Fanpop Users Is It Wrong To Express One's Opinion For Fear Of Upsetting Another User's Apple Cart?

Cammie posted on Nov 09, 2008 at 01:38AM
When I came onto the site today I saw that 'my fans' numbers was down by one. It took me all of about 3 seconds (prior to checking the fanlist)to figure out who the fanpopper was that de-fanned me. I'm not upset by the fact that I'm one fan down but I am annoyed at the reason.
A couple of days ago I commented on a pick where I regarded some of the comments made there to be racist. I do not and will not ever tolerate racism and bigots lightly and I saw a couple of the comments made as just that - racist. In fact, they WERE racial opinions made by a couple of users. All I did was state my opinion without actually offending anyone personally. I know from one of the user's comments that she took what I said as a remark directed personally at her. That was not true though ... I said that some of the comments made were awful NOT the user is awful. Big bloody difference!
So, this begs the question should we (any of us) now not express an opinion because someone is going to take it to heart and sulk? No matter what issue is at hand, I don't think everyone is ever going to agree with each other - and that is perfectly normal. We all have different opinions, views and ideals and I do believe no one should have to cower down because someone else can't take the heat.
Bloody hell, if every user took a simple comment and turned it into a personal attack half the users on Fanpop would loose fans on a daily basis.
I've probably rambled off a bit but my point is that we should say it as we see it without fear of backlash. One doesn't have to be offensive or outright rude in doing so but it is our right to have freedom of speech and so express it.
However, as I result I shall NOT de-fan that particular person in retaliation. I like to think I'm a bit more mature than that!

Fanpop Users 22 replies

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over a year ago Snerkie said…, i don't think you should NOT state your opinion. Opinion stating away! But i don't think it should bother you if someone decided to de-fan you, that was their opinion, their decision to de-fan you as it was your opinion to say something about them being racist.
over a year ago Cammie said…
I hear what you're saying Snerkie and appreciate your view. I just want to make clear that I did NOT call anyone racist at all! My words were that the comments (again I stress, NOT the user) were awful.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ineedcoffee said…
ahh Cammie I had this happen to me twice I said something that someone took the wrong way and they de-fanned me but I just ignored it but what is funnier is when they fan you back again. It happened real early on when I just started and I don't believe some of the people quite new me yet and didn't understand me and that I may be nice and stuff but I can be sarcastic too and sometimes it just doesn't translate so I don't let stuff like that bother me anymore and actually I don't look at the numbers anymore they can take me as I am and same with yourself just be you and let it slide and never stop speaking your mind everyone is entitled to their
over a year ago ebathory said…
I think it's pretty weird that someone would de-fan you just for stating your opinion, but I suppose each to their own. The fact that you did not de-fan the person in question for what you considered a racist comment just shows (to me anyway) that in this case you were the bigger person.

But back to the point of whether or not you should say things that may upset other users, I say go for it. The fact that everyone here has different opinions and states them makes it such an interesting place to be, if everyone all thought/said the same thing, how boring would fanpop be? Kinda off topic, but I get so bored on some spots where heaps and heaps of people all say the same thing over and over again, I get the urge to totally disagree with them just to get a debate started!

I've seen you make comments in various places that may not be with the general opinion, but I think it's great because it makes people think, even if they may be a bit offended that you're having a bit of a dig at them. And if you saw something that could be construed as racist, congradulations for saying something rather than just let it slip for the risk of upsetting the boat!
over a year ago Cinders said…
"Bloody hell, if every user took a simple comment and turned it into a personal attack half the users on Fanpop would loose fans on a daily basis."

Um... if this actually happens, I will have zero, count 'em, zero fans. I'm probably too opinionated for my own good.

I've gotten into squabbles with one or two users. Either they came to their senses or they weren't worth having as a fan in the first place. I'm sure you'll have a similar experience. Either they'll fan you back, like ineedcoffee said, or they weren't worth it.

