Fanpop Users Something Strange About You

amazondebs posted on Feb 16, 2008 at 01:15AM
inspired from a comment by chel about having a fear of bird and beaks, i told her that i used to race pigeons, and although i do live in rural england and it's suppose to be one of our sports, sadly it is dying out and thought to be really strange by most of my friends, well anyone I've ever talked to that doesn't also own pigeons actually.

anyways i think it's one of the strange things about me, as pigeons racing is not normally a girl thing never mind a teenage thing so what's your strange little quirk, obsession, birthmark?
cause i don't think i've ever met a normal fanpopper :)

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over a year ago amazondebs said…
*i know i said used to, as my dads allergic however i plan to get some more and start again once i have my own place in the future
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Normal Fanpopper? What's that? ;)
over a year ago dazl said…
Apart from the chronic fear of Smurfs (Smurfphobia?)?

over a year ago ineedcoffee said…
strange ok I don't usually drink tea but I have a collection of teapots that my grandma started for me and now they are taking over my small apartment..:)
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over a year ago dazl said…
I can't sleep unless my DVD's are in perfect alphabetacil order.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
really? i only have five dvds sooo i don think it matter with mine lol
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over a year ago adavila said…
I don´t know if its wierd but I am not able to finish cleaning my house when I start

and I live alone so no one helps me
over a year ago marissa said…
If I know one of my books is not on my bookshelf, I have to search for it and put it back before I can do anything else.
over a year ago chel1395 said…
(1) I can't correctly say the word "cinnamon." It always comes out "cimmanon."

(2) I can't be in a room with crooked pictures. I once went to a restaurant where all the pictures in the bathroom were crooked on purpose and nailed to the wall. I nearly passed out.

(3) I can pop my thumbs out of their sockets, meaning I can always escape from a pair of handcuffs. It hurts like a bitch, though, so I don't tend to do it as a party trick.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
oh ewww *cringes* i hate things to do with bones they make me cringe *shudders*
and shudder lol
over a year ago aholic said…
Sometimes I'm talking to myself, but inside. It's like if my brain is talking with it self. Although I do it in english, in that way I also get better...

In awkward situations I think stuff like : Oh that was'nt awkward.

Sometimes I ´think of quotes from tv-shows too.

I'm really weird. But rather weird than normal right? See, I did it again...
over a year ago inespinto said…
I'm Portuguese but I think in English and I day dream A LOT!!!
I have a chronic fear of horses
When I go to supermarket I always put everything turned to the same side and aligned
over a year ago amazondebs said…
wow you guys speak so well i just assumed it was your first language
over a year ago aholic said…
Well english is a normal subject in the danish school that you get in fourth grade.
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
as you already know, debs, and some others might know, i have 3 nipples.

Also, i overeat a lot (espessially chocolate) but i'm not fat and my teeth don't have a single cavity.

and this is the strangest thing about me, i can't look at a clock if the time is anything o'clock or if i see the minute change, luckily, as far as i know, that only applies to digital clocks.
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over a year ago amazondebs said…
what do you mean you can't look?
like a phobia?

and lucky you!
*eats apple and grumbles*
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
it's sort of a phobia, i look at clocks mostly at night, and it can keep me awake for over half an hour if i see it change or on o'clock.
over a year ago marissa said…
I'm the same way, Hooch.
I can't have clocks in my roon because they drive me nuts.


*prepares self to reveil humungo-embaressing secret*


I still sleep with a rag doll.
every night.

He is a Simba doll.

Or, at least he was in his prime.

