Fans of PoM Bouncey time! :D

Kait_Wolf posted on Apr 14, 2012 at 11:04PM
Time to bounce! *bounces around* XD
Time to bounce! *bounces around* XD
last edited on May 15, 2012 at 02:54AM

Fans of PoM 347 replies

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over a year ago kowalskirocks14 said…
Happens to me too. I jut feel like people hate me. Is it because I can't draw or write? Am I annoying? Ugly? I just hate it. When im in an rp, people just forget about me. No one knows who i am. I feel like I should never log in again. :(
over a year ago Gumball17 said…
^^Don't feel that way. No one hates you. ^Don't feel that way, either. Only people who have done something honestly hateful is even slightly hated, and neither of you have done anything like that, you're just newer =).
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
kowalskirocks14- There will be time were things go against you, but things will get better.

Gumball17- I am kind of new, close to a year or months. But I won`t give up on who I am. I just got to be less shy.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 67Dodge said…
I go through that everyday, and whenever I say something, I'm ignored anyways. -___- So suck it up. Damn, you guys get sympathy and globbed-throat sob stories whenever someone else says that. When I say it, they just say: "Don't give up!!" or "Suck it up!!" so I'm not even going to bother helping.
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
67Dodge- This might be a lame leson, like I always don`t think im saying this right. (ignore first sentence because its crap, its not inportent)

You don`t have to ingore other people because some other people ingores you. If people ingores you, then forget about them. There`s lots of other fans out there.

Hopefuly this helped you a little. If not, this is full of crap! Also I don`t talk to people, so I might not say things right ether. ._.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kowalskirocks14 said…
Oh I don't care. I'm actually PROUD I have my own lunch table. And I sometimes get no lunch. I bring mine anyway. But stuck up Camry Lauren Brooke and camryn are sick MF-ers who should just swallow a sword and die. But why share my curses with you? I only joined a few months ago. So f*** the biatches at schOol and heads up!
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
kowalskirocks14, your lucky to have your own lunch table. At my school, my always crouded in the lunch room. Sometimes all the chairs are taken and I have to sit on the table.>_< Sometimes I think the lunch room is full of yapping coyotes, they are noisey.

This forum turned into madness, you can let your madness out. But not too far. Remember, kids. Or go to your profile, I already did that....
over a year ago 67Dodge said…
@Kait_Wolf: Thing is, those "lots of other fans" ignore me too, everyone ignores me. -____-
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Not everyone ignores you. If I did, I would not be talking to you right now. Am I the only one who`s talking to you?
over a year ago 67Dodge said…
I meant on my images and articles, I don't care that anyone is telling me that they're paying attention to them. They're lying, and I can tell. -____-
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
......I...don`t know what to say...... Im just speechless.<:(
over a year ago 67Dodge said…
Then have them prove me wrong, otherwise I give up on Fanpop images and articles. Get some time back that I lost. -___-
over a year ago SgtSkipper said…
^ But me and Ninja-Penguin like your pictures... She wanted you to draw her OC. She sent you a message but it might not have sent properly...
over a year ago kowalskirocks14 said…
big smile
yay! i just oovooed with my "friends" one of them is gonna sit with me at lunch!!!! no more pointing and staring!
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
big smile
Kait, you put that I like you, you guess. Of course I like you! :D Your my best friend on here! :D You are absolutely awesome! You have such cools stories and Oc's (like bonehead :D) and you've always been there to talk to. <:) Without you on here it just wouldn't be the same. :) And don't get down about all this no one hates you but I've noticed that some of the more well known fans do get talked to more, and their pictures do get more views. Still just keep being nice and awesome and more fans will notice you. Like for me to be noticed I pretty much commented on everything on the Pom spot and sometimes I take requests (which definaetly does help)

@67dodge I pay attention to your pictures, I think they're amazing, I bloody love you pictures! :D As for articles I admit I haven't seen them but that's because I've never really gone on any articles anywhere on fanpop, I just use fanfiction. But I'm gonna put more effort into reading ones on fanpop, and seriously you are not ignored by everyone loads of people on here like you. <:) Seriously I don't get how anyone couldn't like you, you have an awesome Oc and a massivley awesome imagination (since you've been able to come up with such an awesome Antarctica :D)