The funniest thing to me is that I butt heads with several users in the debate spot, and we're all still chummy. For the most part. I always cite MajorDork as an example here, but there are several others.
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
Yeah, i got that too. I got de-fanned but then she fanned me again. In my view, i think its ok for you to state ur opinion, and its ok to disagree. I think its stupid to de-fan someone just because he/she wrote a comment that doesnt agree with the user who de-fans, but im not saying that the user should/shouldnt de-fan the user who stated that certain opinion. Its their right. By the way, what should i call you ineedcoffee? I think your username is long so im thingking of a nick name to call you :)
over a year ago Snerkie said…
ah, sorry cammie misread. But each to their own, if they don't want to be your fan then their choice, you should always voice your opinion though, as long as it's not highly offending people (highly offending i say because some people do take the slightest bit of criticism or opposite opinion offensive which is usually just silly)
over a year ago babybell said…
everyone has a right to express their opinions by law - if they take it personally, its their problem, not yours.
over a year ago l3371 said…
Amen! It's okay!I don't think it's right to express opinions in mean ways. Some fanpoppers are not friendly at all...but I'm glad 90%(Not really that percentage) of you are...^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amazondebs said…
am i the only person who thinks she it's okay for her to de-fan someone because of something they said?

I'm surprised you didn't you do it first cammie, if i saw any of my beloved fans being racist i would de-fan them

so yes opinionate away my dear but know that words have power and can upset people and they will act on them accordingly
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
Isn't it possible that said user was banned? or are you sure they're not.
over a year ago ineedcoffee said…
no cause lila still shows up in
over a year ago Cammie said…
No, hoochy, that user has not been suspended or banned. I only saw comments made by her a couple of hours ago.
Debs, if I went around defanning every user that made a comment that I didn't agree with I'd be defanning users on a regular basis. No, I didn't defan this user because I did not not see the need to do that. I did not agree with her comments and I said so but not in an offensive way nor a personal one - in fact my comments were directed objectively at two users who wrote similar views.
Okay this person thought the course of action to take was to defan me - so be it. She does have that right. The point is that although one might not agree with a certain user's opinion on some issues it doesn't mean that in other instances you might not be in total accordance with the same user. That how I see it anyway.
There's been a couple views you've expressed that I 100% don't agree with but I'm not going to defan you because of a difference of opinion - that's just shallow (again to ME).Bottom line: you're stuck with me as a fan,awesomedebs ... like it or not,lol!

EDIT: Also I don't think that because a user no longer as a Fanpop account that that effects the fanlist. To my knowledge currently on my fanlist I have 3 users which I know have been banned months ago - just like coffee.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago germany123 said…
:O youre friends with criminals!

over a year ago amazondebs said…
lol cammie there's no way to get rid of you, not even if i insult bewitch (heaven forbid)? :P

and i didn't mean disagree with e.g. me and shadowflame normally disagree on every religious and political issue ever in debate and yet i am still his fan and i defanned a user called the_gammer something i think the_gamer and some number or something because in debate they started making comments which upset me and got me mad because they were so offensive and ignorant to the views of others

so you can disagree with a user and still be there fan but what's the point in being a fan of someone who's comments annoy you or upset you in some way and maybe you did so if he/she thought you were implying he/she was a racist

and lol gerley
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
thinking* I meant thinking not thingking :P
over a year ago Cammie said…
I hear what you're saying, awesomedebs BUT
gemmy, I have no idea what your comment means?
over a year ago DoctorSpud said…
This would be good as an article, but it's still brilliant. Reminds me of Fat Kid Dancing. :P
over a year ago Cammie said…
I went to become 'a fan of you' just for the above comment,DrSpud. But I already am!
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i think gerley meant you were fans of those who have banned aka fanpop criminals lol
over a year ago Cammie said…
Ok. But no I can't be a fan of them any longer as they no longer have an account,lol. However, their names are still on my fanlist as them fans of moi. See?
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i think it was a joke sweetie :D