Fanpop Users What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?

Cinders posted on Jan 18, 2009 at 08:59AM
I'm at that stage where this is a serious question for me, and I am considering it and reconsidering it everyday. Some things I want to do I, well, I don't know if I'm capable or strong enough. And then I don't know what else I could do.

Anyways in all my muddledness it occurred to me to ask what you guys all wanted to do with your lives. I am genuinely curious. Some of you are already doing things with your lives. This may be a personal question, and you don't have to answer, but do you enjoy it? Was there something else you wished you could have done?

Basically, what do you want out of life? Do you have dreams? Goals? Do you want to make lots of money? Do you want to be famous? Do you want to make an impact? Do you want to be a doctor? How about a teacher? A firefighter? A hero? A politician?

Where do you want to go? Open discussion, anyone jump in and say whatever because I really want to know.

Fanpop Users 21 replies

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over a year ago Snerkie said…
I honestly don't know, i hit that fork in the road at the end of 2007, had to find a course to do after highschool since i had no idea what i wanted to do, tried Visual Merchandising out, that lasted 1 term, so that wasn't for me. I now work in a supermarket, checkout chick (lol) and it's honestly a miserable job, miserable that people think when they come through their lives are such crap they have to take it out on you when you've been standing for 2+ hours barely moving with what feels like a broken thumb and you're pretty much told when you can go pee (although the girl behind me the other day, working a few hours and needed to pee every 15 minutes...)

So in all i don't know what i want to do, what i want to be. I'd love to make in impact in the world but i don't know how i can do that in a way where i wouldn't go to people "YOU'RE LIFE ISN'T THAT BAD, GET OVER IT!!"...or something where i can yell that at people and get paid would be great :)
over a year ago Cinders said…
You could be an inspirational speaker. ;o) ;o) You get to tell people everything about their lives that sucks, and how they can make it better by buying your book.
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
Well i know for sure that I want to be a palaeontologist. I bought paleontology/fossil books to help me study, but i have this friend who teaches me too (he's so smart at dinosaur stuff and he's younger than me but he studied from when he was one..!) I do want to make an impact to the world but no sure what to do. I am planning to go to a university in Aussie :) Right now, im still in high school and im not sure what i want to do exactly in life.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Once again, I know what you're going through. This is getting kinda weird, Carly. =P

I don't know what I want to do. I have a pretty good idea what I *don't* want to do, but that's not exactly helpful. I'm not really interested in a career, I just want a job to pass the time until I die. When I think about it, that's all I've been doing for years - killing time. Strangely enough, I'm not that upset about it.
over a year ago caintil31 said…
Right now I'm in 10th grade, so I'm really focused on college. My goal is to get into Boston University. I feel like it's the perfect place for me. If I can't get in I know I'll be crushed. So for now I need to work on bringing my B's up to A's. But it's hard because I want to go to a great college but I'm lazy and I'm worried that it's going to drag me behind greatly. I know I want to do something memorable. That's why I want to be a writer. If I write a book it'll be around forever. But then I don't want to sit around, stressing myself out trying to write a novel. My English teacher tells me I'm a great writer but in her opinion she thinks I should become a tv writer. So that's another option. I also love taking German, so I was thinking of becoming a translator or german teacher. I also love to act. There are so many things I want to do but I don't know if I can do it all. I'm so worried about wasting my life and not living it to the fullest. I want to do EVERYthing. I already have regrets because I missed out on stuff. I don't want to be regretting things i could have or should have done when I was younger. When I'm old and dusty I want to be satisfied with my life. I want to be able to feel like I've done everything.
over a year ago Cinders said…
hellgirl: That's fantastic that you have such a specific plan ahead of you! I really encourage you to continue with it, if you really love it. I'm sure that if you still love it by college, the courses will only further strengthen that love. Many of my college courses have definitely interested me in other things in life. So go for it! I do a little cheer dance for you! LOL! Maybe you'll make some grand discovery and that's how you make an impact. There are many ways to change the world. :o)

DarkSarcsm: You're more of the work to live type, than the live to work type. Coooool. It's OK to kill time with stuff. I do it all the time myself, really, with video games (lol). But do you want anything else out of life, if not a career? The two big things people want in this world tend to be either a career or a family (or both). No offense but you don't strike me as the family type either. So do you know if you want anything else? And by the way, it's totally fine if you don't. You can figure these things out along the way. Sometimes, things just happen to you that you don't expect.