And trust me you both belong here, any nice awesome Pom fan like you two belongs here. I know how it feels to be ignored, quite a lot of my pictures have had no comments too but I guess it's something that happens sometimes. Trust me they're not ignoring you for a reason but if they are (which I think is highly uklikely) then they might be evil. :O

@kowalskirocks14, they point and stare at you! :O That's evil, (I used to get it too because I'm known as the crazy Pom fan at school :P) And don't worry you belong here too, becuase your really nice and even though I don't know you as well, I can tell you're really cool becuase you've been nice to everyone on here. I don't get why no one would want to sit with you at lunch. :)

If theres anything I've learned from being on here it's that, as long as your nice to everyone, you post pictures every now and again and you comment on stuff then you should reall be ignored. But if you are being ignored, asI've already said it's probably not intentional(<----spelling? :/) So try not to get upset guys. <:)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kowalskirocks14 said…
@iluvkowalski- yeah, because I'm alone at a table while 48 other sixth grade girls try to squeeze into 3 lunch tables in a small cafeteria. But I'm ok with it! I don't tell anyone about how I like Pom. In fact, I have another whole YouTube account for it!
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
big smile
^Cool! :D 48 sixth grade girls, ouch! I'm guesing most of them arent very nice. Still being alone at the table means you can put your feet up and think about Pom. :D I'm literally known at school as 'the penguin girl' or 'the smart one' I don't mind stuf like that either, because luckily I have quite a lot of friends. But the thing is they leave me out sometimes and one minute I'll be talking to them, the next, they're running off somewhere and I don't know what's going on. I doesnt bother me much because my best best mate usually stays with me. :)
over a year ago 67Dodge said…
Honestly guys, I don't believe any of you pay attention to me, it's because I rarely get comments at all, that raises my flag that: No one is paying attention to me.
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
^ I respect that you believe that but I do pay attention to your pictures and I have commented on them too. And I know what it's like to be ignored so I try my best to not ignore anyone and pay attention to them, and sorry for repeating but I'm determind to make you see that we don't ignore and I do pay attention to you. <:)
over a year ago SgtSkipper said…
^ <:) Guy with hat on? XD
over a year ago kowalskirocks14 said…
I have on friend, but he only hangs out with 7th and 8th graders. I admit they re nice, but when I sat with them at recess some borges called 7th grade guys. I literally heard them saying behind us, thats Kelcey glass!!! *laughs*" I F**KING HATE THEM!!!
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
^:O They sound evil!! D:< There are some evil people in this world the best thing is to ignore them becuase they get bored then. Still I would have been close to punching them in the face. >:)

@SgtSkipper XD well it's really supposed to be a sympathetic face but yeah it does look like he has a hat on. XD
over a year ago 67Dodge said…
@kowalskirocks14: Damn, I deal with guys like those too, except when they annoy me, I punch them in the mouth, beat that grin off their faces and leave a bloody nose and black eye in place. ;)
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
^XD Now THAT is an awesome way to deal with people like that! >:D
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
I don't see why ANYONE on Fanpop should feel left out. There are plenty of peoples on here that could be really good friends to you. Like me. I'll be your friend if you like. Hey, you can join in my role-plays or anything any time you like. I don't want ANYONE to feel left out, so all you have to do if be nice to peoples and talk with them and just do stuff. Join in role-plays, and stuff like that.

