Fanpop Users The bare facts.

Cammie posted on Aug 27, 2008 at 04:21AM
I am feeling kind of bored and I actually have no content to submit at the moment, so I thought I'd initiate a game.
It's simple: a user tells us something about themselves that is not already known. It does not have to be your deepest darkest secret or anything you feel is too personal to divulge. It can be as trivial or your pet's name or something more disclosing like your first kiss. It's entirely what you are comfortable with disclosing.
One rule: it has to be the truth!
You can't say your first date back in high school was Johnny Depp if that is not an actual fact.
Okay, I guess I'll go first.

Fanpop Users 79 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 79

over a year ago Cammie said…
I've had cosmetic surgery.
over a year ago OhClip said…
I can't remember the name of my first kiss.
(I feel like this has been done before...)
over a year ago Cammie said…
Wow, OhClip, I hope the girl involved doesn't read this! Lol.
Love your honesty though.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago germany123 said…
I am female.
over a year ago Cammie said…
That's a revealation, gemmy?
over a year ago babybell said…
hhahahahahah Clip!! how can you not lol?

I can remember the name of my first kiss? XXD
* scratches her head*
damn it im 13 and i can't remember the name of my first kiss!
wait....... are we talking with tongue or without and for how long? because the answers are different. All of them.
okay moving on, i..... can't lie. At all.
Thats my revelation:
I really can't lie to save my life.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago germany123 said…
Cammie said:
That's a revealation, gemmy?

you will not believe how many people think im a guy!
so i thought i would state this in the "only thruths" forum :)
over a year ago amazondebs said…
well a unknown fact could be my first teddy was called pugly (i could barly talk leave me alone)

but i find that uninteresting so how aboot

i once hid in a river to avoid being arrested for indecent exposure...

EDIT: there was more to the story after the dot dot dot but i was too embarrassed so i deleted it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cammie said…
Oh damn! Can you re-write? Sounds veryyyyyyyyy interesting and you are among friends here, lol.
over a year ago germany123 said…
oh shame your stories are the one where you ran into yourself...:D

and debs says aboot now, too?????
*happy dance*

er revelation revelation...gosh Im boring...

i hate going to the cinema.
over a year ago Cammie said…
You are NOT boring, gemmy! *panda hug*
over a year ago looopey3 said…
um....this is a bit anoying...i was working with a celebrity without knowing 1 time.....i feel bad now...
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
I broke a girls arm once and didn't get in trouble for it :P
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
That makes me sad Shadow because my cousin once broke my arm :(. But I also cracked his head open once. Kids can be so mean to each other.

I guess my revelation will be along the same lines. I've had a broken arm three times. Once my right and twice my left.
over a year ago germany123 said…
i dont have single piercing( not even earrings)or tattoo on my body
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
I play the link. :p
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
i hate wearing shoes
i love having shoes, but i would rather be in my socks :p
(but i have to wear socks, i am totally crazy aboot people seeing my feet) ♥
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
I will blackmail people if I want something badly enough. (Only happened twice though, I swear! ....... Well.......three times if I end up getting that leather jacket I wanted.... =P)
over a year ago babybell said…
continuing Clare - aka -bobs line of thought, i hate wearing shoes too, but i also hate wearing socks, so if i have to go to a public place (like to town or something) i will always end up wearing shoes but no socks, and otherwise i walk around abre foot lol..
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JavaJoker said…
i enjoy singing along to disney songs.
and i like older men.
the two don't do well together :)
over a year ago Cammie said…
I don't have any piercings either although I did have my ears pierced in my twenties. I didn't put anything it in for so long that the holes closed up.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i might have mentioned this before

but i have my ears and my navel pierced
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
I've always wanted a little brother. Not now though, that'd be weird. =P
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i was born on easter :)
over a year ago Cammie said…
I speak fluent Portuguese
over a year ago Katreader said…
Like germany123 I don't have any piercings (even ears). I always say I have enough holes in my head! LOL. (No tattoos either.)
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
I've broken/fractured/generally messed up all of my fingers except for my thumbs.

Yes, there is reasoning for this, I played fastpitch (about 60-65 mph) softball for about 12 years (3 teams per season and indoor winter play) and caught on all my teams until my knees start to hurt and then I mixed it up and played the corners.

On the piercings and tattoos - 2 holes in each ear and two tattoos, my Spuffy one and a Harry Potter chibi)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
my back and toes click all the time
it feels nice to click my back but my toes are just weird :p ♥
over a year ago cowgirlfromhell said…
I'm a vegetarian but I've literally got a whole cow in my wardrobe (new rocks and dozens of leather jackets)...I feel mean but they're soooo nice!!!
over a year ago amazondebs said…
ohhhh you user name makes so much more sense now lol
over a year ago cowgirlfromhell said…
Lol debs =D
I got my user name from Pantera's album and and song
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
I was home-schooled until the 3rd grade.
(because my mother didn't want me to learn about that horrible old evolution theory.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Katreader said…
I have never seen any Star Wars film.
over a year ago Cammie said…
I met ABBA (okay, but they were a big deal when I met them in the
over a year ago amazondebs said…
omgosh you met abba!!!! and i am being sincere when i say that, i used to love them like seriously obsessed
over a year ago germany123 said…
i have never seen a star wars film either..
but i was at the villa in lake como where they shot some legendary kissing the garden ( also casino royale/ james bond) was filmed there.
so i will have to watch it i guess :D
over a year ago nataliejade said…
I once broke someones elbow.
It was an accident though. We were having a water fight and i stepped on his shoe lace without knowing and he tripped and fell onto a bench and then on the floor :|
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
i have never moved house, not even once :P ♥
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
You know those stickers that come on top of DVD/CD cases that have the name? I obsessively keep those. There are over a hundred stuck on my wall. O.O
over a year ago posheen said…
My favorite national men's team in the Fifa World Cup has been Brazil since I was eight years old.
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
i once had a crush on my teacher which is kinda weird =P but it's over now. and yeah is sometimes like older men =P
over a year ago love_not_war_75 said…
I've broken two ribs, both wrists, leg two times and my big toe.
In coma for about a month when sixteen.
Spent more time in hospital than at home this year.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
i have only ever broken my nose
....and i did it alllllll by myself *hangs head in shame* ♥
over a year ago aholic said…
I broke my leg as a two year old and I can remember everything that happened ever since.
over a year ago love_not_war_75 said…
I dropped out off school at 16
over a year ago G-man said…
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
*starts explaining evolution theory* anyways, i have one strand of hair in my right arm that is longer like way longer than any other hair in my right arm. probably 1.5cm longer than any other hair in my right arm. i try and cut it, but it grows back ..! ugh ... =\
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
oooh this is fun. Well I don't have any piercings either, I have never worn makeup, I can crack my ear (like you do with fingers, etc.), I broke someone's wrist and my friend broke her finger by punching me =D
over a year ago Snerkie said…
when i was born the doctors thought they screwed up my arm :|

i have to go to a job orientation day thing on saturday and i'm shit scared D: good start

oh oh and in all my baby photos (like 1 y.o) i have a humongous head and dents in the sides from the forceps, lol
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
also that long hair is the only hair in my arm with a different colour then the others