Doctor Who For the Auzzies :P

Gabitha posted on Jul 04, 2008 at 12:56PM
Hi people! lol
Well as we know the Doctor Who seris 4 starts this sunday. I thought i would start a fourm about series 4 for any Australians who waited for it to come here rather than watch it online... lol SO any thoughts on the shows maybe add them here.

Doctor Who 3 replies

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over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I'm not one of them... Hearing about Rose coming back was too exciting for me to wait! But I'll still watch them all again - this season is fantastic! I love Donna as the new companion!
over a year ago SpeckyMutant said…
me 2!
over a year ago loveygal said…
I always watch it online and then watch it on tv agian. its better on tv but i can never wait :)

Did u see midnight i forgot how good it was?
i was scared and i knew what was going to happen :)