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Doctor Who Question

What Hogwarts Houses would you sort the following characters into?

I would sort the following into:
Nine - Ravenclaw
Rose - Gryffindor
Mickey - Hufflepuff
Jack - Ravenclaw
Ten - Gryffindor
Donna - Hufflepuff
Martha - Ravenclaw
Sarah Jane - Gryffindor
River - Slytherin
Eleven - Slytherin
Amy - Gryffindor
Rory - Hufflepuff
 alexthedog posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

Cerbolt said:
Nine - Ravenclaw
Rose - Hufflepuff
Mickey - Hufflepuff
Jack - Slytherin
Ten - Slytherin
Donna - Hufflepuff
Martha - Ravenclaw
Sarah Jane - Gryffindor
River - Slytherin
Eleven - Ravenclaw
Amy - Gryffindor
Rory - Hufflepuff
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posted over a year ago 
Perfectionism said:
Nine - Gryffindor. Oh well, I really don't get why people would put him in Ravenclaw or Slytherin. He is sassy, brave, hasty, he, unlike most of other Doctors incarnations, can even go physical, if he can't find a better solution straight away. Also, he is quite judgemental and forms an opinion about everyone very quickly, but NOT based on their race/status.
Rose - Gryffindor. I think with this one everyone agree.
Mickey - Hufflepuff.
Jack - Ravenclaw. However I totally understand why you may want to put him in Slytherin. But I think, if he was a Slytherin, he would turn much more arrogant, when he realizes that he is immortal, but I dunno.
Ten - Rawenclaw or Gryffindor. I can't really explain why, without writing a whole essay...
Donna - probably Hufflepuff, but I think she may be Gryffindor as well.
Martha - Ravenclaw. For me she is a typical one, but I can see people here having different viewpoint, so I'll try to give good reasons. Well, first of all, she rely on logic and common sense a lot. Sometimes even too much, so it may seem like if she actually lacks compassion. She is smart and seeks knowledge. Also, I think for Hufflepuff she is too straightforward and energetic.
Sarah Jane - Gryffindor, but I'm not sure, I haven't seen much of her.
River - Slytherin, yeah.
Eleven - a «good Slytherin». He is manipulative (not in an evil way - he likes bringing people toogether and stuff), he also rely quite a lot on his reputation, which quite Slytherinish too.
Amy - Gryffindor.
Rory - Hufflepuff.
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posted over a year ago 
Arador said:
Nine -Ravenclaw
Rose -Hufflepuff
Mickey -Hufflepuff
Jack -Slytherin
Ten -Gryffindor
Donna -Gryffindor
Martha -Hufflepuff
Sarah Jane -Gryffindor
River -Slytherin
Eleven -Ravenclaw
Amy -Gryffindor
Rory -Gryffindor

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posted over a year ago 
lakota_spirit said:
Nine - Ravenclaw
Rose - Hufflepuff
Mickey - Hufflepuff
Jack - Gryffindor
Ten - Ravenclaw
Donna - Hufflepuff
Martha - Ravenclaw
Sarah Jane - Gryffindor
River - Slytherin
Eleven - Ravenclaw
Amy - Gryffindor
Rory - Hufflepuff
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posted over a year ago 
Mickeystwin33 said:
Nine - Slytherin
Rose - Gryffindor
Mickey - Hufflepuff
Jack - Gryffindor
Ten - Ravenclaw
Donna - Gryffindor
Martha - Ravenclaw
Sarah Jane - Gryffindor
River - Slytherin
Eleven - Ravenclaw
Amy - Gryffindor
Rory - Hufflepuff

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posted over a year ago 
HP_THGT_4eva said:
Nine: Slytherin
Rose: Gryffindor
Jack: Slytherin
Ten: Ravenclaw
Donna: Hufflepuff
Martha: Ravenclaw
Sarah Jane: Gryffindor
River: Slytherin
Eleven: Slytherin
Amy: Gryffindor
Rory: Hufflepuff

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posted over a year ago 
PondandOwsin34 said:
Nine -Gryffindor
Rose - Gryffindor
Mickey - Hufflepuff
Jack - Slytherin
Ten - Ravenclaw
Donna - Hufflepuff
Martha - Hufflepuff
Sarah Jane - Hufflpuf
River - Slytherin
Eleven - Ravenclaw
Amy - Gryffindor
Rory - Hufflepuff

