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Doctor Who Question

Do you think David Tennant should have had a better send off?

Do you think David Tennant should have had a better send off?
 sapphireno99 posted over a year ago
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Iheartdrwho said:
i did think it was stunning and made me cry alot but i do think he deserved a more epic end like all his companions.
edit: on rewatch i understand the tone they were going for and it was understated but epic in its own way :'(
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i did think it was stunning and made me cry alot but i do think he deserved a more epic end like all his companions.
edit: on rewatch i understand the tone they were going for and it was understated but epic in its own way :'(
posted over a year ago 
He is my absolute favorite Doctor. I wish he never had a send off!!
mshropshire posted over a year ago
soy_sauce123 said:
I think that he could not have a send-off that defines him more than the one he had. He was scared, but he refused to show it until the final moments. He was confused, but he refused to show it. He was prepared to sacrifice himself for a friend, and I don't think anyone would have done that, except the one true Tenth Doctor.
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posted over a year ago 
juniper427 said:
I loved the very last bit in the TARDIS when he says, "I don't want to go." I nearly cried it was so perfect. But the ten minutes between when he got poisoned and died was the worst ten minuets of doctor who since they started again in 2005. I won't even go into how horrible it is. I would have been much happier if they had done something simple like had him sit in the park and watch the human activity around before he goes back into the TARDIS and disappears forever. It would have been much poignant then the rubbish they came up with.
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posted over a year ago 
IKR!!! i weeped when he said that! i was like "i dont want you to go either!!! D:"....oh and for me, when he was saying good bye to his companions didn't bug me, but what did was when he was screaming when wilf was in the box thingy...i liked how he went in for him but i didnt like him screaming xD
diademrocks posted over a year ago
bubbly_making said:
absolutley- i was really looking forward to the final scenes and they where a real letdown :( (though most of the final episode was good- it just had a weak finish)
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posted over a year ago 
no, look at the you tube video of them making that tennants death was a magnificent going away
draner074 posted over a year ago
XChatterbox14x said:
I thought it was an epic send off, i loved how he went back and saw his companians, because it reminded you of previous episodes of david tennant playing the doctor. And i loved how he was tearful and said "I don't want to go" that scene made me tearful and all i thought was "awww i don't want you to go!" :D
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posted over a year ago 
jeremy73 said:
Yes i do think that David Tennant was not given a good enough send-off. He contributed so much to the programme and his exit was not as mysterious as other Doctor's such as Tom Baker. They should not have used the same regeneration effect as that of the ninth Doctor.
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posted over a year ago 
cullen1296 said:
I think the ending was nice but should have been better
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posted over a year ago 
agreed :)
bubbly_making posted over a year ago
cullen1296 posted over a year ago
i agree.
FootieFan posted over a year ago
I agree too
allia posted over a year ago
pheonix13 said:
i think it was perfect. him going back and seeing all his companions.
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posted over a year ago 
bstras said:
I believe that he had a good "goodbye" and I really wanted to lay on the ground and ball after the "I don't want to go". I loved the part of when he visits all his companions but the best was rose. He told her she would have a great year to come and she's like "thanks, you too" but, his soul would be replaced and he wouldn't really have the best year. If they would've kept him any longer no one would want to see Matt Smith. Matt Smith is good but he had a lot to compete with.

This is one of the greatest doctor who fans,
Signing out
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posted over a year ago 
yes, but matt smith made it big to, second favorite doctor in the whovian world.also in a way it was his best year, he gets to see every one who loves and all his friends.i just wish the doctor told rose that he was the REAL doctor, not the human one
draner074 posted over a year ago
lumpy2610 said:
YES of course!!!
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posted over a year ago 
TennantJunkie said:
I believe that he should have had a better send-off. He should've been with someone when he regenerated, and he shouldn't have tried to alter the future in "The Waters of Mars". So, yes, they should've given him a better send-off.
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posted over a year ago 
he is tired of letting people die, he decides that he is the last time lord and they are his rules, and his rule is no one if he was with some one when he regenerated it wouldn't be so emotion, there for it wouldn't be as good
draner074 posted over a year ago
It shouldn't be a matter of being tired of letting people die. The point of letting Bowie Base One die was so Earth doesn't get infected the second they tried to come back to Earth, plus Susie Fontana Brooke will never see Proxima Centauri because of what the Doctor changed and you can't tell me you don't feel a chill run up your spine or become afraid to look at Ten when he calls himself "The Time Lord Victorious".
TennantJunkie posted over a year ago
xXOwlCityLoverX said:
It was ok.... I liked how you are always on your heals with the three nocks and then when you never expect it but I mean it could have been so much better than what they did. He should have an EPIC one like Rose or Donna did.
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posted over a year ago 
it is fore nocks, and it was perfect, if you watch the youtube video of when they are making it you see what they were going for, and they nailed
draner074 posted over a year ago
Elistia said:
No, I think that the writers gave him such an epic and amazing end and I doubt that they could have gotten it better. It was perfect.
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posted over a year ago 
mia2933 said:

