Fanpop Users Fanpop Friendlyness

amazondebs posted on Mar 31, 2008 at 02:38PM
just wondering where you guys lie on this, I love trying to help new fans and often get random messages from fans of the advice spot asking advice on how to do something on fanpop (not what the advice spot was designed for but I'm always happy to help)
I don't even mind repeating myself to different fans (although sometimes i might to forward to a link to one of harold's user guides, drd's credit soapbox, papa's soapbox on picks or a forum somewhere) but what about repeating things to the same fan, e.g. about repeat picks and i know image credit is a big one, do you carry on gently reminding them, get a bit blunter or just either ignore them or report them

basically this forum is asking where do you drawn the line with a fans

normally i would just wait for someone else to say something (because someone always will) but lately i have mentioned stuff and have been called up on it

*not really sure if that makes a right lot of sense reader back over it, i need someone like aholic or Germany to reteach me english

Fanpop Users 7 replies

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over a year ago Cinders said…
I think I know what you're saying. Generally speaking, if I tell a user something more than twice I get a little fed up. Although that's only happened once with me. I've been sharper the second time around, passive aggressive mostly, and the third time I need to remind them I'm... well, very blunt.

It's OK to get frustrated with another fan and to let them know. It's better than being frustrated and NOT letting them know.

Of course you don't want to scare new users away, but folks aren't made of glass. Trust me when I say they will recover.
over a year ago dazl said…
Complete agreement there, Carly. You put it so much more eloquently than I could.
over a year ago HannaK said…
I help people but sometimes I just say that they are a bit dumm or something, but I try to treat them with respect and I think that matters
over a year ago germany123 said…
HA HA HA! i can teach you english: i know 25 words..and the trick is to just use them over and over a different order :D

i have to say.. i dont recall getting critical comments on something that i posted. i tried to surf the site first, read what other users had written and sort of find out how its done before i actually posted anything. its normally pretty obvious if someone didnt know better/forgot e.g marking something a spoiler (which is fine to a certain degree) or if they dont WANT to know better or are just plain lazy. i feel that none of your calling out/criticism was ever mean or hurtful..but maybe thats because i tend to agree with what you write.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
hmmm agree with what i write

everyone should wire me money
everyone should rate my things 5
over a year ago germany123 said…
yep i agree with that too..they should!!!
then again i should get to work now...and i should clean up my apartment...and i...

thanks for the prop btw :)
over a year ago harold said…
I don't report them, except in one case. In most cases, I can simply provide a link to a relevant article in the link spot.

The one case where I report people is with miscategorized content. But usually I try sending them a private message first, with a recommendation for where I think the content would better belong. Usually it's well-received, though it may be irritating at times. I dunno; you tell me.

Edit: With most users I'm able to conduct civilized discussions, and so I feel comfortable in sending repeated suggestions if I perceive a repeated offense. Of course, these users are free to disagree with me. Some good conversations have resulted from these exchanges. But I should say that a miniscule subset of users have become completely unglued at such suggestions, accusing me of persecution, hypocrisy, harassment, senility, jealousy, hatred and general evil (among other things). Since I find insanity unnerving, I choose not to interact with them any further, even though they may constantly repeat what I perceive as wrong behaviors, belittle me or other users, and/or misinterpret my content submissions. There's always going to be some people who we each find toxic, and it's better to ignore and avoid these people than to get caught up in repeated conflict with them, especially knowing that the results are always going to be the same. The great thing is, what's toxic to me is balm to someone else and so on, so the behavior of someone who may really bug one user still benefits the site as a whole.
last edited over a year ago