Fairy Tail RP anyone? :3

pinkiepie213 posted on Nov 17, 2014 at 02:40AM
Name: Mizu watergate 
Magic ability: Water dragon slayer/ daughter of the sea serpent 
Age: 18 
Crush: Natsu 
BFFs:Erza and Gray ( She smacks him every time he strips ) 
Enemy: Anyone who messes with her or her friends " a friend to the end, I always say! " 
Fav food: Duh, fish! ( Happy: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! ) 
Former guild: Striped Tigers 
Present Guild: Fairy Tail 
Nickname: The Serpent 
Personality: Stubborn, Hot headed, plays hard to get, mischievous, loyal, funny, has a great smile, and generous 
Bio: When she was a little girl, A sea dragon took care of her. The sea dragon's name was Sorraa. When Sorraa had vanished one day, Mizu headed for Fairy Tail, the guild that Sorraa had told her about. back when Sorraa had raised Mizu, Mizu would play with Natsu when he and Igneel would come to the shore. When Mizu came to Fairy tail, she met a few people, made new friends, but.... Natsu wasn't there....so she decided to join a different guild, the striped tigers. But when Natsu wasn't there either, she decided to stay there and try to forget about Natsu. But.she just couldnt. She had soon found Surprise, her magical puppy with a spring for a tail. After that, she had decided to return to Fairy Tail, for the people at the striped tigers never really paid any attention to her. Then, she stayed at fairy tail for good!!! :3
What other characters think of her: 
Lucy: She gets along with everyone in the guild! 
Gray: Her? Hah! I HATE her! ( but seriously, She's kinda cute...I would watch your back if I were you )
Natsu: uuuuuuuuuhhhhhh......... What am I supposed to say?
Happy: you're supposed to say what you think of her! 
Natsu: Oh, right! She's AWESOME!!!!! XD 
Happy: She likes fish, just like me!!! X3 
Erza: Me and her make a pretty good team. Every time we go on a quest, she's there to help!
Mira Jane: She's really fun to have around the guild! Good thing she and Erza are here! 
Makarov: She reminds me of Natsu. Mizu prefers taking S class quests. She says, 'I only take these quests to prove my worth. Some say that girls are weak, meak, and can't stand up for themselves. But I beg to differ. I'm here to prove that women are strong and powerful too!!!' She sure is a handful! 
Levy: she's a great person! There's no other way to explain it! 
Wendy: She's pretty cool! I look up to her! ( sometimes, she pulls pranks on Gray, but she's GREAT! ^-^ )

Fairy Tail 1736 replies

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Showing Replies 651-700 of 1736

over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: What am I going to do? I'm coming home Madara..... Where I truly belong..... However.... Just thought I'd tell you..... If we're going to destroy Fairy Tail, we'll need to destroy Grimoire Heart.... Besides..... We wouldn't want them stripping you of your goal....
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Madara smirked. "already took care of them.." he didnt look as someone appeared.

"zetsu.." they nodded. turning to Madara. "the mission was a sucess, i planted time bombs in the guild and on the air ship. both blew at the same time, no survivors.."
Madara smirked. "already took care of them.." he didnt look as someone appeared.

"zetsu.." they no
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Well well, surprised to see you here.... Hm.... Well, with Grimoire Heart out of the way..... It would seem we're ready for our raid..... Our final battle....
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Madara smiled "poor little Fairy Tail..they will never know what hit them." His smile turned into a frown. "Zetsu..say goodbye to your girlfriend...we all know not a single fairy must live..."

Jayden smirked, looking at Zetsu, "yea lover boy, say bye bye."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Hm... I'm prepared for that.... I knew doing this would even mean killing her..... She could never understand my darkness that I harbor within me..... Also, tell me Madara.... Hows your left eye? Ya know... The Rinnegan....
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Madara scoweld. "it's fine Zetsu..now are you ready.."

Sora's eyes grew wide as the gem on the necklace Zetsu gave her cracked. "w-what happened.." She saw a face on the cracked surface. it was his mother.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Definitely..... I've been waiting for this moment....
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Sora blinked and it was gone, eather she was imagining something or his mother was trying to warn her.

