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Doctor Who Question

How will Doctor Who carry on when he runs out of regenerations.

i don't think he should run out of regenerations and will keep living or a girl doctor shall come and take his place cause we still have to find out what happened to jenny the doctors daughter
Hollypopz posted over a year ago
^^same here^^
ood_capton_1 posted over a year ago
he becomes god
bartel posted over a year ago
He is never going to run out of regenerations, besides he's only on his eleventh!!
The10thDoctorDT posted over a year ago
 ravenblood99 posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

dennybird said:
The Tardis will find a way to regenerate the Doctor.
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posted over a year ago 
musicfanaticXD said:
It is true that timelords only have 12 regenerations (13 versions of themselves) but there was technology on Gallifrey that gave them more (that's why The Master had unlimited regenerations) and I'm sure that the Doctor will either find some or make some himself. Or, as mentioned before, I'm sure the Tardis will save him.
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posted over a year ago 
That tech was not why The Master regenerated past his 12th regen. He stole aomeone else's body to live longer.
euhura posted over a year ago
dreamfields said:
We know from the first time the Doctor met River in the library, she said, "I've never seen you this young before." That seems that the Doctor will eventually live longer between regenerations.
The other thing, I believe it was in "The parting of ways", when Rose asorbed the vortex of the tardis. The Doctor took the energy from her into nhimself.That event resulted in his regeneration. It is feasable to believe that event changed or rebooted the Doctor's regeneration cycle. To support this idea, remember Captain Jack? It was the same energy that brought him back to life and and made him unable to die. He eventually evolved into the face of Boe and lived for millions of years. What could that energy do to a timelord?
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posted over a year ago 
It was not the vortex energy per se that brought Captain Jack back to life. It was Rose using the energy to bring him back to life and she overdid it.
euhura posted over a year ago
Thanks, you are right. I need to be more specific.
dreamfields posted over a year ago
BillN said:
The Star Trek franchise has taught us that writers love the idea that THEIR timeline is the only one that matters. So it's entirely possible our Doctor #11 will not stay that way for very much longer. Our Matt Smith could very well wind up being, for example, only Doctor #5 in the timeline we're seeing now and the Doctors we know as numbers 1-6 would be from a different reality.
Remember how Bobby Ewing was brought back on Dallas? If the producers want something to happen, IT WILL, and if logic gets in the way, well, that's just too bad!
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posted over a year ago 
vampiregirl1606 said:
I reckon because the doctor absorbed the time vortex to save rose he will never die because he has more regenerations
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posted over a year ago 
scarxtardis said:
I don't know :( If he does run out of regenerations, I don't know what I'd do without doctor who...
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posted over a year ago 
sehdt said:
Sadly he wont unless the writers can come up with something completely mad. After the next one that will be it.
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posted over a year ago 
Actually, the one after the next one will be it - they have 12 regenerations, which means 13 incarnations
musicfanaticXD posted over a year ago
ellie_bellie135 said:
He's going to have to do something REALLY horrific!....Be like the rest of us and..............O.O......NOT DIE!!!! *GASP*
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posted over a year ago 
SpikeVamp said:
well actually his regenerations are unlimited. They are gonna change it in the Sarah Jane adventurers. Apparently someone asks the doctor how many times he can regenerate and he says its unlimited. I'm pretty sure this isn't a rumor. I'm not just spreading stuff around. if you wanna see the article here is a link

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well actually his regenerations are unlimited. They are gonna change it in the Sarah Jane adventurers. Apparently someone asks the doctor how many times he can regenerate and he says its unlimited. I'm pretty sure this isn't a rumor. I'm not just spreading stuff around. if you wanna see the article here is a link
posted over a year ago 
coolsome11 said:
there's a torchwood in rose's world and if it weren't for the doctor then there wouldn't be a torchwood at all, let's keep that in mind :)
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posted over a year ago 
doc907 said:
he could carry on,but it would have to be a compatable body.a human body would start to degrade badly after a while because of the artron energy he uses to regenerate.and body temp is also a factor as well about[60 degrees if memory serves]
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posted over a year ago 
Jaysouds said:
Well the 11th Doctor rebooted to whole universe in "The Big Bang" so really the 12th regen. is in a completely "Different Reality." (11th Doctor) So this topic is now completely open to what ever the writers come up with.
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posted over a year ago 
The10thDoctorDT said:
1- The Doctor is the last of the Time Lords
2- The absorption of the time vortex gave him some more
3- Rose absorbing the time vortex gave him eternal life for her Doctor protection against the Daleks , she didn't know he can regenerate at the time.
4- River gave the rest of her regeneration to the Doctor, in Let's Kill Hitler.

The Doctor has much more regenerations then we think, and can have some more in so many ways!!! :D
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posted over a year ago 
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