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Doctor Who Question

Why's no-one talking about this???

Really sorry, but why is no-one talking 'bout the Amy-Doctor thing??? I'm gobsmacked!!!! She snogged his face clean off (not litterally of course *laugh as I imagine that image*), but yeah, I was like WAT?!?!?!?!??! So yeh, sorry 'bout that :-D Wat dus everyone think of it???

P.s. Omg, Matt acted that so well!! "I'm 907 years old, It's not gunna work *sweat as Amy kisses him* Er...." lol!!!
 Storystuff posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

Disaster said:
*hmm, I swear I answered this question before*
anyways, there isn't much to talk about
Amy is a female and the Doctor is the Doctor - his whole existence screams 'sex'
and chemistry said its word
anyone would have done the same as Amy
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posted over a year ago 
snoznoodle said:
Ok let's talk about it! I loved Amy's approach - a bit naiive? Sure. But I love her for it. SOMEONE needed to do it! I loved the drama between 10/Rose and 10/Martha but nothing much ever happened - all the sexual tension and feelings were bubbling under the surface until something happened to ruin everything and make the Doctor a wreck. He did the angst and heart break wonderfully sure but that's over and it's time for a change. Now we have a new Doctor and a new companion and an all new kind of relationship again. It's a shock, it's incredibly awkward and it's fantastic. So they've got a lot to work out - it's not going to go under the surface like it used to and I can't wait to see how they solve everything. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Dearheart said:
Personally, I was horrified at first. One of the big reasons why I love the new dynamic duo is because of the whimsy and innocence to their relationship. It feels sort of like a "Peter Pan and Wendy" sort of relationship, where it's not quite romance, but it's not quite a brother/sister thing either; and it's full of wonder and thirst for adventure. When I first saw the Amy/11 kissing scene, it seemed to shatter all of that, along with my hopeful expectations for them.

But then I watched the scene again, as well as the trailer for the next episode, and I noticed a few things:

1) The doctor wasn't into it. He didn't even TRY to kiss her back; he just got flustered and worried and kept trying to push her off him. "I am 907 YEARS OLD and this will never work!" As far as we know so far, he doesn't want to start any kind of "thing" with her; he just wants her friendship and trust. He wants to keep things simple.

2) He repeated over and over, "You're getting married in the morning!" He clearly has respect for the whole fiance thing, and I think that's REALLY GOOD. I've seen too many TV shows where sex is tossed around like it's nothing and the characters don't care how it affects their relationships. It's very encouraging to see that the Doctor has some integrity and wisdom about all this.

3) I don't know if this is the case yet, but from what I gathered from the end of the episode ("the most important thing in the universe is that I get you sorted out RIGHT NOW.") and the trailer, with the Doctor whisking Amy and her fiance off to Venice for a seems like fixing and strengthening Amy and Rory's relationship - and saving the universe - might be one and the same. If that's the case, I WILL BE SO THRILLED.

(My dad's a marriage counselor, so that might have something to do with it, lol...)

Sorry everyone! The doctor doesn't need a love interest right now. I'm now officially an Amy/Rory shipper. =P (Though that could change someday. It's still very early in the series and nothing is set in stone yet...)

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posted over a year ago 
Yes, I agree. I love the way the Doctor is so sensible - like the "married in the morning" thing. And yes, I noticed that he didn't embrace Amy at all
musicfanaticXD posted over a year ago
Not to mention the fact that the Doctor isn't human. One presumes there's a bunch of chemistry that *isn't* there due to sheer biology (though on the same note there's numerous examples of Gallifreyans and humans getting together, such as Leela and Andred, Susan and David, etc). I mean... He might just... not like humans. Any more. Heck, he hates apples and loves fish custard. As mossheart1235 says below, it's a whole new Doctor.
Kioma posted over a year ago
jadibabix said:
i found it really funny :P i hope they play on tht a bit more
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posted over a year ago 
mossheart1235 said:
Is there, like, an Eleven/Amy spot? I'm more of a Ten/Rose, but this is a whole new doctor. New ships are bound to come 'round.
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posted over a year ago 
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