caintil31: It sounds like you have a world of opportunity sprawled out at your feet! You really are a girl of many talents. Many aspiring writers hope to create something memorable, but you're completely right. They stress themselves out trying too hard. Just try writing for yourself for a while. You may be surprised at what comes out. Also, writing is an easy career to double up with something, at least in the beginning. You could pursue something like the German thing, and maybe act in community theater (unless you're really serious about acting, then I recommend going to school for it). You're right, it seems like you have a lot of choices. This is a good thing, believe me. :o)
over a year ago funnyshawna said…
I'm only a freshman, so I haven't started really looking into schools yet, but I know i want to do something art-related. I'm thinking graphic design type...
I don't know all the details yet, but something that involves art (and graphic design is mostly on computer, which is also something i'm good at) would be my ideal choice.
over a year ago l3371 said…
big smile
Not...sure yet.Something that gets me out of my house.Maybe I'll attempt stand up comedy!XD Nice question,hon!^^
over a year ago yoyoder said…
I'm a sophomore in high school. Last year I didn't care because everything seemed so far away and I thought I had plenty time to think. But now time seems to be going really fast. My strengths are like school in general. I get all As or A+s. I don't know school stuff and test taking just seem to naturally. And this may seem really great but I don't know what I really want to do or what my skills really are if I had to be put to a harder test then just studying a book. I know I want a job that helps people. The two top choices for me are teacher and doctor. Teacher because if my strength is school I would probably do fine teaching it, and because I like kids. I would also like being a doctor but I'm not sure if I would be able to do everything and I don't want to waste time and money going to college to be a doctor and end up not being able to. So, I don't know what I want to do. I'm just letting time go by I guess.
over a year ago tushtush said…
I want to be a biochemist. I think it will be really fun. :D If that fails I want to be a doctor and/or rockstar, then earn masses of money, retire at forty and become a part-time Vietnamese pot-bellied pig farmer. Most of all I just want to make a difference to the world and have fun. I wouldn't mind creating a sitcom or something, though, but that's even more unrealistic than my other ambitions...
over a year ago Cinders said…
Never say never, tushtush. My brother's an aspiring talent agent. So keep in touch. ;o)
over a year ago SaitoSaturno said…
Well, writing seems to be my strongpoint tlright now. I had this book "published" at a young authors convention in the 3rd grade.
But I'm also really into art. I draw manga-people say I'm pretty good-so I guess I could be a comic book illustrator for tokyopop. I like music, too. I've written songs before. Songs about love and growing up and going through problems. I just don't know if music is my thing though.
If I DO become an author then I want to make an impact on the world from what I say. Inspirational, comedy, romantic.... I'm pretty good at those genres.
I also want to get married someday and have at least a couple of kids. I want to live in a relatively nice home on the countryside for the rest of my life and write books in my office. I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like most people should die. I'm eighteen, so, chances are I need to piece everything together pretty soon.
over a year ago thirteen_times said…
I want to study philosophy and get a specialty in philosophy of religion but we’ll see how that goes. I want to find the person that I truly love and want to spent the rest of my life with, hopefully settle with them and create a family.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cammie said…
This has come about 25 years too late for me *sighs*
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over a year ago Cinders said…
But Cams, I also asked what folks are already DOING:

"Some of you are already doing things with your lives. This may be a personal question, and you don't have to answer, but do you enjoy it? Was there something else you wished you could have done?"

Course, like I said, some people dont like talking about woulda-coulda-shouldas.
over a year ago sandysilva said…
I want to be a Personal Trainer but judging on our economy hardly any one will pay to become fit!
over a year ago amazondebs said…
I want to be an actress

I often question too cinders my capability in this but hey you have to have faith and really go for it other wise i might regret it
I don't neccasarily want to be famous, i would be quiet being a small time theatre actress, money is also not a huge issue for me although i would like enough to live fairly comfortable which is pretty much food, shelter and of course a computer but i would like to make a impact I want to do performances that really make people think, very bretchian, stuff that will make people question the world around i said i don't mind what scale the actual acting is on (although being rich enough to help my [parents our as well would be amazing) but i just want to make a difference by doing what i love

wow that sounded something like from a after school special

and sandysilva there's always the upper class market you could go after they're not really hit by the credit crunch or if your young it might be better when you have done all you training and such like i said before you got to try or you will never know

oh and by the way cinders if you brother wants a brilliant young actress for his agency you know who to put him in contact with right ;)
over a year ago Cammie said…
I read what you asked, Cinders. My answer is based on those woulda/shoula/coulda's of life.
I had great ideas and aspirations when I was your age and even younger. I knew exactly what I wanted and where I was going, but I guess somewhere along the way I took a wrong turn.
Not to bore anyone with my life story but I did want to be at a better and more exciting 'place' than I am today.
Eg of some life highs as a teen:
when I was 14 was was single-handedly running the Brooke Shields fan club (okay... but she was very famous at that time,lol)which I started myself -after having met her
at 17 I was accepted into the NSW Institute Of Art with a high recommendation (had to be 18 to enroll which I never did)
when I left school I worked as a cadet for some of Sydney's leading newspapers and magazines - my dream was to be a journalist.
What am I DOING with my life at the moment?
I'm sitting here fanpopping which is the high point of my life at the moment.
Without going into personal details of my life over the last 20-25 years, I could have done better with the one life I have.
Then again, I like to be positive and I suppose I could have done worse.

Sorry guys, about the raving on.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
well i have plenty and plenty of time to figure it out, years, but right now i'm really interested in being something like a marine biologist. i really love learning about the ocean and it's inhabitants! also, i love the sea, and i would get to live by (or close by) to it! *yay*

i also love to write fantasy. i've been writing books since i was little, so an author is another good choice for me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cinders said…
You know, spikes_girl, you point out that you have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do with your life... and you know, you're right. But so do the rest of us, really. As Baz Luhrman says in his fabulous song, link, "Don't feel guilty if you don't know what to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at twenty-two what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting forty-year-olds I know still don't."
over a year ago Andolion said…
Well my dream is to become a choreographer and my dance teacher says I have a real talent at it. But it will be hard because most choreographers are former professional dancers and I don't really want to become a professional dancer.
last edited over a year ago