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posted over a year ago 
Doctor_Donna said:
Every Doctor ever - Ravenclaw
Rose - Slytherin
Mickey - Hufflepuff
Jack - omg idk Ravenclaw?
Donna - Gryffinddor
Martha - Ravenclaw
Sarah Jane - Gryffindor
River - Slytherin
Amy - Gryffindor
Rory - Hufflepuff
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posted over a year ago 
OMG, why would you put Rose into Slytherin? O___o
Perfectionism posted over a year ago
buffywinchester said:
Nine - Gryffindor
Rose - Gryffindor
Mickey - Hufflepuff
Jack - Slytherin
Ten - Ravenclaw
Donna - Gryffindor
Martha - Ravenclaw
Sarah Jane - Ravenclaw
River - Slytherin
Eleven - Slytherin
Amy - Slytherin
Rory - Hufflepuff
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posted over a year ago 
drivingmish said:
Nine: Gryffindor
Rose: Gryffindor
Mickey: Hufflepuff
Jack: Gryffindor/Hufflepuff hatstall
Ten: Ravenclaw
Martha: Ravenclaw
Donna: Gryffindor
Eleven: Hufflepuff
Amy: Slytherin
Rory: Gryffindor
River: Slytherin/Ravenclaw hatstall
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posted over a year ago 
MerMe said:
Nine: Gryffindor
Rose: Gryffindor
Micky: Hufflepuff
Jack: Slytherin
Ten: Ravenclaw
Donna: Hufflepuff
Martha: Ravenclaw
Sarah Jane: Gryffindor
River: Slytherin
Eleven: Hufflepuff
Amy: Gryffindor
Rory: Hufflepuff
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posted over a year ago 
lilstrawberry said:
Nine- Gryffindor (snarky as all heck, running away from problems, and I think aspires to be courageous, looks up to those who don’t flee, but holds their own, and tries so hard to be worthy of others, (and ppl always forget this- but the houses aren’t what you are, it’s what you value) also a sass master and I love him)
Rose- Gryffindor (just magnificent, absolutely will run headfirst into fire if she could get another person to safety, no matter what)
Mickey- Ravenclaw (I feel like his initial reaction in season one always gives him a bad rep, yeah he didn’t handle the doc in the best way at first, but he did research after the fact to be ready for anything, and I believe really does value learning, just has his own set of safety- rules that tend to be broken many times by the doc & co)
Jack- Hufflepuff (always flirty, always kind, (not always nice but who needs that, people mix that up with kind too many times I think), will do absolutely anything for his friends (even die, and/or use his last bit of time to help others), yes he is sassy and loud and sneaky and brave, but he also will always be there for someone he cares about, and always gives hugs)
Ten- Slytherin (I love ten to death, but he’s gotta lot of thing he needs to work out), can be vindictive, plays god at times because he’s selfish (which previous circumstances warrant his want to not be alone, and that’s not to say that it is a bad thing or Slytherin is bad in anyway because it is not), just- he is cunning, and ambitious, and cares so deeply that he never wants to let go, he will do almost anything to keep his friends, his family, safe (even if it’s from himself).
Donna- Hufflepuff (my favorite, she will stand by you and laugh with you. She will also completely call you out if needed. A heart of gold, doesn’t need to be the smartest, or bravest, or most ambitious, or anything in the room- but will never put another down, and WILL go fisticuffs with anyone who suggests that another person is lesser in any way than someone else.
Martha- Ravenclaw (honestly, who doesn’t see her as a Ravenclaw? Girl got tenacity and a head full of stuff)
Sarah Jane- Griffyndor (honestly? Continues to fight for what’s right and try to make a difference even without the doc- an Icon)
River- Slytherin (she gets it from her mother, sweetie)
Eleven- Ravenclaw (he just has so much thought, so many stories, and values creativity/ imagination as the best tool of the world)
Amy- Slytherin (I love her, she takes shiz from no one, and is unapologetically magnificent. Also will cut u if u mess with anyone important to her)
Rory- Hufflepuff (need I say more??)
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posted over a year ago 
HeyMissy221b said:
Nine- Gryffindor
Rose- Gryffindor
Mickey- Hufflepuff
Jack- Slytherin
Ten- Gryffindor or Slytherin
Martha- Ravenclaw
Donna- Hufflepuff
Eleven- Hufflepuff
Amy- Gryffindor
Rory- Hufflepuff
River- Slytherin
Clara- Ravenclaw
Twelve Slytherin or Ravenclaw
Bill- Ravenclaw
Nardole- Hufflepuff
Missy- Slytherin
Thirteen- Hufflepuff
Yaz- Ravenclaw or Slytherin
Ryan- Hufflepuff or Gryffindor
Graham- Hufflepuff
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posted over a year ago 
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