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Dreams Question

What's the wierdest dream that you have ever seen ???

Okay,mine was when The Jonas Brothers were at my house,I was standing and talking to them,well it was really wierd,actually my dreams are always wierd,when I was a kid I saw dreams,like:It was night ,and then a thief comes into my house and he enters my room,and I pretend like I am sleeping although I hear him,than he kidnaps me !!!What's yours ???
i want to have the jonas bros dream
ermi posted over a year ago
Hahaha,well,it was really wierd,I am not a big fan,but I like their music !!!
iluvmichaelj posted over a year ago
I once dreamed huge biker looking guys came into the house and stole everything iand when I went downstairs, my parents were gon too.
knuxlvr222 posted over a year ago
i had this kitten that wouldnt stop yelling at me about my school grades and i hit the kitten and it turned into a fat old lady and meltedin a bowl and then my mini me ate it and i cried and my teacher came around and started eating my report and then i dreamed i went to bed, and there was the bbowl of kitten with coins floating in it.
kurtcobain1967 posted over a year ago
 iluvmichaelj posted over a year ago
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Dreams Answers

Miranda-Cullen said:
my weirdest dream was about a week ago when i was in skool with my ex-boyfriend and we were kissing in the principles office with all the teachers watching us it was very scarey and i hated it but then again i kind of hat emy ex so you no makeing out with him was gross all on its own
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks for answering !
iluvmichaelj posted over a year ago
ScottishChic said:
Mine was completely bizarre!

I dreamt I was in this hotel on a high floor and I put on a film and then this random guy came in and lay down next to me and put his arm around me and I was like, Whatever.
Then a riot started and fire and bomb sounds from down below but once again i was like, Whatever.
Then these five people came into my room by bursting down the door and then the guy next to me jumped through the window and he dragged me under a dock and we sayed there while the 5 others stood above us and then walked away.

Then he pulled me out and I was in my high school in what looked like Harry Potter's Herbiology class. And the 4 were there. The gripped the guy who was with me and a blonde girl came forward and held out her arm and there was blood and I begun sucking it and then i saw in the corner 5 bodies and I said,
"This wont change me will it?"
She grinned and said "no."
I stopped and then i ran and the good guy followed and did a dark haired bad guy but the good guy jumped me and bit me and I changed :S

Then I woke a vamp and the 5 others just left.

I went to our theatre and my PE teacher was there with a bag of stuff.
There was a queue of vamp girls and each put her hand in the bad and pulled out something.
When i put mine in i pulled out a small box and when i opened it there was like black paper cats inside it and I threw them up in the air and everyone cheered.

Weird right?!
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posted over a year ago 
Oh my god a riot! It would be kinda fun to join one....maybe not.....
boomerlover posted over a year ago
actually, it was. I woke up and was like, Huh. Then I laughed :P I really want to know what the hell it means tho, because i want to know if it has a strange meaning saying im going to fall off of a balcony
ScottishChic posted over a year ago
lol. thanks. You're welcome
ScottishChic posted over a year ago
boomerlover said:
I had a dream where all of my stuffed animals turned alive and took out knives and cut themselves! Weird!
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I had a dream where all of my stuffed animals turned alive and took out knives and cut themselves! Weird!
posted over a year ago 
Thanks for answering !
iluvmichaelj posted over a year ago
orangeturnip said:
my strangest dream ever was when i dreamt i was stuck inside a small walk-in freezer that had no door it was very cramped and there were dead pigs hanging up around me in my dream i screamed while banging on the wall when i woke i was so weirded out tahti just laughed then i went back to sleep
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
Well,last night my family was staying at this hotel (I always have weird dreams when at hotels) I dreamed that my favorite actor showed up at the hotel and started causing all this trouble and since he kind of looks like my dad we were going to get kicked out of the hotel because no one believes that a famous person would be at the hotel, so I go up to the actor and start asking him to tell everybody that my dad didn't do all these bad things. Instead of helping me he starts telling me his whole life story and how he's embarassed that his daughter convinced him to go to a Brittany Spears concert with her. Eventually the hotel people saw him and realised that my dad wasn't causing the problems. (I think it was because I watched a movie and a TV show with this actor in them yesterday. )I probably have had weirder, but this one is fresh on my mind.
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posted over a year ago 
Wow !Thanks for answering !
iluvmichaelj posted over a year ago
huugh said:
Once when I was like three or four years old, I had a dream where I was asleep in my bed, and my mom and her sister were talking and watching T.V. upstairs and all of a sudden there was a loud thumping noise that woke me up (I was really still dreaming though) and I went upstairs to see what was going on. As soon as i had gotten up the stairs I seen that there was a huge triceratops dinosaur looking at me. I was so scared as soon as I woke up I bolted upsatairs to tell my mom.

Another time, I had a dream where I was 17 (I was really about five at the time) and was driving in my convertable with my best friend, and again we heard a loud thumping noise, and I looked back to see a gigantic T Rex Running after us.

I think I was thinking about dinosaurs. :)
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posted over a year ago 
sesshyswind said:
My werdest dream...hmm, well, by Werd you mean Profound... then that for me would have to be the one where I encountered a stange, but strangely familiar old man. He had darkish skin white hair and beard (like one of those old wise men/wizzard types of fellow)and he came up to me from seemingly out of nowhere, asking "where is your third born son?"... XD!!! I have only one daughter with NO intention on having more kids, because kinds drive me nuts! When I told him that "No I can't have any more kids" for this such and such reason.., he turned his back and walked away...-_-... afterwards I was left with a really bad, depressing feeling like I had done something wrong, or seriously disappointed the old guy. Then I woke up, feeling very cold.

