Emma: I think the films and books are alright but I prefer the Avenger films. :P They've got a lot of magic in but it's tied in with science so it's awesome. :P *Looks at table, now not moving* Magic is awesome. :3 *Whips out a snowcone* :P
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: yea, as said by Thor, ancestors call it magic, we call it science, but where he's from, they're one in the same.
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
(Yeah that's actually where I heard it from in real life, but my Oc has always thought that way. :3)

Emma: Yeah I love that bit it's really awesome. :D *Random thought pops into head* Hey do you guys wanna go to the island where I can use my powers? :P It's a nice place. :3 (It might make the roleplay more crazy aswell. :P)
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: sure. Maybe I can practice my powers there, too.
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
big smile
Kaitlyn: Okay, *flashes everyone to the Island that Emma can use her magical powers on*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: And, once again, my life is never normal...
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: edgebano eutusis (duplicates self)
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: And it gets more and more so every second...
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
Kaitlyn: *makes an electric guitar appear*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: Ok, now they're just torturing me!
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: torture?
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: Not physically.
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
big smile
Kaitlyn: You Want Magic Powers?*gives Elcee some Magic powers*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: That won't be nessecary. I already have some. Science based ones!
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
big smile
Emma: Ah Rainspell Island, I haven't been here in years. :3 *Closes eyes and sniffs* Yeah there's definatley magic in the air. *Looks around green meadow we landed in* Oh and I warn you lot, on this island I can read your minds if I want to. :P But I won't. :) Hmm time to test my powers. *Looks at nearby tree and makes some of the leaves come off and form together, spelling out 'Welcome'* Woohoo!!! :D I love it here! :3 *Lays down on grass and starts making the clouds into shapes with my mind*
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
big smile
Elcee: I'll have you know, I'm an android, and there is no scientific, or even technical way you can possibly read my mind. *lies down next to Emma, and shoots gantle lazors from her fingers, carving clouds* And there you have a rabbit. :3
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: (blasts powder on cloud) now with a waistcoat and a watch.
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Elcee: *sits up suddenly* Yes, it is indeed. But what purpose does a rabbit with a waistcoat and watch serve?
over a year ago mostar1219 said…
Monique: Alice in Wonderland.
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
(I knew that. Seriously. Elcee doesn't though)

Elcee: Which is...?