Madara smirked "Good...now GO!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Hm, *He grew wings and flew away* Lance of Thunder and Lightning! *He generated the lance* Goodbye Fairy Tail! *He threw the lance at the guild building*
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Sora's head exploded upward, her eyes grew wide. "RUN!!" Everyoe scattered but Sora, who was petrafied, Zetsu had turned on them... "SORA!!!" Asuka cried.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: *He floated down* Hm..... It's fun to take out the trash...... *He walked to Sora* My dear Sora..... *He touched her face as he smiled* You must understand..... I'm forming a new world..... But...... It's a new world that doesn't involve you.... Or anyone in Fairy Tail for that matter....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Sora flinched, pulled back her fist and connected it with Zetsu's face. "Bastard!!" She grabbed the necklace, ripped it off and threw it at him. "you turned on Fairy Tail....you turned on your family...i hope you burn in hell." She screamed, hoping she busted his ear drums with her magic.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: *He laughed* You're too funny..... Me.... Burn in hell..... Madara's been more family to me than anyone of you ever will. He's given me a home, he's given me powers.... He's helped me obtain revenge.... And now I have one more thing I must do..... This is goodbye Sora. *He flew up and generated another lance* Besides.... All along.... I've got someone else waiting for me..... This..... Will be your end..... *HE threw the lance once more*
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Sora watched in terror as the guild blew up in front of her, sending her flying back into Asuka. "Sora!!, SORA!!" the young girl shook the blonde, terrified. "I'm fine Asuka.." Sora grunted getting to her feet and looking at the demolished Fairy Tail, but everyone was safe so they could rebuild, unless Zetsu and Madara killed them all.

"ROAR OF THE FIRE DRAGON!" Natsu yelled from behind Zetsu.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Pathetic! *He disappeared and reappeared behind Natsu* Demon Slayers are superior..... Or haven't you gotten that message yet? *He grabbed Natsu by the back of his neck*
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"NATSU!" sora shot foreward

( i kinda what her to be like Ketsu, with more then one power...hope you dont care.)

"Roar of the Angel Slayer!!" her eyes grew wide, where did that come from, then she remembered his mothers necklace and her face, and the movement. ' Angel Slayer.'
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
(Nah, I don't mind...)
Zetsu: *He dodged* Angel Slayer?!!!!! I see..... So perhaps Iri is still trying to help you out.....
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Sora scowled. "perhaps she's sad about the way you turned out." She charged foreward, "Fist of the Angel Slayer!!" She aimed the punch at Zetsu's head.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Maybe.... I don't care what people think.... I just do what I must.... I do whatever it takes..... For Lord Madara...
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"madara!" she spat. "Madara!! it's always about that freak!!! i'm going to kill him!! HE KILLED MY FAMILY ZETSU!!!" She ducked under his arm, and ran to where Madara was.

(passed Madara onto you)
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Madara: Well well, The surviving Kitsune..... You're not dead yet..... Zetsu should've already killed you with the blast..
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
" i wont die until i avenge my clan Madara...the one YOU SLAUGHTERED!!" she grabbed her sword off her back, and it covered itself with white light. "Angel's Whip!!!" She spun around, making multipule arches fly at Madara.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Madara: Hm! *He took out a fan he held and used it to repel not only the arches, but Sora as well*
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
When Sora was blown off the building, white feathery wings exploded out of her back, allowing her to stop. She hovered for a moment before using her sound magic, propelling her foreward.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Madara: You're a very persistent brat aren't you.....
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"and you an asshole.." Sora retorted , landing.

Asuka turned to Ketsu "arnt you going to go help her??"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: I'll interfere if I have to...
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
sora charged foreward, right at Madara, but she use'd her magic to cut off all his hearing, so he had to rely on sight and touch.

Asuka sighed "then how about you do something about him!!" She pointed at Zetsu, who had Erza,Lucy,Gray and Natsu attacking him.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Hm..... I haven't trained..... He'll only beat me again..... Maybe even this time.... He'll kill me...
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Asuka grabbed a hand full of her hair. "Ugh!! your more useless then Molasses on a winter morning!!!"
over a year ago pinkiepie213 said…
yo srry i havent gone on my email in a long time whats happening? ))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(well....After a quick adventure Sora -a sound mage who gained Angel slayer magic- Zetsu -A darkness Demon slayer- who was a part of fairy tail, turned out to turn on them and distroyed the guild, but no one died. Madara- a evil guy who wants to be king...or something- is Zetsu's boss, and right now Sora is fighting him while Zetsu fights, Natsu,Gray,Lucy and Erza...)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
(That pretty much sums it up..)
Ketsu: That so? Well.... I had been saving one trump card in case things go awry.....
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over a year ago heart-of_love said…
"well...who are you going to help?" Asuka demanded, putting her hands on her hips.