And yes this was a real dream, I'm not making this up just to be cute...-_-"

I had another dream, which is actually one of my favorites, is when I believed I was in the body of a duck flying over the northwestern coast of Canada or Origon, at dawn. what is strenge about it is when I returned to my body (because it felt more like an out-of-body experience) the time of day matched with the time of day it was in my dream. There is about a two hour difference from the western coast to where I live, so the dream iself acturaly coincided with living time.

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posted over a year ago 
The first one is really wierd,it must mean something,but I like the second one,it must be great,the feeling that your flying!!!
iluvmichaelj posted over a year ago
It was wierd... very, very wierd, not cool at all, but.... yah, the second one was Great, I've only dreamed about flying a few times and that was the first. Honest it felt like I was really flying and in the body of a duck! It was an awesome experience, don't know why it was a duck though...??? Strange:]
sesshyswind posted over a year ago
Lindsay87 said:
I had a dream that I was home alone and Michael Myers was standing outside my house. And every room that I went into he would be standing outside the window and watching me. I then went to lock the front door and he was standing at the door. I woke up before he was able to kill me.
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I had a dream that I was home alone and Michael Myers was standing outside my house. And every room that I went into he would be standing outside the window and watching me. I then went to lock the front door and he was standing at the door. I woke up before he was able to kill me.
posted over a year ago 
U must've been scared ! I guess you watch a lot of scary movies ??? I know I do ! And I hate when I see nightmares,I get sooo scared !
iluvmichaelj posted over a year ago
yes it was scary. i love to watch horror movies they are my favorite.
Lindsay87 posted over a year ago
Beatlesxoxo said:
Legit weirdest and most random dream i've ever had was about a month ago. It went a little something like this. So. I was in this cabin with my family and there was like randomly these three hispanic people. Well there's this like hurricane tornadoe thing so for the love of god idk y I hide under some blankets. Anyway we all die. We're like shooting thro space in a freakin mini van and all of a sudden we crash land on this planet. It looks like earth but it's not. It's like another universe. I say "where are we??" my mom says "I think we're dead" "Then are we in heaven?" lol then my mom's boyfriend says "no stupid this is the second life! It's gods second chance to relive your life. Were not on earth anymore tho" "what happens when we die here?" "then we go to heaven or wherever" lol then we were like shopping for houses it was soo weird. After the houses I woke up.
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posted over a year ago 
Hahaha...that's wierd !!!
iluvmichaelj posted over a year ago
Tell me about it! lol I couldn't tell people about it without cracking up halfway thro XD
Beatlesxoxo posted over a year ago
AaronHaley4ever said:
When I was a kid I had a dream whee my mom was sneaking out to free a horse that lived near us and I knew my dad would be really mad if he found out so I followed her to try to talk her out of it. But when she got up to the horse's gate, there were three of them: a mom, dad, and baby and my mother couldn't decide which one she wanted to set free because she could only free one. So I turned around and saw my dad running up the street with a shotgun and he had three boys with him for some reason. I was trying to get my mom to hurry up but she wouldn't make up her mind. Just when I thought my dad was going to kill us, a news crew pulled up in a big van and started setting up their equipment so one of the boys who came with my dad mooned the camera.
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posted over a year ago 
Wow.... The end just made it weired and gross...
knuxlvr222 posted over a year ago
knuxlvr222 said:
This probably wasn't the weirdest ever but these are a few:
1.I had a dream that I went back in time or something I don't quite remember how, but I was going to class and a friend was by the door. It looked like the health hall but it had two doors next to each other like theater. He was sitting in a chair between the doors. He had a guitar out and was playing it soft and slow. I walked up and said hi. He told me his name and I said he already told me that. He asked if he had seen me before and I said he saw me every day. He looked very confused. I excused myself and found out that I had gone back in time. I don't remember how but I know some really weird stuff was happening then I wook up to "every time we touch" or whatever that song was.

2.We are in English class, and the most awesome thing is right in front of me. Punch bowls filled with candy corn! Each table has a punch bowl, each with a different flavor or color. I got original. The boys at the Blue candy corn table clink there's together like drinks, the indian candy corn table, blissfully un aware of how lucky they are, are chunking there's at people including me. Later, me and carrigan are playin in the snow but we have used up almost all of it. I see a big pile over by the fence at the end of a cobble stone street. It also has candy corn in it. I jump in and roll around in it when I realized it was raining candy corn! I felt like the happiest girl in the world....

3.I was siting with that same friend at lunch and we were the only ones who were at that table. I asked him if he spoke Russian  he said ya. I asked if he could read it. He said ya. I showed him the picture and tell him that my sister is wondering what it said and asked him to translate it for me. He looked at it really hard, got up, and walked away. I went to the library to find him and I asked him what it said and he said that it said "will you go..." and stopped. I asumed he meant "to the prom with me." but didn't want to invite me. I asked for my phone back and asked if that was really what it said or if it was some new pick up line he's using on me. I awoke before being answered

This is the weirdest ps may be offensive to some people:
4. Okay. So I was in class right? And I ask to go to the restroom. Teacher says yes so I hall walk there. I open the restroom door to find no stalls, no sink, just grass looking carpet, blue walls, and beside me, a giant set of gold stairs like off a Broadway musical. Who's that sitting at the top? My friend. he says hello and I am surprised because I know he can pull strings but this is crazy. I say hi back. He said his grandparents can pick him up 30 min before school ends. Then he says they can pick me up too. I was thinking , hey awesome! Go get a milkshake or something... Then he said "that's 30 min with your favorite pare of guys. He chases me and trys to rape me. I wake before I escape.
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posted over a year ago 
In the 1st one I learned not to wish for a time machine anymore.
knuxlvr222 posted over a year ago
In the 1st, I learned, stop asking for time travel
knuxlvr222 posted over a year ago
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