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posted over a year ago 
Dalekbuster523 said:
He deserved a better reason to die than just radiation. The actual regeneration,though,was good and really emotional. If there'd been a better reason for the regeneration,then it would've been a much better send off.
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posted over a year ago 
tsmith120 said:
If by 'better', you mean 'more dramatic' or 'epic', then definitely no. Much as I thought it was very touching, it really didn't help fans come to terms with the fact that not only were we getting a new Doctor, but we were also getting a new head of the series - and said head of the series seemed to go out of their way to avoid any connection to the previous series for no adequately explained reason. 'I don't want to go' - really? Much as it was a sad moment, The Doctor's regeneration is not meant to be something over dramatized. It's a big thing in his life and for the fans, for sure, but personally I thought Eccleston's was much better because it showed him being regretful, but trying to cope with it. It was emotional, but downplayed far more than Tennant's, who caused the TARDIS to explode. Despite the fact that he has regenerated in that same machine on numerous occasions.
I'm sure there are many reasons for the differences, but I don't think it needed to be overplayed any more than it was. It would feel too much like pandering to Tennant fans, who feel he was the greatest Doctor of all time and can never be replaced.
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posted over a year ago 
they had the tardis blow up because davids doctor was trying to let all the extra energy out so he didn't have to change, but he relized it would destroy the tardis so he let him self change, and by the way david tennants doctor can't be replaced as you can see with all the series after that, matt smith comes close, almost tied but in the end tennant can't be replaced, he had such grait hair
draner074 posted over a year ago
Mmhm. Still unnecessary and overly dramatic. And any Doctor can be replaced. Tennant was not the 'best' nor the most definitive. He was a good Doctor, but as with all, the time came for him to be replaced. And he was, by a perfectly good Doctor who managed to overcome everything working against him at the beginning of his first series.
tsmith120 posted over a year ago
"Great hair" is just a really poor reason for saying Tennant can't be replaced. All actors who portray the Doctor can be (and are) replaced. That's the very nature of the role.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
rodrigoyy said:
I just met this series.
Never heard about it until last month.
I had tears when Tennant left...mostly because the goodbye was not proportional to the fine work he did
in our hearts.
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posted over a year ago 
lynndublin said:
David's departure had me in tears! The OOds song tore the heart strings! I would not have had it any other way!
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posted over a year ago 
bazer63 said:
Yes, as the end of time was only good for about 10 minutes and those last words. My life.
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posted over a year ago 
draner074 said:
if they could have made a better send of then yes, but i think they did a pretty good job. i don't cry during movies, and i have watched some pretty sad things, but the first time i ever cried during a movie was watching tenant's doctor die:( , i mean he is so sad, then the next second he is as happy as could be which makes it all the more sad, like it didn't matter.
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if they could have made a better send of then yes, but i think they did a pretty good job. i don't cry during movies, and i have watched some pretty sad things, but the first time i ever cried during a movie was watching tenant's doctor die:( , i mean he is so sad, then the next second he is as happy as could be which makes it all the more sad, like it didn't matter.
posted over a year ago 
purplesnitch said:
Yes, I hated the End of Time, the Doctor went corrupt and he was all whiny in the end "I dont wanna go" that was really whiny and then Matt smith blew him out of the park being optimistic and nice and "I'll always remember when the Doctor was me"
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posted over a year ago 
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