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18 Reasons Rose Tyler Was Undeniably The Best Companion On “Doctor Who”

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called 18 Reasons Rose Tyler Was Undeniably The Best Companion On "Doctor Who"
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1. She embraced cultural differences during her travels with the Doctor…
2. And managed to have fun, even when she was battling dangerous alien things.
3. But she still kept sight of what was most important.
“The end of the Earth. It’s gone. All those years, all that history, and no-one was even looking.”
5. And she wasn’t afraid to express how we all felt about the Tenth Doctor.
7. And most of the time was so badass that she just thought monsters were really, really cool.
8. In fact, she was pretty much the most badass human being on the planet.
13. Her romance with Ten was simultaneously the cutest and most heartbreaking thing to ever exist.
14. Because they looked at each other like this:
Basically the human/Time Lord equivalent of the heart-eyes emoji.
16. She managed to shatter our hearts into a million tiny pieces with this scene…
18. And she was definitely 100% without a doubt the most relatable companion yet.
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billie piper, celeb birthday, companion, doctor who, dr who, rose tyler
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