Disney Princess Unpopular Disney opinions (confessions)

viktoriya773 posted on Feb 10, 2014 at 11:53PM
Post your unpopular Disney opinion here. Express your opinion about not only DP but Disney in general. Please be respectful about each other's opinions and don't bash someone because of it. Say "I disagree/agree with you because..." I'm sure everyone is mature enough to handle it.

Disney Princess 811 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 811

over a year ago purplerose17 said…
Merida is really really awesome!
THEDisneyFreak commented…
Agreed! over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
Agreed over a year ago
THEDisneyFreak commented…
Though I would say that's popular, just not here. over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
I think people are too hard on hand-drawn films. They expect it to either be flawless like Beauty and the Beast or The Lion King, or they dismiss it as terrible/worthless.

By contrast, the same flaws they condemn in 2D films they'll excuse in CGI films. As long as a 3D film is better than the worst DreamWorks film, people will judge it by its merits rather than negatively comparing it to flawless classics.
last edited over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
Thank you yet again I don't like it when people see a CGI and automatically praise it for everything it's worth forgetting its flaws as well *cough,coughFrozen,cough,cough* over a year ago
LibelluleBleu commented…
AGREED! over a year ago
casserola commented…
. . . over a year ago
over a year ago MalloMar said…
I adore The Little Mermaid 3: Ariel's Beginning. It's one of the movies that started my (very late in life) Disney love, so I have a soft spot for it.
dclairmont commented…
I should love Beauty and the Beast, since it's one of the films that got me to love Disney, but alas, it's in my bottom 2 DP movies D: I like TLM 3, the animation is beautiful, but I HATE Triton in that movie! over a year ago
CRaZy_rawR commented…
Love that movie! over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
I hate that one just as much as the original tbh over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I actually "like it," even if I don't "love" it. I dislike TLM 2, specifically Melody. over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
Mulan is kind of boring (both movie and character). I still prefer a good fairytale over it any day.
princecatcher93 commented…
GUS! My best Friend, do you want get together and watch Cinderella and eat cookies? over a year ago
dclairmont commented…
I somewhat agree.. over a year ago
zikkiforever commented…
Fully agree. Finally somebody who understands Mulan isn't the best thing ever. I much prefer all the magic fairytale stuff over a year ago
over a year ago dclairmont said…
Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pocahontas, The Princess and the Frog, and Brave are my five favorite DP films! (I swear, my five favorites seem to be the movies that get the most hate!)
MalloMar commented…
That's six, dearie! over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
I love that you love brave, SnowWhtie and Pocahontas sorry but I have to disagree on SB over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I love Princess and the Frog and like Brave. Sorry, I wish I could agree on the others. =( over a year ago
over a year ago viktoriya773 said…
The humor in frozen is forced. I felt like there were times it would be 'THIS IS FUNNY! YOU HAVE TO LAUGHT NOW!' Like that one time when Olaph randomly said "I have no bones" (or was it skin) when Anna and Kristoff were taking. I was like 'ok? An I suppose to laugh now? Is this funny?"
