Fanpop Users "Exclusive" Spots

kateliness2 posted on Nov 19, 2007 at 03:25AM
How do you feel about exclusive spots where you are supposed to be invited to join?

I personally feel that they are against the whole spirit of Fanpop, to be together as a group and to let everyone join if they like.

Fanpop Users 34 replies

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over a year ago maybeastarbucks said…
They sicken me.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
I think this is the first time I will entirely disagree with both of you. Don't think I am biased because I am part of those spots but you guys are putting way too much thought into this. Fanpop is all about FUN. People are allowed to make whatever spots they choose to whether we like it or not. If spots are inappropriate in any way the Fanpop Four will handle the situation. The last time I checked we are free to join whichever spot we desire so why should a so-called "invite" be a hindrance to that? People make these spots for fun and I don't think they are created to exclude any one. It's interesting to see how little things like "exclusive" spots matter that much as to say that they sicken you.
over a year ago Snerkie said…
I know of one spot that is "exclusive" and it states in the spot title (unless it has been changed) "do not join if you are not invited" (or something along those lines). There are younger people here that don't like being not included...heck, no one likes to miss out on things. The things that are in the spot could be done in Fanpop users and through private messages, etc.

I don't see a need for them really.
over a year ago doonis said…
I agree with Snerkie. I don't hate them or anything, but I don't think they should be made.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Snerkie, the people who are making these spots are younger than you but I do understand how people can feel left out. I also think that it's not that serious so just join them if you think it is so important to be included in them.
over a year ago Snerkie said…
They seem to get a bit snappy at people...people are just following their little rule of no joining. It's like high school with the stupid little cliques and you're not always going to be accepted in some when you'd like to be.

"We wanted to make discovering and sharing content fun, easy and social."

The last, that spot is a social spot for...oh...20-30 people?

This is just like how you don't own a can't and shouldn't even try to exclude people from a spot.
over a year ago Lila856 said…
Why is this being made into such a big deal? If you really "don`t see a point" in them, good for you! No one wants you to, the group members are just having some fun & making a little spot here just for themselves geez.
over a year ago Snerkie said…
because that isn't what Fanpop was created for. It was for EVERYONE to share interests with each other, those spots are to share interests with certain people that they pick out. Their are younger children here...we all know how it was when we were younger, some might not accept the whole "you're not allowed here" thing.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Snerkie, why are you stressing this so much? Why don't you just report the spot and see if the Fanpop Four delete it. If the things that happen in the spot bother you so much then don't even go into it. Also, all you have to do is click on join this spot and there you go! Do you join every spot that is created? People can make whatever spot they choose to so you need to get over it.
over a year ago Cinders said…
I think it's juvenile, but if they enjoy it more power to 'em. Personally, a spot like that holds no appeal for me, especially after I read some of the forum posts which seem very... I don't know, it just doesn't interest me.

I understand why people feel left out, but I also agree with Lila that it's really not so big of a deal. I'm surprised people feel offended just because someone says they can't join (which is technically an empty threat as there's nothing whoever made these spots can do to STOP anyone from joining). It's surprising, considering even if it wasn't "exclusive" I probably wouldn't want to join because I have no idea what they're talking about in those groups, as it's not a group I share interests with.

It's just like, you stumble across a group that you totally don't relate to, or don't share an interest in the subject of the group. Like you stumble across a My Little Pony spot and say "Dude, I prefer GI Joe." You just ignore it. Now say someone slaps a "invitation only" sign on the door, suddenly even the GI Joe fans really want to join the spot too. Why?

I understand how it can be hurtful to be told you can't join a group without being invited. But remember that the people who say this really have no power to enforce that rule, and it's kind of like little kids making a fort and claiming it's a castle. If it makes it fun for them, let them have it, and if you feel like you've been excluded from the castle, just knock down the walls and move on in! I mean, really, what can they do about it?
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Cinders your comment is juvenile. Do you realize the majority of the people on the spot are under the age of 15? I was asked to join the spot by ilovehinder because it meant a lot to her. This forum keeps getting more and more ridiculous by how much people seem to stress one spot. These kids just want to have fun, God forbid they were committing a crime.
over a year ago Cinders said…
I'm sorry maybe juvenile was a poor choice of words. I didn't mean to condescend or cause trouble. My point was I'm not interested, and I don't think it makes a difference if there's an "invitation only" sign or not.

I've often said it's not how things are intended, it's how it's received. Even if folks had good intentions, if it hurt a person's feelings well, that's not the person's fault. I don't think it's fair to dismiss their feelings entirely.

