Fanpop Users Most Likely To...

hooch-is-crazy posted on Jan 23, 2008 at 04:14PM
this is a random game that i made up after watching some american TV show where someone says i was voted most likely to do this in high school, now you ccan say i was voted most likely to do this on fanpop.

what you do is, somebody says who's the most likely to (insert thing someone might do) on fanpop, like this reletively weak example

person 1: who's the most likely person to be a millionairre in a years time on fanpop?
person 2: eden, dazl makes a million first from fannapping johnminh but she scares her with a smurf and takes the money for herself.

the best thing to do is come up with something where a funny reply is easy or a funny question.

i showed the one where you can reply easily in the example, here's a random question in the real thing.

who on fanpop is the most likely to marry a demented hamster that carries a shotgun everywhere he/she/it goes?
last edited on Jan 23, 2008 at 04:16PM

Fanpop Users 70 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 70

over a year ago dazl said…
who on fanpop is the most likely to marry a demented hamster that carries a shotgun everywhere he/she/it goes?

I think chel1395. Actually I think this may already have happened. It would explain her picks...

Who on Fanpop is most likely to star in an award-winning musical based on the life of a penny?
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
i'm sorry i forgot to tell you, add it if you want dazl, that you should come up with a story of how it happens.
over a year ago dazl said…
Nope, my fault, I misread the post.


Chel1395 meets this hamster on Fanpop (both sharing common interests such as hamsters, The US Ofiice and insanity). Agreeing to meet in real time, chel overcomes her prejudice of interspecies dating and its love. For a wedding present, chel gives her hamstery-wamstery a shotgun to compensate for his short stature. The hamster vows to never let it out of his sight.

Romantic, ain't it?
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…

and i forgot to post it, it's my fault.
over a year ago Cinders said…
Chel sounds made for that hamster. What's his name (or is it "hamstery-wamstery"?)

And to answer your question, daz-- Temptasia. She's fanpopping on the link when her daughter comes up and shows her a penny she found in the sandbox. Temptasia (in her "acting mood") wonders how said penny got in said sandbox and begins on a script immediately. She sets it in Ancient Rome where everyone is wearing kimonos and speaking ebonics. Having PkmnTrainerJ write the music, and throwing dazl in the role of "Erroneous" for comic relief, she some how comes up with a masterpiece and stars as the main character, "Abracadabra Lincoln" and dresses in copper.
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
cinders, you need to add a new most likely to question.
over a year ago Cinders said…
Ah. Yes, that would be intelligent.

Who (on Fanpop) is most likely to get convicted for an obscure and harmless felony?
over a year ago chel1395 said…
QUESTION: Who (on Fanpop) is most likely to get convicted for an obscure and harmless felony?

ANSWER: edennirvana
She is arrested outside of johnminh's house, going through his garbage. She manages to pocket a empty Lays potato chip bag and a used lavender-scented dryer sheet before she is taking off to jail. After spending 48 hours in jail, she resumes her place outside johnminh's house. Nothing, not even a restraining order, will keep her away.

QUESTION: Who is most likely to someday try and seize control of Fanpop from the Fanpop Four?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago meeee said…

I don't think I need to explain this answer but she used her army of smurfs(her crazy hamster husband helped!)

next question:
Who on fanpop is most likely to get around the world in 80 days?
over a year ago amazondebs said…

it's far in to the future and she becomes paranoid about the trolls and so she embraks on a hair raising adventure taking with her just a sack of doorknobs and some tro*cough* chese and bread she searches for a land that is not ruled by the trolls

next question:
who is most likley to become extremley famous?
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
knifewrench, but for the wrong reasons.

in the future, he loses all his senses and gets his flamethrower mixed up with dazl's tro-cheese on toast, oh, if it hadn't been for my low-fat, high smurf diet it could have been me.

who is most likely to kill me?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago marissa said…

she was worried that by you reminding everyone that you were never invited, people would think she was mean. to stop this, she got the newly-formed fanpop SWAT team to wack you :P

Who is most likely to make/break a world record?
over a year ago harold said…
QUESTION: Who is most likely to make/break a world record?