TheFabulousFAN commented…
Thank you another reason I just can't love the movie or like it in the slightest for that matter over a year ago
shanyuisboss commented…
EXACTLY! over a year ago
Lanalamprouge commented…
it felt really forced... agree over a year ago
wanderingchild7 commented…
it's completely true over a year ago
over a year ago purplerose17 said…
I don't like Jasmine. I can't really relate to her and Aladdin isn't that good of a movie
Silverrose1991 commented…
I agree with you about Aladdin, but why don't you like Jasmine? I don't relate to her either but she's one of my favorites. She's clever, funny, loyal, sassy, sweet and romantic. over a year ago
CRaZy_rawR commented…
I don't like the movie, but I adore Jasmine. :3 over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I like Jasmine, and I like the movie Aladdin. The humor in Aladdin is still better than the forced "potty jokes" and farcical illustration in Modern DP films, and the lampooning of males in Disney's current Revival era. over a year ago
over a year ago Shiki_Otherside said…
I really liked this concept of Anna, and it makes me wish Frozen was a 2d animated film sometimes
I really liked this concept of Anna, and it makes me wish Frozen was a 2d animated film sometimes
Silverrose1991 commented…
I don't like her face very much. over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
AGREED!!!! over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I AGREE! I've been collecting a lot of Frozen concept art and I think Elsa and Anna look WAY better hand-drawn. I wish it was hand-drawn for Anna alone. =( over a year ago
over a year ago princecatcher93 said…
The only things that I really love just about everything, are movies, princes and villains. I really have a hard time loving all the princesses (To much drama)
over a year ago MalloMar said…
Cinderella's pink dress looks pretty ripped. She rocks the one shoulder look. I feel bad because that scene almost makes me cry.
Silverrose1991 commented…
Cinderella looks gorgeous in everything, m'dear. And I love the pink dress! It's so cute and pretty. over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
^yes much agreed! over a year ago
casserola commented…
Is it bad that I think the dress looks better ripped? over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
I prefer French 1959 Aurora over French 1981.
TheFabulousFAN commented…
I don't know what that means but ok over a year ago
disneygirl7 commented…
Me too! over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I'm kind of torn. I like the lyrics and flow of the 1995 version, but in terms of pure vocal I like the 1981 version. In short, a tie. o_o; over a year ago
over a year ago TheFabulousFAN said…
Ariel is not that pretty and very unrealistic (not being biased I swear)
Pocahontas's voice is very underrated
If the CGI movies (except Tangled) were never made there would be peace in this club/world
Mulan is not so much intelligent as she is a quick thinker and brave
Rapunzel is the most developed princess and Tiana too
Silverrose1991 commented…
Don't really agree with any of these, just that Ariel's body is unrealistic. over a year ago
Shiki_Otherside commented…
I agree with the first two (: over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
Cinderella has the best hair of all the Disney Princesses. I know nobody is going to agree with me since it's considered quite dull and plastic, but I think it's lovely and so soft-looking.
Cinderella has the best hair of all the Disney Princesses. I know nobody is going to agree with me si
CRaZy_rawR commented…
She has my least favorite hair. :c it seems so unrealistic and unmanageable. over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
My hair is just like Cindy's in real life...like exactly like her hair so I think it's beautiful over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Her hair is plain. The bangs reminds me with bread lol over a year ago
over a year ago dclairmont said…
Anna's failing, Aurora's passiveness, Snow's naivety and more flaws like that make me love the character MORE, not less
MacytheStrange commented…
Yes! Except for maybe Ariel and Poca, I really love characters flaws. Same goes for the princes, too. over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
I agree. Flaws make the character more human. Some people might find annoying, but I like when Cinderella is all distracted after discovering the prince loves her. It's a very natural reaction, IMO. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Agree about Snow and Aurora, but not Anna. over a year ago
over a year ago princecatcher93 said…
I think Queen Ellinor (Merida's mom) was Merida's Prince Charming. You don't have to be a male to be someone's knight in shining armory.
Silverrose1991 commented…
Yes, I agree. But not in a romantical way, I guess. over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
*what I meant was "of course". over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
Yes AGREE!!!! I agree sooooo much over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
Not related to Disney but... I'm not a huge fan of the tough girl trope. It's getting overused, usually these type of characters are overbearing, it's very demanding and sexist (yes, you hear me, sexist) and paints the more feminine women in a negative light.

Of course, these are characters that use this stereotype and I enjoy greatly, like Merida. Others I don't care much for, like Katniss Everdeen.
