Fanpop Users Happy Valentine's Day!

inespinto posted on Feb 14, 2008 at 12:16PM
So I'm not a fan of Valentine's day mostly because I find it a little stupid that everyone feels obligated to celebrate their love one day a year and the ones that are not in relationships are constantly pursued by mistaken conceptions of love. Also, to match my disdain for this day, today I'm sick so I'll be staying at home where hopefully no one will ask me 'So it's Valentine's Day! Isn't it great? How is your love life?' which I will be forced to answer that I don't have a boyfriend and people will give me that sad face that I loathe.

Anyways, in spite all of this not so cheery speech, I wanted to wish Happy Valentine's Day to everyone here at Fanpop. Everyone is always so nice and so honest at the same time and I love that. So be happy and if you love Valentine's go and celebrate it and feel free to share it here, if you don't also feel free to share that here!

Fanpop Users 8 replies

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over a year ago llerenaprincipe said…
happy valentine's day =) to ya'll
over a year ago nshlois said…
thanks inespinto,happy valentine's day to u 2!:)
over a year ago chel1395 said…
Happy V-Day to everyone!! How adorable is the Fanpop Love logo!?!? :D
over a year ago edennirvana said…
Thank you inespinto!

Felíz Día de San Valentín! Happy Valentine's Day!

I always have rotten luck on this day but hey! that doesn't stop me from wishing everyone a great day! Have fun!
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Same to you, inespinto. =)

Personally, I think Valentine's Day was a "holiday" created by card, flower, and chocolate companies to rake in some cash. But that's just me. ;)

LOL, I just remembered... you guys should've seen the women's lingerie section at Wal-Mart yesterday. Crawling with desperate men. One guy in particular had flowers, arms full of chocolate (apparently, it's against "guy-code" to use a shopping cart), and still looking for more... I was very amused. =P
over a year ago dazl said…
Happy Valentine's Day!

I got a rose off some college student today who was giving 'pretty girls' (his words, not mine) roses to highlight Singles Awareness Day.
over a year ago ineedcoffee said…
lol dazl, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
over a year ago Cinders said…
I totally agree with you 100% inespinto.

And daz, it's good to see that the Irish are keeping Singles Awareness Day Alive. I've said that to folks here and they just frown and say, "You mean Valentine's Day?"