I am sorry for calling it juvenile.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Snerkie said…
kathiria i'm not stressing it, i don't think anyone is stressing it just someone asked for opinions of these types of spots and we're all giving our opinion. What's so wrong about that? Is there a problem that people have a negative view against these types of spots and you have a positive one? Can we not have a different view point without it being called ridiculous?

I'm explaining why there shouldn't be exclusive spots. Why that spot is like a private duplicate of this spot unless they're some sort of super team that needs their own spot.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
It's all good Cinders because that is your opinion. Why do some people care so much to the point where they feel left out? What are they being left out of? If I make a spot on my favorite band and you don't like the music, does that mean you feel left out? That spot was created by ilovehinder for her favorite fans so WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL? If it means that much then just join the spot, I'm sure ilovehinder won't hunt you down.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Since when has the spot been private or exclusive? The last time I checked you can see the spot in plain view under pending spots. My opinion isn't positive or negative just an open-minded one. If it were a spot promoting crime, anything harmful or vulgar then I would have a problem with it.
over a year ago Lila856 said…
YESSS I totally agree with Kathiria. & Snerkie, if you`re not stressing about it, STOP COMPLAINING.
over a year ago Cinders said…
OK, I think I can explain better now. All I was trying to do with the above post was to improve the feelings of those who feel left out. I was trying to make them understand that it was all in fun-- hence the fort metaphor.

The thing is, it's obvious feelings have been hurt regardless of the original intentions of this group. They may have done it for fun, you know, and it was probably all innocent in the beginning, but by the reaction it got, I mean, it's obviously become an issue to someone, though I agree that it has gotten out of hand.

The fact of the matter is, people do feel left out. You can't just dismiss that. You can say people are overreacting, and you can tell them to feel better, but it won't make them feel better. In fact it might make them feel worse by making them feel bad for voicing that they've been hurt.

Look. I have no issue with any exclusive spots. I don't advocate for getting rid of them, or for reporting them. I do think that this is obviously an issue that needs to be addressed.

I think what people need to remember is this:

A) You can't ever exclude someone from a group because you don't own that group. If it says so, it's part of a game, and you can choose to follow the rules or not. I think it's telling that just a phrase, words, no actual exclusions, have gone so far as to cause a ruckuss. I guess it shows how much we respect boundaries on this site (yeah, it's a good thing!) and how we actually read what the spot's about and don't just join wantonly. We don't want to upset anyone by breaking the rules. Yay us! But if you really want to be invited and follow the rules, I'm sure if you asked someone in the group in a private message if you could join, they'd probably let you.

B) That this site was made about the people who made it-- not as an offense to you. Though it may feel like a personal insult that you weren't invited, it seems these were made for people in this group to have something of their own, with good friends. It may seem exclusive, but like I said I'm sure if you'd ask, they're not so exclusive as to deny you.

C) If people are offended or hurt, it's not fair to just dismiss their feelings. People have feelings for a reason, and telling them they are acting ridiculous doesn't make those feelings go away.

D) Fanpop is a happy place. If I offended anyone with any of my comments here, my sincerest apologies.

I hope I drafted this correctly. It took a lot of thought.
over a year ago Lila856 said…
I really get what Cinders is saying. I guess it can be hurtful to some of the more sensitive people out there & you can`t really stop anyone from joining. It`s all in good fun though & if they really wanna join an "exclusive" club that bad, they can just make their own! LOL. Very well put, Cinders!
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Please read what I put. I did not call anyone or their comments ridiculous. I called the amount of attention this spot is getting ridiculous. I don't see a problem with it because you don't have to ask permission to join any spot. I do understand your point though Cinders.
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Wow, this is a debate. Ok, here are my thoughts:
The point of these spots is to exclude people whom the creators don't deem worthy/aren't friends with/whatever.
That is, in my opinion, not what Fanpop is about.

over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Also, while Cinders has a valid point, I do disagree on one part that and would like to point out that sometimes people don't just want to join because they want to feel they're a part of something 'exclusive', but because they are actually interested in the content of the spot.

There is more than one of these, by the way.

