Fanpop Users Fanpop's prettiest accent

aholic posted on Jul 03, 2008 at 06:59PM
Do you have an accent? Do you think your English sounds funny or do you make jokes about your accent? Or maybe do you think you speak totally normal? Tell us about it!

For me, I don't have an accent when I'm reading or reading loud... But when I'm having a conversation with someone in English, you can totally hear that I'm from Scandinavia because I speak in rush.

Maybe it could be funny to have a competition about fanpop's funniest accent where you first speak the sentence in your own language (if you're not from an English-speaking country) and then try to say it in English. Or maybe fanpop's prettiest accent.. Then people with "no accent" can be a part of it too. Or maybe it should be called 'fanpop's prettiest speakers'?

Please give me some feedback. It might be kinda fun. We can start doing this as soon as the "fanpop's got talent" is over.

Fanpop Users 33 replies

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over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
lol i think i have a sort of broud blackpudlian accent, a bit like debs' but not? hmm...i will have to think about this one ♥
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
I have an odd mixed accent, due to me being partly from England, partly from Ireland and partly from Northern Ireland, it leaves me with an inability to pronounce the letter R.
over a year ago aholic said…
Do you guys think we should make a competition out of it? So that you vote for the prettiest accent? (of course you got to post a video first)
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
well only if enough people seem interested
i would love to take part too ♥
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Cool idea, aholic. I wouldn't compete (all I speak is English, and there's nothing really remarkable about that) but I'd be willing to vote in a competition like that.
I'm constantly mocked for my "redneck accent" as I'm from the south (US) - it is for this reason that I refuse to take Spanish classes. Ever heard a Southerner try to roll their R's? Haha.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago aholic said…
I know so many people that can do that. Especially one girl from Syria. She rolls her R's all the time just for fun :P
over a year ago dazl said…
Try my sing song Cork accent, especially when I'm abroad.
over a year ago Snerkie said…
Everyone has an accent, just you can't hear it as much :) because i always say i have no accent but i've talked to people and they say they can hear it. But being from South Australia it's an extremely toned down aussie accent that doesn't sound anything like the stereotype.

Oh and i also can't pick up accents :\ i've had english friends and welsh friends and everyone says they can hear the accent...not me.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
I'm really bad about 'adopting' others' accents. If I spend a day with my friend who visits Boston a lot, the letter "r" temporarily disappears from my vocabulary. I think the worst was when I took an agriculture class in high school - 20+ redneck boys, the countryness was unbearable (even for me), I talked like a hillbilly for a looong time. I don't even mean to do it, it just happens. >.< Anybody else have that problem?

And aholic, now that I think of it, I don't think I've ever heard someone with a US southern accent successfully roll an R in a conversation. O.o
over a year ago dazl said…
I share that problem. Try it in a diverse family. I go from Kildare to New Zealand to Californian to Scottish to German to South African to Tipperary to Jamaican to French in less than 15 minutes. I'm apparantly on video doing it.
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
I have a typical US accent with absolutely no regional tendencies (such as Boston, NY, Southern, Midwest). Although I do tend to speak slightly more properly and with less slang or contractions than most people I know.
over a year ago Cinders said…
I'm taking a dialects class. We're studying British Received Proper, Cockney, and New York, and my final project is Louisiana. Maybe I'll do a video of me doing very short monologue with all four of those. And people who actually speak this way can laugh at the silly Northwestern American trying out their dialects.
over a year ago tushtush said…
I have a very normal London accent, though i can't keep it up for long. I can only speak about ten sentences before I have to change my voice to a funny/weird accent. I don't know why, I'm just comfortable changing into different voices all of the time.
over a year ago Snerkie said…
I hate some accents (no offence to people with them, lol) Boston accents drive me nuts and make me want to bash the tv in when i hear them. When people in the UK say "bettah" instead of "better"...THERE'S AN R IN BETTER!! <_< grr, lol. Oh and as for DarkSarcasm in changing, lol, i don't :P

