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Doctor Who Question

What is Doctor Who?

Because I've heard the Primeval cast talk about it and It's brand new in the US?
Obviously, everyone's said it already... but if there's one thing I wanna say is that I truly recommend it. It's more than a show to most of us. It's been here for generations and each new actor brings something new and amazing to it. Truly, a masterpiece.
Epetrus posted over a year ago
I second this! You should give it a chance, first tv show to make me cry a lot.
newmixgirl posted over a year ago
 BiteMeCullen107 posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

euhura said:
Doctor Who is a British sci-fi series that started in 1963 and has been going off and on ever since. In the U.S. it was mostly seen in reruns on the public broadcasting network. It was canceled in the 90's and was brought back to life in 2005. Since then, original Doctor Who episodes have been seen in the U.S. almost at the same time as original shows aired in Great Britain.

The premise: The Doctor is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. He travels in his time machine (called a T.A.R.D.I.S.)around several galaxies although his favorite planet seems to be Earth. The T.A.R.D.I.S. looks like a big blue police phone booth that was common in London in the 1960's. This is because the T.A.R.D.I.S. has a chameleon circuit which gives it the ability to blend into it's surroundings. Unfortunately, the chameleon circuit has been broken since the first episode trapping the T.A.R.D.I.S. in one single form. Although the T.A.R.D.I.S. looks like a blue police phone booth, the inside is much much bigger. The very advanced technology of the Time Lords allows them to build ships that can fit into a very small space yet are very roomy.

The Doctor and his traveling companions explore and get into scrapes a lot. There is a lot of running. Hijinks ensue.

Time Lords can "cheat" death a bit. When a Time Lord gets too old or receives a mortal injury, he can regenerate. Unfortunately, in order to do this, every cell in his body must regenerate. This causes his appearance and even his personality to change.(This was the original writers way to explain the change in main actors when the first Doctor, William Hartnell, left the show.)

I highly recommend this show.
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posted over a year ago 
Dearheart said:
LOL, I think euhura pretty much covered it. ^__^ The only thing I have to add would be this:
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posted over a year ago 
Awesome video!
HecateA posted over a year ago
Book_freak said:
Fantastic (lol). A few things I have to add is that the Doctor has three sort of 'eternal' enemies, these are the Daleks, the Cybermen and other Time Lords.

The Daleks are the mutated remains of the Kaled race, who were in a 1000 year war with the Thals. The Weapons used in the war caused the people to mutate. A Kaled scientist called Davros, himself confined to a wheelchair with all his senses augmented, created a travel maching allowing the Dalek creatures to survive. But then he changed the creatures, changing their DNA to type 467/989, every emotion was removed except hate. From then on the Daleks had only one purpose. To exterminate anything that wasn't a Dalek too.

The Cybermen are humans, with their brains removed and placed inside a robotic shell. With the cybermen all emotions were removed including hate. If you get caught by a cyberman then it's a fate worse than death, they'll 'upgrade' you, to make you like them, with no emotions, no sense of self.

The Time lords are one of the oldest races in the universe. Their Gods include Omega and Rassilon, but unlike our gods, theirs were Time lords who had achieved a great amount. Rassilon was rumoured to have achieved immortality, Omega achieved time travel for the Gallifreyans. Gallifrey was apparently lost in the great time war along with almost all of the time lords and the Daleks, the Doctor ended the war, killing Daleks and Time Lords togethor. The Doctors greatest enemy is a time lord called The Master (they choose their own names BTW) who has spent most of his existance trying to spite the Doctor, The master is insane, constantly hearing drums beating in his head, a beat of 4. The Doctor is considered a fugitive by the Time Lords, for breaking one of their most important laws; Do not intefere with the affairs of other planets, which he does on a regular basis. Other notable Time Lords (and ladies) include the Rani, an insane (there are a few of them) Time lady, but unlike the master she isn't working soley against the Doctor, and Romana, a companion of the Doctor for a time, who is actually considered a genius by Time Lord standards, aceiving a high distinction in her final exams at the acadamy (unlike, say, 51% on their second attempt, but we dont talk about that)(lol)
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posted over a year ago 
kbusby said:
a science fiction drama (real?) about time and space
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posted over a year ago 
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