Silverrose1991 commented…
Let me rephrase that, "traditionally feminine". And hoe can I express what I mean without using this label? I agree that Kat is very admirable, but otherwise I find her, well, uninteresting. I much prefer the other characters. I don't dislike her, but I don't love her. over a year ago
MacytheStrange commented…
^ Well, Rapunzel was in an abusive environment, and she worked for her happy ending. It's still a bad role model for children if a character just does whatever people tell her to even if they are verbally abusing and overworking her. And it's not like I'm talking about a real person. I'm talking about Cinderella as a role model. If she was real, I'd understand. But since she's fictional, I think she should be a better role model. And I thought you were the one who got upset when people said you were being racist, seriously unbelievable. over a year ago
MadameLee commented…
While like in a lot of articles on this site says. It's having a roof and bed or roadkill for food. Which one would you prefer? over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
After going over Frozen concept art, I feel more strongly than ever that the final designs and characterization for the film are bland and boring. I always thought there was something lacking anyway, since my first view, but now it's harder than ever after seeing such creative, vibrant, expressive... well, animated concept art and early designs. (link)

This film would have been SO BEAUTIFUL in 2D animation! ;_;
After going over Frozen concept art, I feel more strongly than ever that the final designs and charac
Silverrose1991 commented…
YES IT WOULD! They look stunning! over a year ago
prussiaducky commented…
I'm fine with the CGI because of the scenery and ice animation, it's incredible over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
You and me both! over a year ago
over a year ago prussiaducky said…
I don't find Aurora interesting, and find her rather boring
I don't find Aurora interesting, and find her rather boring
Silverrose1991 commented…
Actually she is one of my favorite princesses to watch. She is very amusing with the forest animals and surely the stunning animation (her graceful movements) help a lot. over a year ago
prussiaducky commented…
I guess we have different views of amusing :/ I dunno, playing with animals and dancing is pretty boring to watch IMO over a year ago
zikkiforever commented…
Agreed. I find the movie not so much about her though. I think that to me she just is a co character. over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
I love both 2D and CGI. They're both gorgeous, even if I prefer 2D slightly.
over a year ago prussiaducky said…
I love Tiana's hair!
MalloMar commented…
Oh, definitely! over a year ago
MacytheStrange commented…
I do too! over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
Me too! over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
Me three! over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
Belle is definitely not a Mary-Sue. Neither are Rapunzel or the Classics, for that matter.
CRaZy_rawR commented…
None of the princesses are Mary Sues, imo. over a year ago
Lanalamprouge commented…
hate the term mary-sue b/c of how often its misused over a year ago
wanderingchild7 commented…
I agree! Belle is a really complex and realistic character. The Classics don't deserve to be called Mary-Sues either. Although I think that the CGI princesses are the closest to being a Mary-Sue. over a year ago
over a year ago MacytheStrange said…
Although I don't think any of the DPs are Mary Sues, I think calling Rapunzel or Belle a Mary Sue makes no sense when you look at Cinderella. She is closest to being a Mary Sue, although none of the DPs actually are Mary Sues.
Although I don't think any of the DPs are Mary Sues, I think calling Rapunzel or Belle a Mary Sue mak
Silverrose1991 commented…
I definitely disagree. I would say Cinderella has roughly the same amounts of flaws as Belle. The princess that comes the closest (and there's still a far marge) to being a Mary Sue is Rapunzel, because she's accomplished and acts so very sociable and natural despite having an isolated life. I would expect someone raised in a tower to be more shy and not so comfortable around other people. Cinderella is distracted, has the bad habit of losing her shoes, is bitter and has her moments where she feels down and thinks she has lost all hope (though actually she didn't). Anyway, that's the way I see it. over a year ago
dclairmont commented…
I think Cinderella is the closest too tbh. over a year ago
casserola commented…
My reaction when someone calls Rapunzel a mary-sue:g77uy6.I just banged my head agains the keyboard... yeah,that joke sounded better in my head.. over a year ago
over a year ago FrozenQueen said…
I ship Elsa with Hans.
