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Doctor Who Question

if you had a chance,just one how would you save gallifrey.?

if you had a chance,just one how would you save gallifrey.?
 doc907 posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

iliveingallifey said:
go back in time and shot devros before he invented the daleks
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posted over a year ago 
nice one
diademrocks posted over a year ago
huddygirl2 said:
Go back in time and warn the time Lords
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posted over a year ago 
diademrocks said:
i would go ALL the way back (and i mean all the way) to just before the thousand year war started, i would resolve it by words before davros was born so he would not be able to turn the kaleds and the thals against each other and they wont be as bitter and wont go and start the war :)
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posted over a year ago 
marifrances said:
Make the Doctor happy, Dont bother!
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posted over a year ago 
merlinfan1212 said:
Call up the almighty Captain Jack, and use his vortex manipulator to transport to Gallifrey. Then stop time with my mind powers, and take each timelord back to earth, one by one. The planet would however, be doomed.
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posted over a year ago 
sonicdoctorwho said:
I would get Sonic the Hedgehog, Ask him to help me save Gallifrey, then Sonic and i would go super
and save Gallifrey.
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posted over a year ago 
Mini-gin said:
I don't think it can be done. The Time Lords build the TARDIS, that can go to any point in Time/Space/Alternate Universe. If it were possible to undo the Dalek problem any other way than sacrificing themselves and their world, they would have done it. I get the feeling that the Doctor was ready and willing to die with his race, but he was chosen to be the survivor- he didn't ask or want to be. If it were possible to undo, it would have been done, so instead of worrying about it, I'll just keep some good coffee and pastries onhand in case the Doctor visits, so he can take a rest and be a welcome guest.
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posted over a year ago 
allen3601 said:
i go back in time and tell the timelords to kill or stop davours so there wont be a war
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posted over a year ago 
Zero_Delta said:
I would save a small number of time lords and transport them to the distant future, this would prevent a parodox or a change to the time-line because no one would know about them.
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posted over a year ago 
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