Also i hate when people put on stereotype accents, one friend thought she knew what a U.S accent was because she's been there a total of was horrible to listen to. People thinking they know the Australian accent but don't drives me nuts too.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
sorry snerkie but i am guilty of saying bettah lol
i dont really say T's vey often either, it annoys the hell our of my mom though lol
shes always saying 'Claire, that word has a T in it' so i just say the word again the same way i said it the first time lol ♥
over a year ago amazondebs said…
ha ha ha snerkie you'd hate my sister she's really yorkshire! so she says "beah" yes lol it sound nothing like better

and aholic i'm always up for a fanpop competition, i would love to just take part in something instead of trying to organise stuff especially when people are late *frowns at harold and lina*

and apparently i have been told i say "tushtush" funny so you know
can we do other accents as well because like cinders i speak many a accent including scotish, irish, liverpool, cornish, cockney london, french, texan, jamacan, scandanavian erm... i think that's it although i have only actually been trained in scandanavian, scotish and liverpool
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
I might enter this, my new phone (which I'll be getting very soon) has the internet so I can upload stuff much easier and I can just cover the camera so you can't see me, I mught say "Rolling rabies! there are Russians in my group" (it means nothing but I say all those words really funny)(also, it's not pretty at all but I don't care)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago aholic said…
Yeah all kinds of accents. People trying to make an accent is funny too. I think we should start this after FGT.
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
not right after, It would be a lot easier if I could get my phone.
over a year ago _lina_ said…
I have a regular non-regional "American" accent too. But whenever I'm around my parents for too long I slip into a Polish accent, which is weird because normally I can't talk in a Polish accent even if I try.

Oh, and sorry, Debs. I didn't realize the deadline was in Fanpop time. It was 7:00 pm where I live. (And yes, I know everyone here's thinking "Excuses, excuses") :)
over a year ago meeee said…
I don't really know how to describe my accent so I'll say it's Irish!

Snerkie people stereotyping accents annoys me too.

_lina_ I believe you....
over a year ago harold said…
I have the same problem, Snerkie, but I think you already knew that from some other forum thread where a bunch of us have had the same conversation.

What I find interesting about aholic's suggestion is that it would be purely accent, not dialect, if we were reading the same line. Dialect = accent + word choice (vocabulary) + syntax (word order). Both my accent and my dialect are Californian, but my accent might be less obvious if I was saying dialogue in, say, Hawai'ian syntax and left out the Californian vocabulary (hella, totally, like). It'd be an interesting experiment.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
wow harold what iq do you have

i neer even thought of that although i based my main drama coursework on it

yeah if i starting speaking with yorkshire phrase i doubt any of you would understand me, the one i always say is technically "it will be right" but it comes out in Yorkshire and abbreviated "t'll ba reete"
over a year ago Temptasia said…
I have a little bit of an accent. We call it and Idahodian accent. I say flag, dragon, bag, and the like (with the 'a' as in sag). There are other little variations I do to, but they are harder to explain.
over a year ago tinkerluvr said…
I have a high-pitched voice, just a little lower than Minnie Mouse, and at the same time a southern accent.
It kinda sounds british, too, e.g, if i say "star" it comes out as "sta" but it's not british. It's hard to explain!
and i have a hard time with s.
e.g. if i say something that ends with s and then something that begins with s i have a hard time saying it.
My voice is very unique.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cinders said…
Yup yup yup. Judy (my dialects teacher) really emphasized harold's point. But she altered it (for the purposes of our class and projects) so we could also choose to do accents as well. For example, a French or German learning standard English will, most likely, have just an accent when they speak it. But if we so chose, we were allowed to choose a foreign accent for our final project. But like I said, I chose the New Orleans dialect, and now I'm regretting it because it's... to use a California phrase... hella hard.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
Mine is sort of a mix of non-regional, Philly and New York since I live in between the two. People always tell me I pronuce my R's like I live in New York, but that I speak more like the people in Philly do.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
did anything happen with this?
over a year ago aholic said…
No... I don't think so.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
is anything going to? lol
over a year ago l3371 said…
A high pitched north east Ohio accent...Not pretty,but you can pick it out like Nathan Lane's...
over a year ago oblix said…
i come from a posher area of England, my accent is called something like received pronunciation, which is apparently the Queens accent, but it has a mixture of a Hampshire accent(old farmer language) so its not as posh as the queen. but i do get told alot that it is very posh.

grr chavy school people

over a year ago aholic said…
If so, then probably not before November. Unless if anyone wants to take over the idea.