prussiaducky commented…
I ship HANS with no one, and I ship ELSA with Belle but that's cool that you ship them! I can kinda see why :) over a year ago
prussiaducky commented…
Sorry for the caps, it's autocorrect's fault over a year ago
casserola commented…
I ship Elsa with Pitch.Forever alone ... *cries* over a year ago
over a year ago prussiaducky said…
Merida is in my top 6 for pretty princesses, including Anna and Elsa
Silverrose1991 commented…
I'm not sure where she is in my list, but she is certainly higher than Elsa or Pocahontas or some of the other princesses that are called the most beautiful. over a year ago
MacytheStrange commented…
Still deciding where to put her, but she'll be at least six I'm sure. over a year ago
casserola commented…
Merida is 4 over a year ago
over a year ago prussiaducky said…
I don't think the classics are the best role models
Silverrose1991 commented…
I'll admit that I'm stuck between the Classics and the Modern girls, but I'll stay by the Classics for now. But all the princesses are amazing role-models, IMO. over a year ago
prussiaducky commented…
They are okay role models, but not the best, and since these movies are geared to younger audiences and cannot really analyze the situation, I know when I was little I thought the classic movies were about princes rescuing princesses who patiently waited. I agree the most are great role models, but I don't think that Ariel is a good role model. over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
^Well-said, Tygers! over a year ago
over a year ago CRaZy_rawR said…
Belle isn't that smart.. She is just a bookworm. She reads fairy tales, she says so herself.
prussiaducky commented…
I think she is smart, but not because of the fact that she reads books/fairy tales over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
I read somewhere saying she's the smartest princess. You could be right though. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Well, a bookworm isn't always means to be smart. over a year ago
over a year ago shanyuisboss said…
Maleficent isn't a great villain. She get's so much attention when she is really a bland redone version of the devil and nothing more. Why is she considered oh so interesting and complex yet Shan Yu isn't? I mean, I get it, Shan Yu doesn't have a very complex personality but why do people pick on him for that yet not Maleficent who is extremely bland and not well done at all.

If you want to read more, check out my article:

Silverrose1991 commented…
I don't think Maleficent is a bland redone version of the devil. Just because her design was inspired by the devil it doesn't mean she is. She is an evil fairy. I agree that she isn't complex, but I prefer my villains that way, actually. I find her really interesting and with great-style. But Shan Yu is awesome too - just not really my type of villain. over a year ago
CRaZy_rawR commented…
She's okay. Toward the middle-y bottom of my list. Shan Yu is better imo too. <3 over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I agree that Maleficent is one of Disney's blandest villains. Jolie's version was much better. over a year ago
over a year ago MissAngelPaws said…
Mulan is my least favorite DP. She's too perfect! Everything comes so easily for her and she can be a bit boring sometimes. She has some admirable personality traits like how she's brave and selfless, but I think she's a Mary-Sue.
princecatcher93 commented…
YES!!! OH MY WORD YES!! She is a Mary Sue, more so then Belle and Rapunzel. over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
@shanyuisboss: I never said anything about Aurora. Also, I do think that she is too perfect, but Mulan is lower on my list because she could be boring sometimes. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
Nothing that Mulan did was easy. Everything about her screamed "in need of practice" in the opening of the film. But Mulan learned how to be disciplined and overcame. That's why she's my favorite. over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
The Classics aren't as similar as people say. Sure, the movies and the characters have some similarities, but that's because they were made in the same era. They are just as similar as Rapunzel is to Anna and Ariel is to Jasmine: they have some things in common, but not really their personalities.
last edited over a year ago
shanyuisboss commented…
Their personalities are not as similar as people say they are, but i guess they have the same way of talking and the same optimistic attitude towards things. Since they were made in a time period that we are not familiar to, people tend to say they are similar. over a year ago
dclairmont commented…
Aurora isn't optimistic though :) I agree. over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
I agree with you. They have some similarities, but they each have a different personality. over a year ago
over a year ago disneygirl7 said…
I don't know if this is "unpopular", but I don't think Belle and Elsa will be good friends, let alone lovers. Their personalities clash too much.
