Dreams What was the dream you had last night?

Wolfdreamer9 posted on Mar 03, 2010 at 07:35PM
What was the dream you had last night?

Example: The dream I had last night was I was like the character Wilson on the TV show House MD. I folowed House and Cuddy everywhere trying to tell then that they loved each other but they wouldn't listen.

I think i'm watching too much House...lol.

Dreams 2 replies

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over a year ago Gaiden said…
Mine kept hopping around:

First dream was ok, I was at my house and apparently things inside were all fixed up and ready for residency so I guess we were moving. I went inside to pee quickly and got back out to get in the car, then we headed off.

Second dream we were on the road out of town for a bit when we headed to a tunnel, things were alright until some vehicles skidded out of control and we had no idea what was going on. Then we saw an army truck opening fire on all who dared pass, we rammed through a fence then another and finally through what appeared to be a large cellar door... Didn't made any sense at all.

Third dream I was setting up shop in what appeared a cross between some MMORPG meets a carnival and rennassiance festival. Some mean people tore my structure down and along came a warrioress to set them all straight, apparently I was inside some geeky girl as my avatar. Next thing when I headed through the gates I came across two shady dudes who just grabbed my avatar who felt more like a real person. We headed beyond the breach of the place and into murky buildings, I was curious as to what was going on and I felt myself shift into one of the shady dudes getting in touch with my dark side. I came back to the chick and then they began a secluded sacrificial tribunal, the psycho mistress held a knife that she slid lightly across her neck blood dripping, I had no idea what the guys were doing though. I saw another chick that I figured might have been justified as the snobby girl, I just grabbed her pulling myself out of the centerfold where the sacrifice was; she was put in it and latched down for the ritual. I cannot sum up the fear that began clouding up inside me but I wasn't going to be left for the kill! I imagine of the shady guys spilled lots of poison in her mouth that she accidentally swallowed, it likely caused her to have convulsions along with massive blood hurling and blood drilled out of her nose. The crazy mistress likely plunged the dagger into her chest to seal the black ritual of whatever sort it was suppose to be... But I didn't actually see that, all that was afterthought (after the fact I woke up) yet what I did hear after escaping successfully was a banshee of a scream that was loud enough to be heard for miles. (probably before they finished) I was in a gym at the time I heard it but I did get back to the medieval carnival or whatever it was.

Fourth dream I was playing an Online FPS with others, shooting at opponent team killing whoever I could stop, one threw a grenade at me and I just jumped over it allowing him to take a hit. I ran into another who dared signal his team to help so I slashed his throat with a knife and ran so his team wouldn't find much. Why worry because these guys can respawn just as easily but that's what went on... Online FPS games I'll admit are very barbaric. Yet when it comes to killing time this is one of the ways to do it!
over a year ago ichigocat said…
Last night the scenery was my very old elementary school classroom, I was in the second grade classroom.(lolz how did i remember that)
I was in a classroom full of second grade kids. I was bored. 5 of my other friends were also with me. 3 boys, and two girls. (i will not use names)
The second grade teacher was having storytime and for some reason i was listening. it was about how this guy kept picking his hair out. Then he would say the name of an animal and turn into it. For some reason I did the same thing and it worked. I love cats, so I said cats.(I think I like cats a bit too much) I started to shrink until was down to cat size. Fur on my paws, etc. The teacher and other kids, (including my friends,) did not seem to notice. I peered around. My friend, who on Fanpop is Whitefeather, had done the same thing. (Im good friends with Whitefeather but im still not sure why I had a dream about her. PS she looked like Whitefeather the cat from Warriors! LOLz.) Anyway, I lifted my nose and scented something. Seriously, I actually smelled it in a dream. (It must have been my mind remembering the stench of my kitty's cat food because that's what it smelled like.) I went over to it and it was a rat. (It wasnt very realistic it just looked like my kitty's play rat toy) I jumped on it but it ran. Then I sniffed another one. I caught it. Then I turned back to human again. Still, nobody seemed to notice. Another strand of hair and been plucked from my head, and that's probably what caused my to turn back dreamwise. Then, somehow sometime, I pulled off all my hair (Whitefeather did the same thing) and it didn't hurt, nor did anybody notice. We were both cats, and we couldn't turn back. (It was true we never turned back again) So we caught some rats and ate them, blah blah blah... (Who knows why rats were in the classroom) Then I wanted to know whether anybody could understand my speaking other than me and Whitefeather. Nobody seemed to understand my question so I jumped on my friends' desk. Only my friends noticed, nobody else. For some wild reason, a piece of yellow llined paper was on the desk and so was a pen. I picked up the pen in my mouth and wrote: Do you unnderstand me? (Or something along those lines I dont exactly remember.) Then Boxes suddenly and magically appeared(check boxes) One said Meowing, one said Blowing, one said Talking. They all chose Meowing. When they spoke it sounded like a bunch of jib-jab. I was about to speak but then my mom woke me up the end.