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Doctor Who Question

Who played The Doctor and who was his companion when you first started watching Doctor Who?

I started watching Doctor Who near the beginning of series three of the modern series, so 2007 :)
And David Tennant played The Doctor, and his companion was Martha.
Who played The Doctor and who was his companion when you first started watching Doctor Who?
 SilverPatronus posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

no1drwhofan said:
The first episode I ever encountered was 'Dalek' starring Christopher Eccleston as Nine and Billie Piper, as Rose Tyler. :) 2005. :)
Initially, I was bewildered at the prospect of there being an elevating metal machine, LOL! :D However, I became more riveted in the story, as it carried on. From that juncture onwards, my liking 'Doctor Who' escalated exponentially and has now grown into a stratospheric obsession. :D
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The first episode I ever encountered was 'Dalek' starring Christopher Eccleston as Nine and Billie Piper, as Rose Tyler. :) 2005. :)
Initially, I was bewildered at the prospect of there being an elevating metal machine, LOL! :D However, I became more riveted in the story, as it carried on. From that juncture onwards, my liking 'Doctor Who' escalated exponentially and has now grown into a stratospheric obsession. :D
posted over a year ago 
Animefreak100 said:
Well I'm complicated story. I saw my dad watching it with Christopher eccleston as 9 and billie piper as rose Tyler. My dad showed my older sister an episode with Matt Smith as 11 and Karen as Amy pond. He officially showed me an episode with David tennant as 10 and billie piper as rose Tyler. Then I started watching the episodes in order starting with Christopher eccleston as 9 and billie piper as rose Tyler. See, told you it was complicated.
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posted over a year ago 
minervadawn said:
All right here we go guys this is quite the story so sit back. So the first episode I ever saw was Robots of Death with Tom Baker and his companion Leela played by Louise Jameson. This was during the hiatus between the classic series cancelation in 1989 and the modern reboot in 2005. I was pretty young so it must have been around 2002. Durning that time I saw several other classic episodes with various companions and Doctors but mostly Tom Baker. Then in 2006 (They would have just finished airing season 2 in the UK, so David was the Doctor and Rose had just left but I didn't know that because it wasn't really being advertised in the US yet.) my dad discovered the reboot and the first episode we sat down and watched together was actually the second half of the Empty Child with Chris Eccleston was the Doctor and Billie Piper was his regular companion and John Barrowman had just joined her. It was John that got me hooked but even after he left I was still hopelessly addicted.
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posted over a year ago 
Tom Baker was also the first Doctor I saw. His companion was Romanna in "The Armeggedon Factor". It was in the late seventies before you were born. :) I've been a fan of the classic and new series.
dreamfields posted over a year ago
I've seen that one. So you were introduced to both Romana's at the same time. Mary Tamm and Lalla Ward, who's form she took when she regenerated. Ms Tamm's Romanna is one of my favorite classic companions.
minervadawn posted over a year ago
Iheartdrwho said:
i THINK it was billie and david in the impossible planet two parter (one of my favourites), but before that i do remember catching glimpses of christopher et al in boom town and the doctor dances.
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posted over a year ago 
OMG! I loved 'Boom Town'. :D I met Annette Badland (Margaret Blaine) in a convention. :D What a lovely lady! :D
no1drwhofan posted over a year ago
no way :O thats so cool! lucky!!! Im hoping to hit a convention soon, which one did you go to?
Iheartdrwho posted over a year ago
Helena_Justina said:
Christopher Eccleston y Billie Piper, a wednesday a couple summers ago.
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posted over a year ago 
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