"die MADARA!!" Sora yelled, aiming her sword for his neck, right as he doubbled over in pain, holding his hand over his eye.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Madara: This battle isn't over yet......
Zetsu: *He screamed in pain as he clutched his head*
Madara: Zetsu?!! What the hell did they do to him?!!
Ketsu: .... What is this?! Is Zetsu.... having a Backlash?!!
Madara: Impossible!!!! What could've triggered his backlash?!!!!!!!
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Sora slid to a stop, her heart in her throat, her blade inches from Madara's throat. "Zetsu!" she exclaimed, turning to look at him.

asuka shivered at the sounds of his scream.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: *He only continued to scream in pain, he even began to cry a little*
Ketsu: ...... No..... It's not just a demon backlash...... It's much more.....
Madara: She's interfering....... Irisviel....... Even from the dead you still interfere........
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Sora turned to Madara, a white light engulfed her, and a woman appeared in her place. "we interfere because Irisviel's son should have a good life...not be used by a monster like yourself..." in the background, Irisviel appeared, her hands on her son's shoulders.
last edited over a year ago
Sora turned to Madara, a white light engulfed her, and a woman appeared in her place. [i] "we interfe
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: Mother............ No......... I've messed up so bad....... I hurt them....... They never would forgive me...... How can anyone forgive me? I'll be taken by the council....... I'll be forced to life in prison no doubt.......
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Irisviel smiled softly, and pulled Zetsu into a hug. "they will forgive you..Zetsu..honey..you have people who would forgive you if you explaind why you did what you did." she looked up at where Sora once was and raked her gaze to where everyone in the guild was.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: ...... I never knew how you 2 died....... I just remember..... Your lives left mine....... Then...... As a child..... He found me wandering...... He told me.... He'd advance my power.......
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Irisviel frowned and pulled out of the hug. "Zetsu..you dont know do you..."

The woman who took over Sora's body held a knife to Madara' throat. " Should i slit or stab?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: *He'd close his eyes* How could I have been so foolish..... *He'd clench his hand into fists* ...... All this time........ *He'd stand up* Mother....... Can you lend me some light...... I want to try something....... I want to combine my demon magic with angel magic..... I want to create Nephilim Slayer Magic......
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Irisviel blinked in surprise "i think i have enough...your fie-friend Sora took most to fight Madara, but i have enough left..." she placed her lips on his forehead and they both glowed softly.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: ...... *He closed his eyes* ..... Yeah..... I see now...... [Nephilim Slayer Magic...... Even if the light is low... I have just enough to do it....].
Madara: *He looked to Zetsu* What is this?
Zetsu: Sora...... Let him go.......
Madara: ........ Zetsu...... Have you recovered?
Zetsu: Yeah..... It was just some backlash.......
Madara: Good......
Zetsu: Sora.......
Madara: Hm?
Zetsu: You can't kill him... With a slash alone...... *He conjured some kind of lightning* Nephilim Thunder! *He dashed and attacked Madara*
Madara: *He'd feel the pain of the thunder* Impossible!!!!! How did you become much stronger than me?
Zetsu: I've always been in a higher league than you...... I just never had the heart to truly release it.....
Madara: I gave you power...... I gave you a home.....
Zetsu: Screw you and your home....... Fairy Tail's my home....... Fairy Tail's my family!!!! Protecting Fairy Tail is what empowers me to keep going!!!! But..... It would seem most of your magic is sapped..... You can't use Susanoo...... But the most important part....... I'll never forgive you...... For killing my parents!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
The woman smiled, and took a few steps back, She released Sora's body, and both women caught her slumping body. " may you burn in hell Madara.." Irisviel spoke calmly, "forever.." The woman added.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Madara: .......
Zetsu: Even with your improved genes...... You can't survive this..... *He engulfed his fist in light and darkness* It's over! *He gave Madara one last finally punch, which finally took Madara down*
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Madara's body vanished, and a gostly figure appeared in his place, before vanishing. The Woman shared a look before putting Sora down, walking over to Zetsu. " i'm proud of you Zetsu..." Irisviel smiled, turning to the woman next to her, She placed her hand on Zetsu's shoulder. "Zetsu..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Zetsu: ....... It's over......... So Iri- I mean.... Mother.... I guess since you've given me power.... You'll be in my inner world now...... Heh, at least I'll see more of you now....
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Irisviel smilled " yes i will now more then ever....... Saki.." she turned to the other woman. "shall we wake her?" Saki nodded, smiling.
They both walked over to Sora, Irisviel dragging Zetsu behind her. When Saki touched Sora's cheeck, the girl woke up. a gold ball flew from Sora's heart into Zetsu's, and from Saki's heart, flew a bluish ball, into Sora's. "Zetsu..." Sora coughed.