Doctor Who Most Faithful Companion... Prophecy Complete?

thecon posted on Jul 05, 2008 at 08:41PM
I have a theory...

The prophecy is not complete. Rose will return for 3 specials next year, and will die with The Doctor at her side.


Rose will return for the 3 specials and be with The Doctor when he regenerates into his next (12th now?) incarnation. The most faithful companion will die... the TARDIS, and this will provide a very good reason/cause for the re-imagining of it with Moffat's take on the series, after all it is tradition!

Doctor Who 3 replies

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over a year ago tinytardis said…
Hmmm - had to watch this with a gaggle of females in the room so it was a bit noisy but I was not sure whom the most faithful companion death was referring to - My mind is suggesting it was Donna who essentially "died" as far as the whoniverse is concerned or maybe Dalek Caan who was faithfully supporting the doctor in the background but who died in the end. rank outsider is Harriot Jones of course although I guess the hidden message is the RTD is the most faithful companion who has "died".

Of course K9 is always most faithful companion being a Dog :).

I can't see that Rose will ever return - her story is really finished and does not need any more padding out.

I would suggest that the Doctors Daughter may be next companion, Mickey and Martha join Torchwood and Catherine Tate gives up her rather lame comedy show but moves into serious acting where she could do really well I think.
over a year ago thecon said…
Like the RTD thought... nice touch. I hope the prophecy hasn't been fulfilled yet, it would be nice to carry something else over to the specials.

But he is already lonely, and been faced with the effect he's had on his companions, so another 'death' for one of them would really **** him up to put it bluntly, and that might undermine the dramatic effect of this years finale. Although I wouldn't mind if the TARDIS still got burned!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hekissedmyhand said…
well as i understood it the doctor donna was meant to be his most loyal companion. And the doctor donna would be the most faithfull "I was going to travel with you forever..." she never meant to leave and begged him to let her stay...

But I still think part of that prophecy could be Rose. After all she did cross over so many universes to find the doctor! But if they bring her back - they would have to do it right. And I have a feeling that Moffat will/would. RTD i think didn't live it up as well as he could have...same with her exit. :D THERE WAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL!