Metamorphosis (final chapter)

VladGal365 posted on May 21, 2012 at 11:46AM
This is the last chapter of my story. Enjoy!

Chapter 3- The Reveal
Percy’s P.O.V

I can’t believe that my girlfriend is a mermaid. Just think about it, a son of Poseidon dating a mermaid. Hopefully my dad isn’t too ticked off about that.

“So,” Piper said after a long silence. “Chiron, do you think that you can tell us what happened to us?”

“Well…” Chiron began, but he was cut off by Annabeth.

“Sorry, Chiron,” she said, “I think I have a solution to how this happened to the three of us. Do you remember that little pool of water in the volcano we jumped into?”

“Yes,” Thalia said.

“How can I forget?” Piper asked.

“Well,” Annabeth began. “I think that when the full moon lined up with the mouth of the volcano that it triggered some sort of supernatural occurrence, giving us these mermaid tails.”

“But there’s one thing I don’t get,” I said. “How are they mermaids. They still can walk around.”

“The tail didn’t appear until Connor Stoll threw a water balloon at the back of my head.” Annabeth said.

“It happened when I offered my dad some Mountain Dew.” Thalia said.

“And it happened after Drew tried to get me to do trash duty and she threw a glass of water in my face.” Piper said.

“It seems that the tails only appear after you come into contact with water,” Chiron said. “How long did it take for the change to happen?”

“Ten seconds,” they said in unison. “Why?”

“So,” Chiron said. “You can’t touch water for more than ten seconds.”

“Wait.” Thalia said. “Annabeth, you’re dating a son of Poseidon. What are you going to do, treat him like acid and never talk to him again?”

“No,” Annabeth said. “I’m going to make this work, mermaid tail or no mermaid tail.”

She was about to walk out of the Big House when she came back around and tugged at my shirt. “You coming or what?” she asked.

I ran out of the Big House to catch up to Annabeth. “What’s up?” I asked.

“I think that we can try and make this work,” she said. “What do you say? Are you willing to help a mermaid out?”

I mulled it over for a minute, thinking about the possibilities of our relationship. Then I said, “I’ll do anything to help you live your life. Even if you’re a mermaid.”

I wonder what the future has in store for us.

I know it's a little short, but it was the best I could do. No replies