Doctor Who Regeneration

j623045c posted on Jun 28, 2008 at 08:36PM
Well, I wasn't expecting that...

With all the available information (though of course there have always been bluffs and double bluffs from RTD), DT was expected to continue for at least another season. So, does this mean this is a proper regeneration?

3 Options here then folks:

i) Proper regeneration, in which case, who do you think is next - I've heard names banded around - Robert Carlisle, Richard E Grant, James Nesbitt, Alan Davies and Eddie Izzard?

ii) No regeneration - in but surely with the cascade of light, and the doctor himself noting 'it's started' we're a bit past that aren't we?

iii) Something else...

So, for all those who care to speculate, here's my theory...

At the start of the episode, in the TARDIS console room, the camera panned down to show the hand in the jar, next to the console, which is where the Doctor is regenerating. With that energy, which is known to be unstable and the process unpredictable, what if that was regenerated also, giving us two Doctors? DT, from the hand, and another. The situation seems pretty grim and two doctors would be handy, RTD could then kill off the 'new' one (which is technically the original) in a situation which means he's unable to regenerate (as this happened to DT's Dr in 'Turn Left').

As for the future, at first I thought that at the end of this series, the doctor could end up stranded in a parrellel Universe, thereby limiting the impact of the world that RDT has created, and allowing Moffat, who's taking over, to have a clean slate, and the option to introduce other timelords and whatever he wanted to do with the 'legend' stuff. The problem here though is River Song - she knew him in the future, so if he were stuck in a parrellel universe, this could never happen...

Anyway - thoughts people!?

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over a year ago loulouppg said…
Apparently David tennent is going to be in next ep. Jenny regenarated but she remaind the same. The doctor might also do that.
over a year ago j623045c said…
I thought that the first time I watched that ep, but I'm no longer sure that was a regeneration... It just didn't seem the same SFX wise - to be fair, I don't think it was a regeneration, but she was revived by the terraform energy that was floating around and affecting the planet, in a direct reference to the regeneration of Spock in Star Trek 3 - same thing happened there, he was written back in as revived by the terraform energy...
over a year ago phix said…
Or perhaps because of regeneration cycles. In the christmas invasion, the doctor grows a new hand because he'd within 24 hours of his regeneration cycle. Maybe Jennie survived because she was less than a full day old, so she just regenerated a new heart, and as for effects, when the hand grew back there was no light or anything.
I love the idea of two doctors and one of them dying, thats really clever.Or maybe they'd both survive in parallel universes so we'd have a happy doc with rose somewhere and a not so happy doc that goes on to meet river song as universes can be split by decisions. That still leaves the problem of defeating an entire dalek fleet though!!! I think Jennie will make a reappearance in this episode (or else, why did she live) and maybe the master too (hopefully).
over a year ago j623045c said…
Hmmm... I don't think we'll see Jenny or the Master in the finale - it would be too unexpected, and they always seem to try to craft these things so carefully...

I do think that Sarah-Jane will die though (most faithful of the doctors companions, as Dalek Caan said), and as a replacement spin off series, we'll see the Doctors Daughter there, with her own show.

Perhaps the only way to defeat the entire Dalek army would be to stop Caan bringing back Davros, though this would require a/the Doctor to get into the 'time-locked' timewar - the event that caused Caan to lose his mind - perhaps this is the fate of (one of) the Doctor(s)...
over a year ago tinytardis said…
Regeneration fails Doctor Dies but is brought back to life using the "spare" hand - thus David Tennant is still in next year. Donna is somehow involved in bringing the doctor back to life possibly as an incubator ? but I speculate that it will be Rose that dies per Dalek Cann's prediction
over a year ago GambitCajun said…
I don't know what to think, the whole River Song paradox seems weird unless she knew what the younger Doctor looked like.
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over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Sarah Jane might die but not straight away because there is a clip showing her and mickey in the crucible. As for the regeneration i think the hand will play a major part in it as it has been shown all season.
over a year ago blind_moon said…
I agree with the hand idea, RTD said the hand would be important!! But I don’t think Sarah Jane will die... I’m starting to fear for Rose as well because of what the Dalek Cann said, but if the Doctor "dies" the "faithful companion" can be himself… no???
I was also thinking they said back in 2nd season that Rose would continue to the 3rd Season... could they be ling to us?? and in fact DT will not continue?? and maybe we don’t have to wait 1 year and a half for the new series??
Oh I don’t know what to think... I just hope David will continue I love him!! and I’m going on vacation next weekend, I will only see the last episode on Wednesday… I’m gonna die!
over a year ago JenXer said…
I think his hand will allow the regeneration to simply heal his body without having to change everything much like the nanogenes were able to fix the boy once it found his mothers DNA in The Empty Child 2 parter
over a year ago Legendary1337 said…
This My Regeneration theory: the doctor only had part of his body shot by the dalek instead of his whole body being shot(see pics)