ANSWER: DrDevience, for most people slapped in a 24-hour period, previously held by Slammy the Slap-Happy Seal as part of his Bavarian biergarten act at SeaWorld, wherein he trooped around the amusement park in a tirolian hat, hilariously slapping every visitor at least once while Shamu played polka music on a monstrous big accordion. DrD almost didn't get the credit on a technicality (uncertainty over whether virtual slaps count), which was resolved when she bought all the Guinness Book of Records people sauerbraten and pretzels...delivering them with another slap apiece.

QUESTION: Who is most likely to succeed as a stand-up comedian/ienne?
over a year ago Temptasia said…
ANSWER: ThinkPink, she is halarious, she can always make me smile!

QUESTION: Who is most likely to be friends with everyone on Fanpop?
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
QUESTION: Who is most likely to be friends with everyone on Fanpop?

ANSWER: Dazl, after deciding not being her friend is a form of trolling.

QUESTION: Who is most likely to blow up the world? (be it on purpouse or by accident)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Temptasia said…
ANSWER: Knifewrech, he took playing with fire a little too far this time.

QUESTION: Who is most likely to stalk the Fanpop Four?
over a year ago dazl said…

He decides that anonymous stalking of the other three is the easiest way to ensure that they are not trying to take Fanpop from his clutches. However, in order to throw the other Fanpop Lords off his trail, he pretends to be stalked as well.

Who is most likely to enter Miss World and win?
over a year ago amazondebs said…

he disguises himself as a very beautiful woman and his talent is turning any subject in to something dirty and doing the splits

who is most likely to create the worlds best invention?
over a year ago Cinders said…
*In addendum to debs' brilliant answer: And everyone knows that all Asian men make great cross dressers and are often prettier than real women. I'm sorry, but it's true.

Who is most likely to create the world's best invention:

DrDevience. It's a machine that can slap people so hard that it can cure ignorance. It can also slap multiple people at once. It has those giant Mickey-Mouse gloved hands.
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
cinders, you've done it again, you need to add a question.
over a year ago Cinders said…
Dammit. I suck at this.

Who is most likely to win an Olympic medal but then trip and fall on their face when they accept their award?
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
dazl - helped by the a.t.s.o.f., you see all the other competitors were trolls, so the a.t.s.o.f. had to stop trolls winning medals, so, just before the 100m sprint, i took eden hostage, while temptasia's daughter and knifewrench killed the other competitors, but dazl can't run, she fell flat on her face in the race a lot too.

who is most likely to control the minds of the other fanpoppers to take over the world?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dazl said…
Might have helped if I was sober at the time.

Answer: I really want to say me, but it has got o be alinazeer.

Alinazeer, the male version of Temptasia, decides that we Fanpoppers are horrible people, and sets out to construct a 'Makenicer' Machine. Achieving success, he starts with Fanpop, soon the world beats to the tune of Ali's drum.

Who is most likely to win a Darwin Award?
over a year ago Temptasia said…
Answer: knifewrench and his antics with fire

Question: Who is most likely to graduate college with a 4.0?
over a year ago EverybodyLies said…
Answer: blisslikethis

She convinced the board that all classes in [insert college of your choice here] needed to be based on grammar and Internet literacy, her specialties. So she aced it and made top in her class.

Question: Who is most likely to sit on the couch all day with only a butter knife and an empty KFC bucket?
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…

you may not have heard much of him but his icon and motto say it all

who is most likely to be kicked out of fanpop over a b.o. problem so bad it travelled to other people's computers and killed them?
over a year ago babybell said…
I'm not sure i dont think i know enough people........ its a hard question to....
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i'm goint to say me

just because i don't want other fanpoppers to get offended if someone else picks them *shifts eyes* honest

who is most likley to fix the fanpoppy awards?
over a year ago marissa said…

She's in the perfect spot to do it. How would suspect the ones counting the votes! Then she'd use her debating skills to convince us all she was right all along!