I heart him :)
over a year ago amazondebs said…
aww bless...
if it makes you feel better i have a doll that a friend made for me in my bed called william :)
over a year ago em_em said…
Humm the strangest thing about me, I can't say submarine (it comes out as subrameen) yeah that's not overly strange.
When I'm telling someone a story almost every other word is like. (So like I went tot like the shops and I bought like a cat...) I drives me mad but I can't stop now I've been saying it so long. But again yeah not a seriously strange thing.
Oh I know the strangest thing about me (so I'm told very frequently by my housemates) is that I don't like pregnancy, I think its gross. I can't stand the thought of there being something GROWING INSIDE YOU!!! *shudders a lot*. This apparently encourages people to show me pictures of women with pregnant bellies in magazines (yuk).
Sorry if this offends anyone coz I have in the past, but I just can't stand the thought of it, bluh!
over a year ago Cinders said…
If you're not weird, you're boring, right?

When I was four I watched Total Recall with my parents. When I was five, I watched Steven King's "It" with my brother while he was babysitting me. I never had nightmares, and to this day, it is hard to find a horror movie that will scare me. Although ironically, I saw "It" as a teen and it reminded me of Portugal. And scared the hell out of me. I think it's some psychological repressed memories. I &%$#ing hate my brother.

I make a high pitched gasping sound when I yawn, like a baby sighing. I can't control it and try not to yawn in public except very quietly.

Other than that I can't think of anything really weird. But I am weird. Trust me.
over a year ago dazl said…
"It" makes you think of Portugal?

Another gem from Cinders!

I had a desperate phobia of being sucked down the drain after a bath when I was younger.

I was a small child, kind of elfin, and my grandmother would tell me that I was small enough to be sucked down the drain with the bathwater. It was her method of making me get out of the bath, otherwise I would stay in it all day (waterbaby here).

Anyway, whenever I would be bathed, I would become hysterical whenever I was left in the bath and the plug was pulled. My parents didn't understand, and thought I wanted to stay in there, so they left me in there until the water was gone.

It took me years to get over this phobia, and even today I can't pull the plug when I'm still in the bath. Same goes for the sink. I am marginally better with the shower, but still can't put my feet near the drain.

Thank you, Nan.

over a year ago amazondebs said…
awww i can just picture tiny little elfvin dazl child
how sweet
over a year ago harold said…
I'm kind of a dilettante in general, so perhaps this makes sense, in a way: My secret identity was revealed some years ago, and now everyone knows that I am actually Tangent Man! Tangent Man! - unable to continue talking on one subject for very long without veering onto another topic! I always come back in the end, though...

I'm a huge fan of any kind of gaming (as long as it's not gambling!), but in recent years I have found myself uncomfortable if I play only one game at a time. I think this is related to being Tangent Man!, actually. I need to fill the blank spaces when it's not my turn with a turn in another game. At a men's weekend last year, a bunch of us stayed up all night playing a variety of different board, card, tile and spacial games. At one point, I played four games simultaneously: Go-Moku, Mexican Train, Ca$h 'n' Gun$, and Mastermind. That was more of a party trick than anything, though. I usually play two or three games simultaneously, if there are enough people to accommodate me. It's Your Turn is ideal for me for this reason.

Fanpop is marvelous for me for all the random conversations into which I can ingratiate myself - which is another Tangent Man! power: in a restaurant, party, meeting or any other crowded environment, I find myself listening to multiple conversations at once, and can't resist participating. It's probably pretty irritating for the people who are talking to me, because I'm already having a hard time staying on topic, and then I whirl around and say "Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear your comment on <x>. How do you think that plays out when <Y> happens?" Then I step back so that I can face both parties (sort of) and continue both conversations. Sometimes I add a third, but that tends to be too baffling to the people with whom I'm talking.

As Tangent Man!, I have even been reprimanded at work for doing too many things at once and thus not obviously paying attention at meetings...

Edit: I should add that all this has an obvious negative effect: I've started so many different soapbox articles that it's getting harder and harder for me to finish any one of them. I tend to write on about five of them in a day, and at this point I have more drafts saved than actual articles published. <sigh>
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cinders said…
I love this forum. I've been searching for it forever and finally found it.

I think a lot of this is great material for quizzes, folks. Watch yourselves!

New random fact: I have a brother who works for William Morris Talent Agency.
over a year ago _lina_ said…
Hmm... weird stuff about me.