Let's say I made an Exclusive Disney spot (I'm just picking Disney because I'm a huge fan) and I said that you weren't going to be invited unless I deemed you a big enough fan of Disney to be a part of it and if you joined anyway, you wouldn't get exclusive emails, messages/somehow wouldn't be totally included. Yes, it is lots of fun for me to have that kind of power, but is it really necessary? Like I said, the point of the spot is to exclude.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Kate, why do YOU read so much into it? How can you make up your own opinion about what or who the spot was intended for. You obviously have no idea. How can you say people who are not asked to join are not worthy? That is the most absurd thing I read all day. Do you know who ilovehinder is? Have you ever interacted with her in any way? The spot is a place for HER friends not mine or anyone else's.
over a year ago Lila856 said…
OKAY kateliness? There is a disney spot for everyone & there should be - it`s a public thing. Whereas Ilovehinder`s personal relationships AREN`T. Again, if you`re gonna cry about it, go make your own special spot!
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
I have no idea what you are talking about, but you comment does make me feel like crying. I was talking about the Finer Things Club and just exclusive branches from other spots (like the Office) in general, is that the one that she made?
I'm sorry; I didn't mean for this to hurt anyone. I just wanted to know what people thought.
I do know who ilovehinder is. I am a fan of her. I don't particularly know her well, but she seems nice.
I have no idea what spot you are talking about, when you talk about a spot for her friends.
I didn't mean to make you angry.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Kate you know I am a big fan of you and I don't want to make you feel bad at all. The spot that is causing so much attention pretty much all over Fanpop is the Secret Society of Crazy Fanpoppers. It was all made in jest and look at all the unnecessary attention it has received. The Finer Things Club makes me laugh because it is pretty much like the one in The Office. It is all for fun and I believe the creator also invited people he knew so no need to take that one personal either.
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Oh, and to what you said up there: "How can you say people who are not asked to join are not worthy?"
I was just trying to stress how silly it is to not include people in things that everyone should be included in. (Not talking about the Secret Society spot that I just learned existed, because that sounds more like a group of friends or something, although I must say that if you didn't want people to want to join, you shouldn't have given it such a cool name ;)

And Lila, sorry to upset you, but I don't think that you should assume what spot I'm talking about or if I'm even talking about a specific one at all; there are more than a few of these 'exclusive' spots. Please, there is no need to get defensive I'm not accusing anybody, just asking people what they think and then giving my opinion. I don't think its mature to tell people to get over their opinions, especially over something trivial like this.

I'm starting to wish that I hadn't made this forum, I don't want people getting upset, I again, just wanted to know opinions.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
I am not telling people to get over their opinions Kate. I want people to stop stressing the spot. They can feel however they want because it is their time being spent not mine. I realize that people will continue to stress this no matter how trivial it may be.
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
I wasn't talking to you in that part kathiria, the top part is directed to you.
over a year ago Priscilita22 said…
I was just reading the comments and I just want to say that I think when we write things online it can get misinterpreted (i realize this has nothing to do with exclusive spots but I'm talking about the arguement going on lol)

I'm pretty sure that everyone was just giving their opinions in a friendly way but that's the problem with the internet. Even if in your head it sounds nice other people might read it and to them it sounds mean.. that's why there are so many arguments online !

About the exclusive spot.. I kind of agree with everyone a little bit haha, I just learnt about it but truthfully I think it's just a spot.. There's not rule that says they can't make it, even if it makes some people feel left out. Also I'm sure the people who made it didn't intend to hurt anyone they just wanted to have some fun. So to whoever is "left out" by it, I'm sure you can just join it and be a part of it :D

But anyways, the main point of my boring post (lol) was to say that sometimes we misinterpret things online, so we shouldn't get hurt by people's comments!
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over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Of course Priscilita. Way to be neutral! :) I was just asking how people felt about them. I realize that I can't stop people from making them or inside jokes or whatever.
And I never meant for this to turn out to be such a heated argument.
over a year ago Priscilita22 said…
haha I know I could tell from how the question was asked! :) Although I do enjoy an occassional argument (haha) eventually it's nice to agree lol, although there are a lot of different opinions so it doesn't seem so easy :S
over a year ago Cinders said…
Yes, I think we should all just simmer down now.

In summation:

People feel excluded. Don't dismiss feelings. Don't assume. Understand. This topic has been beaten into the ground.

Can we call this resolved? Please?

over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Chocolate chip?
over a year ago DrDevience said…
I think there is whole lot of justification happening up in here...

My take on those spots? Dave, et al, have stated before that nobody owns a spot. You might create a spot, but it belongs to the public once it is made.

Therefore, there can be no exclusionary behavior. Nobody has the right to say who can and cannot join a given spot... I don't care what they put to the contrary.