Fanpop Users Fake R.I.P. - You have just been LNWed!

Chandlerfan posted on Jan 03, 2009 at 08:10PM
Hi, this is the best mate de Chandlerfan. I'm sorry to say that she passed away a minute ago, but she managed to whisper into my ear her FP password; her last words were: 'Tell them! I wait, I AM dead. And...get me a subway or something, I'm starving here!' She died from a laughing fit to the brain. She will be missed.
Please send your money to 123 Pathetic Way, London, England, NW1 LIE.
Minimum fee of £100000 is necessary.
Thank you.
last edited on Jan 04, 2009 at 05:40PM

Fanpop Users 138 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 138

over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Do you take checks? XD
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
OMG U GUYS! What a coincidence!! HC died too!!!! Her last words were 'Send me Huddy sex when you get the chance. Oh, and tell the fanpoppers you need money to raise my 4 year old pet-uh, I mean, son. He's been afflicted with Alexander's Disease. It's a true tragedy. We need 1 BILLION DOLLAAARSSS. *COUGH* *COUGH* *WHEEEEEEZE* *CHOKES* *DIES*'
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Of course. Thank you for your generosity.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Oh no, so many deaths.
I'm sorry I'm too greedy for money to send you that amount.
Maybe next time?
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
O_o oh my goddd!!!
are we all dying now???

over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Oh it's no problem. This is de best mate of Fruity. As you can see she has also died. She had um, a brain tumor! Yeah! That's it! And uh, it EXPLODED! It was so sad..... That'll be a billion dollars now please. Send to 506 Punked Ave Loserville, CA, LE7 LIE
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
*points finger*
she said she didnt live in california
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
She didn't she was uh... on a secret mission there! <_<
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
*stares at her*
rigghhhtt..... >_>
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
She was! She was saving the manatees and reading to the poor children of Moscow, I uh, mean, Los Angeles.
over a year ago HouseJr said…
This is de best mate of HouseJr I'm sorry to say see drowned in her own tears after reading about lnw's "death". Please send $10,000 to help pay for all the huddy sex and house episodes she wants to be played at her funeral XD
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
over a year ago HouseJr said…
I really know how to die don't I? I mean she uh.

over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Do you take tokens to Chuck E. Cheese's?
over a year ago HouseJr said…
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
ahhh too many deaths!!
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
You have made my day a little brighter with your laughter. I am still very upset over the death of HC however.
over a year ago HouseJr said…
And if anybody wants to know what else the money might be spent for is it might be to make a clone of wilson, kill it and bury it naked with her in the grave!

(this actually might turn out to be a wish of mine when I die XD)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HouseJr said…
As am I grieving over my client, uh friend HouseJr
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
As de Beste Vriend van THC... I am sad to report that she too has died of chronic lack of oxygen in her lungs due to laughing fits she has struggled tremendously with since... she was born. To make sure this virus will not spread, donations can be made to:

Zieligeikstraat 11
3168 MD
Den Haag.

The service will be held at the ikkomnooitindehemel church on the 12th of January...

(The Iwillnevergotoheaven Church and Patheticme street=D)

over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
aR is dead too!!!!!!!!!!!!! This truly is a sad day.
over a year ago HouseJr said…
Oh no! let's look up her *cough* photoshoped *cough* obituary and get all the details!
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Oh my, oh my, oh my. So many deaths.
I will mourn not only my best friend, but all of you too. May you all rest in peace. Or on Wilson.
over a year ago HouseJr said…
CF I know my er friend would have replied like this to your comment!
*pretends to moruon, mourun forget it grieve*

*gets a chainsaw and cuts up all the dead fanpopers*
Now they can rest in pieces! *thing with the drums they always do after a joke*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HouseJr said…
Oh dear! I think the forum has passed away as well!
*looks for people* Where did everybody go?
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
My friend THC would have wanted to show you a new project she was working on these last few months... master piece, she called it. How proud she was of it... now, it brings me great grief that her very own tale, Green Eye Blind, will never see its end and that all those characters she'd lovingly created will be frozen in time forever...

over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Srry that took so long, I had to look for flights to France to send HC's dead body over there. xD
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
I have just witnessed my best mate being cut up into pieces by a chainsaw. Initially I was shocked but now I am rolling on the floor laughing my effing ass off!
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Flights are expensive these days.
AND ROFLMAO i mean... how tragic.
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
xD xD
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Donations to help pay for HC's flight to France for her funeral.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
I think I may need more money than I had initially stated as her illegitimate children have inherited the same laughing disorder as her.
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Oh dear lord. You mean the tumor was actually a laughing growth??
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Yes. I'm afraid so.
I'm so sorry to inform you of that far from hilarious fact. But irony does not rule me so I now say that was funny! Laugh out loud!
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Ok, I have to say, this is HILARIOUS!!!! XDDDDD
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Well, I must say. I positively agree! Laughing my ass off!
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Who wouldve thought that a total fraud could make us laugh our butts off. He's ROF!!! XDDDD
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Yes, indeed! Ha ha ha!
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
But slower and not as awesome xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
That is true! Laugh out loud!
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Mommy, did u hear about John Travolta's son?
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
Lol! heard about this living_life75 person yet? I dunno...
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Yeah I heard about his son, that's really sad! =[

THC, I've heard about her, probably the same person as LNW and taviant methinks.
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
Dittos on that.
over a year ago tushtush said…
Hehe, this is so funny. I cracked up readi-


over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
over a year ago adyingsomething said…
over a year ago HuddyCrazy1331 said…
this is fun xD
over a year ago germany123 said…
hey guys i know i am being a total spoil sport here but...would you mind changing the title of this?
thing is..if we really overuse this..we might get into trouble if something actually happens to one of us.
we all know the story of the clown who comes to town saying the circus is burning and no one believes him since he is the clown and people think its a joke to advertise the circus..okay maybe dont all know the story..but yeah you get my point!?
im loving the whole LNWed thing thats happening heck i posted an insane amount of comments aboot it and spent a lot of time stalking profiles!!! and laughed my ass off at some of it but now i just feel..well its just the title..if someone comes on here and reads this they will get it but im sure there are some users who wouldnt so...would you!?