Well, whenever I watch a scary movie (which is not often, because I'm a wimp, and usually end up covering my eyes and screaming at whoever's watching the movie with me, "What's happening? What's happening? FOR GOD'S SAKE, TELL ME WHAT'S HAPPENING!" - which is weird in itself) I always dream I'm a secret agent in Ancient Egypt the next night. Not joking. So far, of the dreams I can remember, I've dreamed that I had to find a bomb in one of the pyramids (except it was made of glass. Which should have made my job easier, right? Well, it didn't), that this random girl I haven't seen in over 10 years was wearing a pharaoh's headdress and was kidnapping the characters from Noddy, and that I had to stop hippos from flooding the Nile. Clearly, I'm deranged.
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
I like to gargle with Listerine. Not just routine after teeth brushing, and it's not fun, I just LIKE to do it...I gargle with Listerine every time I got to the washroom, or go IN the washroom, sometimes I go to the washroom JUST to gargle.
over a year ago maybeastarbucks said…
I eat peanut shells. I prefer them to the actual nut.

On average I read about 200 pages a day. Last week I reread the Series of Unfortunate Events (totalling 3600 pages), hence the 39 quizzes I posted in that spot. (In case you care, which you probably don't, I just finished reading The Year of Living Biblically by A. J. Jacobs and Double Wonderful by John Swartzwelder.)
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
(a bit like cinders said) scary movies dont bother me and never have, in fact i tent to laugh when people die. not on purpose, it just comes out. i just think its so funny the way people get killed in horror films hehe!

oh and also, i cant sleep without my cow blanket my mom got for me a couple years back, its just so soft and pretty. i have a corner of it over my sholder and i hug the rest lol. another one of my strange sleeping habbits is i have to have my mobile under my pillow and my nintendo DS next to my pillow, if they are not there i feel strangly empty.

i also have a thing about cows, i have cow stuff all over my room. i dont know why i lke them i just do! ♥
over a year ago amazondebs said…
high five claire i sleep with my mobile under my pillow too

although... it is my alarm
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
I can't think about breathing, when I do it means that I have to breathe myself instead of subconsiously or I'll stop breathing, it takes me a long time and a great distraction to get back.

I chew anything, and I mean ANYTHING, string, paper, rubber, whatever, (right now I'm chewing a peice of string from my jumper.)
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over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
lol debs, its my alarm too but even when i dont turn my alarm on it still needs to be there!

meeee, my mom fell down the toilet when she was 2, i tell the story to everyone just to embarrass her!

i have another one, i have a thing for handbags. for me you can never have to many, but when i am in a shop that sells them i am like dwarn to them. its like a strange power that drags me to them no matter how much i say to myself 'no this money is for something else' i always seem to get one. i think everytime i go shopping i get a new handbag. i think its now worse than an obsession, its life! ♥
over a year ago tushtush said…
I chew anything, too!

At school I can only sit on green chairs and eat from blue plates. If those are not an option I won't eat and I'll stand.

I brush my teeth for about 20 minutes a day.

I sometimes write 6 pages of the same word over and over for no reason.

I am a centaur (or am I?)
over a year ago Snerkie said…
ShadowFlame, it's just natural to concerntrate on your breathing when someone tells you to :) When paramedics (or maybe a lot of doctors) take your pulse and hold it to your chest they're checking your breathing too (just a little fact, lol)

