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Doctor Who Question

Does Clara have any human flaws or is she just a Mary-Sue?

Many would say it's too early to say (and they might be right) but I really dont like Clara. She has NO flaws! She is so perfect she dosen't seem human. I can't connect to or empathize with her in any way.

I know Moffat says that Clara is suppose to be "as smart if not smarter then the doctor" and that may be true but that is exactly why I hate her. Here's how I see it...

The Doctor is like Sherlock he's brillent and interesting but the way he thinks and sees the world is so unlike how we see it that it is impossible to connect to him on a personal level.

The companions are like Watson. We see the Doctor through them. They are our avatar in his world. They feel what we would feel, do what we would do, because like us they are so very very human. This is why every popular scifi show has a human element otherwise it become unrelatable. Clara is more doctorish then the doctor is, more mysterious and aloof and "alien". Imagine Sherlock with two Sherlocks. Boring right? He need a Watson to counterbalance him.

There has yet to be on episode where Clara does something that makes me go "that is so very very human". Flawed, idealistic and impulsive. Every companion must have that "human moment" :

Rose - Melancholy in End of the World when she releases everyone she knows is dead.
Martha - Indignation in Gridlock when she realized she was the rebound girl.
Donna - Awkward sexual misunderstanding "you want to MATE!!"
Amy - Recognized the connection between the sky whale and the Doctor in The Beast Below.
Rory - Jealousy (but adorable jealousy) the moment you meet him in the Eleventh Hour. **

On average it takes two episodes for me to connect with a companion Clara has had 7 and still nothing. She still has time to turn me around but as of now I'm not loving her. She's just a robot programed to be brave, smart and funny with no flaws or personality.

** notice I left out River because she never really had a "human moment" either. She is an excit
UPDATE: I'm hoping that her relationship with the new doctor brings her human personality out. As of now though I'm still not feeling anything for Clara.
minervadawn posted over a year ago
 minervadawn posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

Doctor_Donna said:
I think the word mary-sue should be banned in the history of words. ~_~

But yeah. I don't like Clara. Half a season isn't enough to judge her but from what I've gathered she is this perfect girl that the Doctor immediately took a liking to because she's a ~mystery~ part of what makes the other companion turn out to be great was that they were very ordinary to begin with. But hey Clara's human too right?? Right thank you. I like that part where she's scared to jump the timeline thing and that's what makes her the Impossible Girl. That still doesn't explain everything, you should be able to tell a character what her flaws are or her personality within the first few episodes well I got nothing on Clara. That's when they also introduced the big series arc. Clara's scattered through all of time and space and just what. I have nothing against JLC and Matt's acting they are superb like wow its just the writers just want to surprise you with the answers at the end. Idk but for me I think I will be very disappointed.

in short it is too early to say but clara is awesome and will soon be a fandom favorite. amirite (#⌒∇⌒#)ゞ
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posted over a year ago 
She may have only be around for half a season but she's already had a whole story arch. I feel like that should be enough to feel some sort of connection. Like i said it generally takes me 3 episodes at the most to feel something.
minervadawn posted over a year ago
well bleh give her some time you might be surprised ^^
Doctor_Donna posted over a year ago
i dont understand your answer
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
^neither do i tbh. but all im saying is that i tried so hard to love her and i cant i really hope moffat gives more to her character other than shes a mystery you know
Doctor_Donna posted over a year ago
Trenzalore said:
shes more scared than she lets on should not tth be enough 4 u??
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posted over a year ago 
Where do you that idea from?
minervadawn posted over a year ago
did ui not watch hide??
Trenzalore posted over a year ago
scientificdoc said:
I am thinking as you. She is so cold, has nothing special like a machine or computer program. She is as video game. When the game over, you restart it. She is like that. No human acts, emotions. But there are some paralell things with River (I am really sorry for that. River fabulous and I am fan of her). May be ı build it in my mind; there is a leaf very important for their life. We learnt River Song is Melody Pond from a prayer leaf. Clara came to earth on a leaf. There are little things: for example River slaps doctor and Clara also. I think River made a computer program for the doctor to save him. She in a database and she is clever enough to make a program.
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posted over a year ago 
ImpossibleGirl said:
She's scared. A lot more scared then she lets on. She tends to be quite reserved and doesn't let her true feelings show easily.
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posted over a year ago 
I wish they would take a moment to focus on that. She may well be more scared then she lets on but she may also be as flawlessly brave as she seems. I'd like for them to drop a real hint that that is in fact true.
minervadawn posted over a year ago
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