And remember, if you EVER feel upset, and don't know what to do, you can ALWAYS message me and tell me your problems. I'll help you if I can, 'kay? :)
over a year ago ImAnEasel said…
Don't worry people, you're currently on one of the two nicest Fanpop spots imaginable (the other is the PoM spot). Nobody here will hate you, bully you, ignore you, talk about you behind your back or spread lies about you behind your back. You can do and say what you like on here (unless it's really nasty), without caring about what other people think of you. Smile and the world smiles with you, frown and the world frowns back.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Thanks everyone! Fanpop makes me feel much better. I only proublom(spelling >_<) I have now is school. Its not the teachers, its the classmates.
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
^ Why, what are saying/doing. :/ Do you wanna talk bout it? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to though.
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
They mostly causeing trouble with the teachers and annoys(again spelling) me. There are about 3 boys, throwing eracers at each others. It also gets noisey at each class, unless the teacher yells at them. I hope high school won`t be worse. O_o
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
They sound evil! >:O I'd be tempted to throw the rubbers (or erasers to you) back at them >:) I know it's really hard but try to ignore them because they then get bored and start annoying other people. Just try thinking bout Pom :) Are they in all your classes? I have kids like that in a few of my classes, and the worst one is someone i've gotta sit next to in french and now in science DX He annoyes me soo much and copies my work. But I actualy blame my science teacher because even though she's nice, before she changed the seating plan I got to sit next to the guy I have a HUGE crush on. So I don't like science that much anymore.
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Yes, we go to different class rooms, but the same classmates. X( About the eracer fights, its not just eracers they throw. They throw pencils, pens, highlighters and other things they find. I got hit on the back by one of those boys. There was a subatut(new) teacher when that happened, so he was not that much of a help. ._.
over a year ago Lilly_Penguin said…
^When people act stupid at school, the best thing to do is to not stoop to their level. I have had PLEANTY of idiots in my classes this year, and im a freshman in highschool. It's neverending O-e. As long as you don't give the teacher a reason to punish YOU, you should be able to pull through. And substitutes, they're just dumb :T
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
^Yeah subsitutes are very dumb, on thursday my Art teacher wasn't here and we had this old lady, who didn't realise I was listening to music, eating and drawing penguins! ^^

And yeah Kait, they do sound quite stupid and mean and annoying. DX Y'know what you should do. The next time they start throwing things at you, if it's their stuff then keep it and if it's the teachers stuff, then you should give them to the teacher. :)

I've had idiots in my class since I was in year 4 ( 3rd grade to you I think) and i8'm in year 9 now. I still get crap from some of them now but it's not nearly as bad since I've started standing up for myself more and became friends with a really tall guy, who always stands up for me. ^^ So I've found out that either ignoring evil people or standing up to them usually stops them after a while. Oh and I've noticed that if someones bullying or annoying you, and someone you fancy is in the class, then the best thing to do is focus on the person you like. It got me through some really horrible science lessons ^^
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Boys these days. ._.
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
^Yeah, most boys are idiots. >.< Luckily there are a few awesome guys out there, it's just hard to find them. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
over a year ago Gumball17 said…
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
This.......... is............. EPIC FUNNY!!!!!
over a year ago Gumball17 said…
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
*sees something purple* What the.... :O+O.O *picks up purple elastic band* I FOUND AN ELASTIC BAND AND ITS PURPLE!!!!! XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ILUVKOWALSKI said…
big smile
:O A purple elastic band!! :D I want it! *Gets a copying ray and copies it* YAAAY!! :D Ihave one too! :D (btw it's already 11pm in england so this will be my last post tonight. Goodinght peoples. XD)
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Good night!^^
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
Daytime!! It's day! And I'm happy for the morning!
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Its 7:00pm for me. But Im staying up and anyone knows what that means.......
over a year ago Gumball17 said…
^ Ummmmm, that you're gonna be crazy random?!? (XD)
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
EPIC GUESS!!!! *runs around, hit the camra* Ow.... Epic fail by running into the camra! XD
EPIC GUESS!!!! *runs around, hit the camra* Ow.... Epic fail by running into the camra! XD
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
Damn, its 9:40pm for me. >.<
over a year ago prodigy_lover18 said…
I feel left out because my friend keeps leaving me for this other girl and its really making me mad,but i did start hanging out with my other friend which has got my mind off of her but still
over a year ago CuteCuddly said…
big smile
Hey Kait, it's now 4:59 pm for me.
over a year ago Kait_Wolf said…
8:05am, but I have school today. >_<