As for me...i wake up when someone is about to say my name, dunno why but i wake up when people talk about me, lol. Also i can sleep pretty much anywhere, moved house and i had to wait in the new house for movers and my mum and sister, i was watching a dvd, fell asleep on the floor with a pillow :) door was unlocked too :x oops
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over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
I pull out my own eyelashes.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
I cannot touch raw meat. I don't care if it's covered in plastic, styrofoam, whatever. I cannot touch it. I've just got to the point where I can carry a grocery bag with meat in it (held by the handles at an arm's length). I'll eat it once it's cooked - thoroughly. Even the slightest tinge of pink freaks me out. Of course, this has always provided entertainment for cruel family members who love to torture me. Because everyone knows, making me hyperventilate is the sport of champions.
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over a year ago nosemuffin said…
Wow, my brother-in-law pulls out his own eyelashes too. Do you pull them all out? He does. It's some kind of nervous condition or something, I don't know the name for it. He's very sensitive about it and doesn't like to talk about it.
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
I stop if it becomes noticable that some are gone, I don't want to look like a freak, but I probably could, I normally pull out about 6 or 7 at a time. And when I said I eat anything that includes the occasional eyelash.
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over a year ago oblix said…
not rely strange but, i cant sleep unless i have sound going on.
over a year ago oblix said…
hey hooch i do that too, and even more freaky i love the feel of biting into them, but i don't eat them.

and i do the exact same with my hair
over a year ago tinkerluvr said…
I like cottage cheese, and usually sleep with a book under my pillow.

EW! gross i can't beleive hooch pulls out his/her own eyelashes!
over a year ago amazondebs said…
hooch would be a he.... we think

my counsin pulls out her hair and yeah it's a disorder called some like tricotilomainia, i don't think that's how you spell it but you say it

tric(Trick)co(and oc, as in company)tillo(like kilo but with a t) and then mania
over a year ago dazl said…
My eyelashes just come out.

Weird fact: I know how to put up soffit and fascia.

Weird fact: I am great with a hammer and chisel.

Weird fact: I am not allowed near power tools. My dad says so. Something about me cutting off my thumbs.
over a year ago ladolcevita said…
OMG! Claire! you have cow stuff all over your room as well!!!
I Have A bad habit of singing out loud in really boring rooms.
Not classes or movies. Rooms. Say, if there wasn't anything interesting in a room, i would start singing.Or Screaming. If It
was really really boring, i would start screaming. The Worst thing is, that i can't control it. So I Have to bring all my posters to anywhere we go on holiday.

2. If Anything i see is Red, i get dizzy. If There's alot i sometimes faint.
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
if my hair grows the slightest bit long I start to grow sideburns, if my hair ever reached the bottom of my neck I'd most likely look like a victorian lord, if it passes my shoulders, I may have an Abraham Lincoln style beard.

I have a freakish amount of dandruff, I mean really freakish.
over a year ago Snerkie said…
Fact: I own a pair of ear muffs yet i have never been to the snow and it doesn't get HEAPS cold, lol (they have bear heads on the ears ^_^)

My nails grow at an amazing speed.

My current pyjama pants are being held up by a hair tie 'cause the elastic died...that strange or just weird??
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
i think thats strange snerkie :p
hooch, nice, did we really need to know baout you dandruff!

i am a nail bitter, *hangs head in shame*
i cant help it! i have tried everything to stop!
oh and to top it all off, you know that nail polish that you can get that tastes horrible so you dont bite your nails. well i like it! when i was little my mom found me drinking it out the bottle, she won't buy it anymore just in case!
its just so tastey! ♥
over a year ago Snerkie said…
pff, i like my saggy pants :P

oh no claire...*bops you on the head* i HATE nail biters. Everyone around me knows that, i've slapped their hands when they do it around me like a bothered mother, lol

another "strange" fact: i like doing the dishes and wiping down benches :) i feel satisfied to see everything all nice and clean
over a year ago amazondebs said…
okay claire that is weird that stuff tastes foul!

since it's summer you should get some dandelions split them open and put that juice on your nails, trust me it's way cheaper than the bottle stuff (well duh it's free) and no one, no one will ever like it, and it's actually good for you incase you do start drinking it lol oh and it's good for whitening tips
over a year ago germany123 said…
i HATE doing the dishes ( i dont now i have a dishwasher.. i stuff everything in there ..and if it melts or cracks- well i cant have it in my house then. i REFUSE to wash anything by hand) but i do like to scrub the toilet. i hate the whatchamacallit (google says) lime where the water runs down...i might have even scrubbed that with a toothbrush ;)