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Doctor Who Question

What are your opinions on these characters?

I'd prefer a paragraph for each, if you have the time. I know that the Doctor is always the same character with different personalities and appearances, but it is easier to refer to his personalities as different characters.


The Ninth Doctor
Rose Tyler
Jack Harkness
The Tenth Doctor
Mickey Smith
Sarah Jane Smith
Donna Noble
Martha Jones
The Eleventh Doctor
Amelia Pond
Rory Williams
River Song

Thanks for your time!

 alexthedog posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

lovebaltor said:
So, paragraph each? Alright:

The Ninth Doctor

Since we didn't see too much of him, (Considering how long Tennent was the Doctor) I can't really be too sure about this one. I liked his character, and thought he was a pretty good "first" Doctor for when they brought the series back up again. He's not my favorite, but, I liked him.

Rose Tyler

Well, since Rosey is my favorite female character, Imma be a little biased on this paragraph so; prepare, lol. Anyways, I think Rose was a very strong girl and, she was also what kind of made the series interesting. Though she could be a little needy at times, who could blame her? She's a woman, come on people. But, she was also freaking bad-ass; when she came back to see Donna, carrying that gun and blowing up Dalek's; oh how we love you Rose.

Jack Harkness

I liked Jack's character. He was the typical American in the eyes of the British (And everyone strong, womanizer, commander and good looking. He was a very amusing character, and I thought it was a great twist when we found out he was immortal. His personality is was intrigued me; one moment he could be flirty, the next cold and heartless. Makes you want to learn more about him, no?

The Tenth Doctor

David was my favorite Doctor - hands down. His Doctor was funny, cute, brave and very emotional. He added the "major" humor into the episodes, and we all loved him for it. I loved how we got to learn more of his emotional sides when he had to leave Rose, or when the Master first passed away. We can tell how much he hates being alone. But - he is also very brave; saving humanity, once day at a time.

Mickey Smith

I didn't mind Mickey, but I didn't like him. When we first meet him; he's Rose's ex-boyfriend who seems to be trying too hard to get her attention and win her back. He eventually lets this go, and actually becomes a really cool dude. I was kind of disappointed when he decided to stay in the Parallel Universe, but hey; was his decision.

Sarah Jane Smith

We don't really see much of Sarah Jane, but, I liked her. Though she seemed slightly needy the first time we met her, she turned out to be really cool; especially with K-9! I like her character, personally, and wish that they could have given her a bigger role in the series.

Donna Noble

I freaking LOVE Donna. She has to be my second favorite companion. She's hilarious as shit, brave, adorable and just plain awesome. (My mother and I always used to laugh at her expressions when she was mad at the Doctor; OI!) Donna was amazing; she was so brave and she was the one that made the Doctor show another side; alter time slightly to save a few, and not let everyone die. (Answer was too long, have to add the rest in comments XD)
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posted over a year ago 
[Continuation: DONNA] I also liked Donna because she wasn't another companion that would "fall" for the Doctor. She had feelings for him sure, but not like Rose or Martha did. I also really liked that they made us meet her family (Like the others) but I don't know; her family - I liked a lot more.
lovebaltor posted over a year ago
[Cotniuation: MARTHA] Martha Jones: I didn't really care for Martha. She was kind of annoying in my opinion, and was even needier than Rose. (When it came to getting affection from the Doctor) You could easily tell that she was tying too hard to get noticed by the Doctor, and he didn't even have the same feelings. I don't know, I didn't really like Martha.
lovebaltor posted over a year ago
[Continuation: Eleventh, Amelia, Rory & River] Eleventh Doctor, Amelia, Rory and Rive: Still finishing up season 5; cannot answer at the moment.
lovebaltor posted over a year ago
MissChicky97 said:
The Ninth Doctor~
Generally, I thought he was amusing enough but I could never really get over his ears.

Rose Tyler~
I love the fact that Rose has so many sides to her. She can be sweet and affectionate with her family and her Doctor and she can be badass in the face of danger. In general, I think she is a very strong individual.

Jack Harkness~
Hmm... where to start? Jack Harkness is a very lovable character. I mainly love him because he's hilarious, but I've also come to love him for his serious side too. Overall, he's a very intriguing character. I would love to know more of his story!

