Fairy Tail New Generation

AceDarkwolf17 posted on Apr 24, 2012 at 11:57PM
In this storyline, the main mages are either children and/or grand-children of the original characters (Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, etc.....) Now there are all new guilds, new magic, etc.....


-then go down to Classifiactions (for link above)

*It has a wide range of Magic but if you want to make your own, the e-mail me what it does*

The Guilds are:

Fairy Tail - Light (people of Fiore didnt want it changed)

Midnight Wolf - Neutral

Demon Slayer - Dark

Character Format:

Name: (First and last)






Type of Magic: (Max of 3)


Member Stamp: (Color and location)

Appearance: (descriptive)

Personality: (Descriptive)



Fairy Tail Guild
Laxus Dreyar - Guild Master

Alex Dreyar - AceDarkwolf17 (Me)
Konoha Dragneel - FunkmasterD
Joanna Fernandes - Taiwan01
Artemis - Wishey
Juliet & Gray Fullbuster Jr. - GruviaFan
Jason Heartfilia - FinchelFaxFan
Omen Dawnstar - WolfMaster 3000
Talon Barnes - WolfMaster 3000

Midnight Wolf Guild - Destroyed/Members Disbanned
Lexi Trusdale - Guild Master/Disbanned

Demon Slayer Guild
Zero - Guild Master

last edited on Aug 23, 2012 at 07:04PM

Fairy Tail 601 replies

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Showing Replies 251-300 of 601

over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: fine then bot only for the team *leans in to kiss again*
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: -just before she kisses him he wakes up- WOW WHAT R U DOING???
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: blame the twins they made me do it
over a year ago GruviaFan said…
Juliet: it's true we did
Gry jr.: the blame is all on us
over a year ago FinchelFaxFan said…
Jason: that doesn't sound very convincing
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: what is going on? why were u trying to kiss me?
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: the twins pushed me on you and convinced me that was the only way to wake you up
over a year ago GruviaFan said…
Juliet and Gray jr.: yes that was entirelly true we just wanted a couple around here so we though you 2 were the perfect candidates
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: no i don't like her that way she's more like family, her mother is Erza one of my parents greatest friend she's practically family i would never date her
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: the same for me ok twins now get over your obsession and stay focus on the job we are about to do
over a year ago GruviaFan said…
Juliet and Gray jr.: ok then sorry we caused so much trouble we just wanted to have fun
over a year ago FinchelFaxFan said…
Jason: I'll make sure they don't cause anymore trouble while on the job
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: good don't want them to get us all killed
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: ok now let's meet Alex outside and go on our job
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: alright
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: *walks outside to meet up with Alex*
over a year ago GruviaFan said…
Juliet and Gray jr.: *follows Joanna*
over a year ago FinchelFaxFan said…
Jason: *follows the twins*
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Alex: ~leaning on a tree with his hands in his pockets~ If we're all ready..... ~snaps his fingers and a magic carrage came to a screeching stop infront of everybody~ then get in
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: *gets in*
over a year ago GruviaFan said…
Juliet and Gray jr.: *gets in*
over a year ago FinchelFaxFan said…
Jason: *gets in*
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: -gets in-
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Alex: ~gets in~ Driver, go ~the carrage began moving forward~ Lets get the formalities out of the way... Im Alex Valentine, S-Class Wizard of Midnight Wolf and Bodyguard to Master Lexi. My magics are Ice Make, Mirror, and Arc of Time. I was an orphan every since I can remember and because of that, I perfer my solitude. So, whos next?
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: im Konaha Dragneel, S-class wizard of Fairy Tail. my parents r Natsu and Lucy Dragneel my father dies two years ago, my magic is Fire, and Ice and much like my father i don't play well with new people...
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: I'm Joanna Fernandes , S-Class Wizard. My parents are Erza and Jellal Fernandes , my brother and myself were born with different last names his is Scarlet like my mother's was and mine is Fernandes like my father's is. I can perform requipt like my mom and self projectory like my father once did and much like my mom if you get me angry I will set off on you but usually I'm a very gental , strong person.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GruviaFan said…
Juliet & Gray jr.: We are Juliet and Gray Fullbuster jr , we are both S-Class Wizards. Our parents are Juvia and Gray Fullbuster. We can both perform Water and Ice Make magic.
over a year ago FinchelFaxFan said…
Jason: I'm Jason Heartfilia , S-Class half wizard. My mom is unknown but my dad of Loke/Leo my dad pick my last name because he wanted to honor his master Lucy in some way , always looked down for be half wizard half celestial spirit
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
~night fall came and the carrage stoped in a large open clearing~

Alex: We'll camp here for the night ~pulls out material to make a tent. Alex uses his Arc of Time magic to move its futur to where its made out~ The tent is large enough to fit all of us. Konoha, why dont you get a fire going
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: -talks softly- yeah i'll get ur fire going...would like go get a fire started on ur head -lights a fire-
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: do we need to find any food out here
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Alex: No need ~opens a storage conpartment under the carrage and pulls out a box of food~ That should last us the night ~pulls the box with him over to the fire and sits down~ Who wants marshmellows
over a year ago GruviaFan said…
Juliet: I want marshmellows
Gray jr.: me 2
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: I'll take a marshmallow as well
over a year ago FinchelFaxFan said…
Jason: I'll take a marshmallow 2
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: none for me thanks
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Alex: ~hands out marshmellows~ So whats it like to be the children of Fairy Tail's Strongest Team
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: my mother is always having my brother and myself train so we don't lose in fights
over a year ago GruviaFan said…
Juliet: our parents train us on diffrent days 2 days of water magic traning , 2 days of ice magic traning ,, 2 days of both water and ice magic traning and one free day.
over a year ago FinchelFaxFan said…
Jason: I am trying to perfect every move my father does only better
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: it's really nothing special we're still normal people not like we get special treatment cause of ur parents
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: for some reason when I say my mom is Erza Scarlet they get really happy but when they ask who my dad is I say Jellal Fernandes they automatically stop cheering at get really serious
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Alex: I see. Do you know why that is
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: even ik cause of my father
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: I know but I don't see why they can't just over look that part of his life I mean he did do some good after that , I just don't like my father be judged of one thing he did in his life
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: im going to sleep good night -goes into tent and sleeps-
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Alex: I see your point but you must understand, that one thing, could have destroyed the world
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: I know but that happened over 12 years ago and he's my dad now I only know him as the nice gental Jellal , not the evil , ruthless Jellal everyone knows
over a year ago Taiwan01 said…
Joanna: why can't they all just forget what he did
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: -wakes up early the next morning and wonders off-