this would also explain the "botched" regeneration we have heard about

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over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
yh i no i noticed that. Could mean he splits into two doctors or that he jus heals and doesn't regenerate. Also do you think Harriet Jones actually died because the screen went fuzzy but it didnt show her dying dno she could have been spared because she is the same as the supreme dalek.
over a year ago piddle1985 said…
if you look at shadow part of the episode donna has a beat sound like the master and is wearing a ring that maybe the masters. But I think that she is rani another time lord, so technically donna will die. I agree with the two doctors theory.
over a year ago torchwood said…
i dont know about the two doctor theory but what i have noticed all through this year is the camera stopping on the doctors hand, the ring might come in to it,
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Concerning the regeneration I found this on a website dno if its true tho.


The story on the net is that the Doctor regenerates but causes a split regeneration, retaining his current incarnation and creating an entirely new Doctor from his severed hand next to the console.
over a year ago Stopwatch_fan said…
I agree the hand has been an important part in the series so far. Jack had it for so long, I think the Rift might have changed it somehow(which I'm now finding very silly since the TARDIS hasn't changed and it feeds off the Rift) Now I'm thinking that maybe Rose isn't gonna die. Somehow she'll find a way out of it. But the 'most faithful companion'? SJS because her show didn't have good ratings....that my,"kick the show 'cause we can't afford it" idea
over a year ago Gabitha said…
I also agree about the Doctor's hand playing an important role. Though I'm not really all in with the two Doctors theory i mean its possible that it could happen - i just don't like it. I want DT to stay forever lol :P He and Rose will have their reunion with DT as the Doctor - i mean how else would that work and it would be mean to lead us on about Rose and them not being together! :P
over a year ago torchwood said…
how can donna be a time lord when she has a mother and a grandfather, if she was a adapted then wouldnt that come up before in the show, what got my was how did torchwood uses the raft in walse when there on the other side of the unverises and out of sink with everything else

ps sorry about the spelling
over a year ago torchwood said…
how can donna be a time lord when she has a mother and a grandfather, if she was a adapted then wouldnt that come up before in the show, what got my was how did torchwood uses the raft in walse when there on the other side of the unverises and out of sink with everything else

ps sorry about the spelling
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
He does regenerate then the regeration light thingy hits his hand which then causes a botched regeneration. This creates two doctros, not two different ones, two David Tennant doctors one in a brown suit one in a blue suit.
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Oh yh and the blue suited one is a human
over a year ago miniteek said…
i just found something which might be usefull
on the telgraph i founf this paragraph a saying this:

When the doctor regenerates, for a short period afterwards if he is injured he heals and does not change. This was shown when his hand was severed. That same hand is now near the doctor in the tardis as he appears to begin regenerating. The hand carries the DNA that will make the doctor heal rather than regenerate. Because of its presence I think that the tardis will respond, as the tardis' life force seems to be connected to the doctor, as in 'turn left' the tardis started to die after the doctor failed to regenerate.
Because of this it is safe to say that the doctor will not regenerate.
over a year ago blind_moon said…
"He does regenerate then the regeration light thingy hits his hand which then causes a botched regeneration. This creates two doctros, not two different ones, two David Tennant doctors one in a brown suit one in a blue suit."
I did saw some pics of doctor ,in what looked like Bad Wolf Bay ,in his brown suit and the same pic with him in the same place but with the blue suit... that would be very interesting!
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over a year ago candyjo said…
what i think will happen is, that the doctor will regenerate, but the hand will make him stay as David Tennant, another doctor will be created, because they are out of sink with the rest of time. But you wont see the new doctor until the christmas special. The campanion that dies will be Donna, because she has said that she will back another series or ep.
over a year ago fnny-tv said…
yeah jenny's regeneration sucked- it really annoyed me why she stayed the same but im thinking that plus the hand have something to with it here. tennant is still in the specials next so can't change doctors. im with the whole botched regeneration thing leading to two doctors. I think SJS will die thus leaving her son as a new companion as we haven't had a long term male companion only few eps with jack or mickey.
torchwood everyone must live or next series would be too distant for viewers to care bout the characters. would like to have freema go back to torchwood but with her whole i don't carry a gun thing unlikely. rose must get killed or leave as a long term return would spoil her previous departure- donna, something is obviously up with that, can't quite put my finger on it but may be something to do with the hand and doctor esp as they have this "connection"
next episode highly anticipated!
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