The Tenth Doctor~
My Doctor <3
I love Ten for so many things, but first and foremost his quirky behaviors and his matching wardrobe. I love it! His converse, the spiky hair, the overactive eyebrow, the goofy grins. I simply adore him for that.
I also like the darkness in his character, his sadness and his guilt. It makes him such an amazing, wonderfully balanced character! Now you've done it! I'm crying again because I miss him so much!!

Mickey Smith~
I don't have much to say about this guy. I've never really been very fond of him. I think the Doctor loves Rose so much more than he ever did. In S4 he's a little better, not as dopey and clumsy.

Sarah Jane Smith~
I don't really know much about her but she seems like a smart, brave indivual. I'd like to see more of her!

Donna Noble~
Donna is another of my favorites. She is never afraid to give her opinion on anything and she openly calls the Doctor on his wrongs. Donna is a favorite because she wasn't all over the Doctor like Martha. Donna is also a very funny character. She can always manage to make me laugh.

Martha Jones~
I honestly did not like Martha Jones, she was too clingy and only mildly amusing.

The Eleventh Doctor~
He isn't my beloved Ten, but there are some really good things about Eleven. I love the fact that he is really out there. His reactions to everything are unusual. He feels uncomfortable in the presence of women... he eats strange food combinations... has an interesting taste in headwear... The only thing I dislike about him is that he doesn't do anything for himself. During the scene when Amy throws herself onto him in S5, I was basically yelling "Go for it dude!! Go for it!"

Amelia Pond~
Amy Pond is an amazing character! I love her personality and the way she constantly teases the Doctor. If there were anything I would change about her, she would pick Eleven, not Rory.

Rory Williams~
Rory is a decent enough guy but he isn't really one of my favorites!

River Song~
River somehow always manages to confuse me. She is and then she isn't, she's there and then she's not, she's friendly and then she wants to murder the Doctor. She's one of those intriguing characters you want to know more about!
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posted over a year ago 
hpfantng said:
YES! Doctor Who ranting, my favorite!

The Ninth Doctor is a good Doctor. Not my favorite, but he did well. If only he was more connected to Classic Who characters as 10 and 11 were. I definitely like his look, which is much different from the past elegant, fanciful, and random looks of the Doctor. He brought the show back to life, and that has to count for something!

Rose was the first companion that the Doctor really wanted to bang, to put it plainly. I found her a bit needy and I think she felt a bit too entitled to the Doctor, but of course I don't think she realized the legacy she was apart of until Sarah Jane showed up. When Rose was around, the whole series seemed to be about her instead of visiting alien planets and blowing up things, which are things I like about Doctor Who. Don't get me wrong, though, I like Rose; she set the bar for future NuWho companions, and she set it pretty high, in my opinion.

BARROWMAN!!! Gotta love Jack! I just wish it were possible to see him in Classic Who with Tom Baker, especially knowing how different views would have been about him back then! Some people may hate me for saying this, but I think he's the new Brigadier; not in the TARDIS enough to be considered a companion officially, but that guy that always has a witty comment to say. I hope to see him again with Matt Smith's Doctor (and River Song; can you imagine?)!

Tennant is my favorite Doctor along with Tom Baker (4th Doctor). He was my first Doctor, so for me he set the bar for the others. 10's era was epic, and probably the best since 4.

I like Mickey Smith. He was the funny guy. I don't really have that much to say, though, because he wasn't a companion for long. I like how he ended up with Martha; both ignored by the Doctor. That was a good pairing.

SARAH JANE! She's my favorite companion, so my opinion of her may be a bit biased. As I've mentioned before, Tom Baker is one of my favorite Doctors, and the episodes with he and Sarah are the best! She was the Doctor's first love. It wasn't anything mushy like with Rose. It wasn't anything sexual. It was just a love that they shared. Wow, that was really corny, I apologize! But, I mean, who else can star in a show about a fifty year old mom who fights aliens? Sarah Jane can!

Donna is my second favorite companion. She's hilarious, and I think she and 10 are a perfect match friends-wise. And of course she had to go and forget the Doctor! How typically tragic!

Martha was great. I just wish that her time as a companion could have been more about her and less about Rose. She was the first NuWho companion to walk away instead of getting killed or left behind, which was a great change from the tragic goodbye that we are used to.

ELEVEN! Bowties ARE cool! He's my third favorite Doctor. Some people don't like him because they think he's too goofy, but I think that's the Doctor's best trait!
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posted over a year ago 
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