Doctor Who New to Dr Who, help!

roundabouts posted on Jul 08, 2007 at 02:20PM
i have only watched a few episodes of this season and the other two, but really got into it lately. can anyone tell me what episode Rose died? Or any suggestions as to what the best episodes have been over the three seasons.

Doctor Who 6 replies

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over a year ago itsmemario said…
Well for starters Rose didn't die. She's just trapped on a paralell world. The final episodes of season two contain the story, Amry of Ghosts and Doomsday. The my favourites have been Empty Child(and the Doctor dances), the Impossible Planet(and satan's pit) and Blink. Those have all been brillantly written and are scary as hell. (the episodes in brackets are the second parts)

But they are all very good, so enjoy.
over a year ago harold said…
You can take a look at this thread to see which episodes people have picked as the best: link

Itsmemario's suggestions are good, but if you want standalone episodes, there are a couple more. If you watched the original series, "School Reunion" is quite good (it's good regardless, just better if you saw the third and fourth doctors), and "The Girl in the Fireplace" is possibly the best single episode.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I got into DW after watching the season 2 finale (Doomsday) where Rose got stuck in the parallel universe. It is definitely worth going back to watch the previous seasons because Rose is a bit different to Martha and she was really special. Maybe u should check out some old episodes; the impossible planet and satan pit are my old favourites and new earth... but they were all fantastic.
over a year ago roundabouts said…
thank you very much, i will be sure to check them out
over a year ago roundabouts said…
i have just finished watching the episode doomsday and cryed my eyes out!
over a year ago sonicdoctorwho said…
Rose didn't die, she just got stuck in a parallel universe, but she comes back in journey's end