Doctor Who Pandora's discussion. (SPOILERS!)

Book_freak posted on Jun 20, 2010 at 12:44AM
OMG, fantastic ep! But what's gonna happen next?

Okay, for those who don't know it, here's the legend of Pandora's box.

After Prometheus stole fire from the sun to give to man the Gods were furious. They sent the first woman, Pandora, to Earth to curse man. Every god gave her a gift, for example, beauty from Aphrodite, persuasiveness from Hermes, and music from Apollo. She was also given a box, which she was told not to open under any circumstances.
As time went on however, her curiosity grew and grew as to what was inside the box. Perhaps the gods were joking when they said not to open it, she reasoned. When she opened the lid all the evils of the world escaped; sickness, death etc. But she shut the lid in time to stop one final evil escaping; forsight, which would allow everyone in the world to know all perils that wouls befall them in advance. One other thing also escaped; Hope, which made all the Evils that escaped the box worthwhile.

So we have the legend, but what does it mean? I think the Doctor is very good at embodying the things inside the box, like Reinette said, "The monsters and the doctor, it seems you cannot have one without the other."

I've heard that young Amy is coming back in the next episode. I was heartbroken over Rory

Doctor Who 2 replies

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over a year ago Disaster said…
Amelia is definitely coming back
i think she is the Hope from Pandora's box. Amy's memories were used to trap the Doctor, but i think that Amelia will save him, so she that won't die as Amy.
i assume that Amelia and Amy, even though they are the same person, are completely different characters in a way =)
over a year ago soniclover300 said…
I hope its something dramatic, I like dramatic stuff!!