Most likely to end up living in a tree.
over a year ago HannaK said…
Chel, because her hamster husband turned out to be a creep so she is hiding in a tree.

Most likely to die by a murder/stalker
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…

but more by hostage-taker.

most likely to give weapons to animals to see who would win in a fight?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago marissa said…
he ran out of things to burn and decided he needed a new form of entertainment.

("Come here little puppy, don't you want to hold the butcher knife?")

Most likely to have been a Roman God in another life?
over a year ago amazondebs said…
dave or one of the other fanpop four

they are gods of fandom in this life so it sort of fits don't you think?

most likely to try and take over fanpop/fandom?
over a year ago marissa said…

Once she has a red medal in every spot, there'll be no stopping her!

Most likely to start/sing in a Boy Band?
over a year ago maybeastarbucks said…
PkmnTrainerJ and benji... their first hit: Guy Love.

Most likely to start a mission to take down MySpace.
over a year ago amazondebs said…

her hatred for myspace forces her to do a none violent protest against myspace, which lasts for 2 and half years before she succeeds with help of the fanpopkateers

most likely to star as themselves on the simpsons
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
maybeastarbucks, if he's milhouse he already has.

most likely to kill themself.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
hooch why are yours so awful?
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
marriage (to hamsters with guns) isn't awful at all!
over a year ago amazondebs said…
*looks scared and confused*
over a year ago amazondebs said…

aftwe he has played with gun, knifes, nuclear weapons and several other weapons he decides to look for something even more dangerous and comes across DrD's lab but out smarting all her intruder DrD leaves a box marked 'secret really dangerous weapon' which hooch can't resist but when he opens it he blows himself up

who is most likely to get together at the bliss and cinders wedding?
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
Cinders and John

It turned out John liked all this stalking.

Most likely to live in a cardboard box?
over a year ago Temptasia said…
Answer: MayBeAStarbucks
None of us have ever seen him... who know's he could be fanpopping out a cardboard box next to a starbucks with a hotspot :P
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
What's your most likely question, Temptasia? We can't continue untill you ask it.
over a year ago Temptasia said…
Sorry :P

Most likely to work in the same job for 20+ years?
over a year ago harold said…
The Question was: Who is most likely to work in the same job for 20+ years?

The Answer is: PkmnTrainerJ.

He finds that his blogs are so popular that he starts selling adspace and lives off the proceeds forevermore, gradually adding more and more blogs to his repertoire and thus being responsible for a greater and greater slice of the media reporting on TV, film and video games. Then, finally, after 22 years, when he has finally combined all human media coverage into his blog empire, looking out over the world from his Crystal Fortress atop Mount Fuji, he will at last weep because there are no more worlds to conquer.

The Next Question Is: Which user is most likely to be contacted by a national government regarding the skills he/she has exhibited on Fanpop?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Which user is most likely to be contacted by a national government regarding the skills he/she has exhibited on Fanpop?

aholic - his knowledge of every country on the map is sure to be an asset to any government looking for control (or blackmail).

Most likely to Fanpop while under the influence of mind-altering substances?
over a year ago amazondebs said…

do i really need to explain this one lol if you read her comments from a few nights ago

most likley to win the Wimbledon cup from cheating
over a year ago dazl said…
Thanks Debs.

Most likely to win the Wimbledon cup from cheating?


Her addiction to coffee turns her into a super speedy, jittery athlete. While on this coffee high, her paranoia grows, leaving her convinced that all the other competitors are out to screw her over. The night before each match, she enters her opponents rooms and amputates legs from the knee down. Since everyone eligible to compete is maimed or too scared to play, she wins by default.

Most likely to go grave robbing?
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
Most likely to go grave robbing?


after Eden has been fanopping less she decides to look for her, and obviosly the graveyard is the first place she looks, she dug up 565 dead bodies before realising Eden was in a different graveyard.

Most likely to die trying to fake their own death?