Silverrose1991 commented…
I agree. I can't see them being great friends. I think Elsa would be friends with Aurora and Pocahontas, while Belle would be friends with Cinderella and Tiana. But that is just my personal opinion. over a year ago
princecatcher93 commented…
BELLELSA!!! That sounds like a drug. over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
I agree. They won't even be good friends. Belle wants to have adventures, but Elsa doesn't seem to want to have any adventures. Btw, I ship Jack Frost & Elsa, so it ain't gonna work. over a year ago
over a year ago princecatcher93 said…
I like shipping my friends (you guys) with Disney characters it makes me feel happy to see them the character that they love because they're so much alike.
Silverrose1991 commented…
LOL. Do you ship me with anybody? over a year ago
princecatcher93 commented…
^Not telling until Part Two of Ship All the Princesses, but you'll be happy. IT's a Friendship or A Family Ship just to let you know. over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
Oh, that sounds really interesting! over a year ago
over a year ago prussiaducky said…
JELSA is a terrible ship IMO
CRaZy_rawR commented…
Ugh. Yus! More like brother sister. over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
Personally, I think they'd be a great couple and I can't see Elsa with anybody else. over a year ago
casserola commented…
I don't think it's terrible but it's my least favourite DP ship.So overrated over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Peoples ship them just because their powers *sigh* over a year ago
over a year ago princecatcher93 said…
I liked the days before Brave and Frozen joined the line up. It's so hard to put some of your favorites out of the top 5. I mean I love my top 7 Disney films (Maybe top 8) and it seems so wrong to put some lower then others....sigh I wish it could just be ten again.
CRaZy_rawR commented…
It's so hard making lists. I legit love everyone! And then it seems like some princesses are so low and ugh. Life is hard. over a year ago
dclairmont commented…
Ikr D: over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
^makes a great point it's all about the money that's why I chose to love the characters more so than ALL of the DPs I stick to a character but I like other tbh the DPs are a strange merchandise ..with all the "official" stuff and adding stuff I say only count the princesses you want to count...if that made any sense over a year ago
over a year ago prussiaducky said…
Rapunzel's short hair is better than her longer, and I think she looks gorgeous with it
princecatcher93 commented…
I just like her hair over a year ago
purplerose17 commented…
Yesssssss!!!! She looks beautiful with short hair!!! over a year ago
casserola commented…
favourite DP hair over a year ago
over a year ago princecatcher93 said…
I think princecatcher93 is the best looking Disney Princess.
Silverrose1991 commented…
YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
CRaZy_rawR commented…
YUS. NO DOUBT. over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
Definitely! over a year ago
over a year ago prussiaducky said…
prussiaducky is the best looking disney prince
Silverrose1991 commented…
Well... If you say so... over a year ago
purplerose17 commented…
Nah she's the best looking Disney DUCK over a year ago
CRaZy_rawR commented…
Duh, guys. Donald Duck is a Disney prince. over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
Looks like Donald has some competition... over a year ago
over a year ago CRaZy_rawR said…
Atlantis is my second favorite Disney movie. :3
Silverrose1991 commented…
I have to rewatch it, but it's fine. Too complicated and action-ish towards the end and no songs, but okay. over a year ago
purplerose17 commented…
I LOVE ATLANTIS! It's my 4th favorite Disney movie at the moment. over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I liked it better when I was a kid, but still like it now. I actually like it for different reasons now than when I was a kid, since I understand a lot of the sarcasm, subtle humor, more adult concepts, history (like the on-coming World War and the Kaiser), etc. over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
Cinderella is my second favorite DP movie, and it isn't very popular. I'm still waiting for the day where it'll be more well-liked in this club, though I can see why so many people don't like it.
last edited over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
BUT I LOVE IT!!! Everyone world wide knows Cindy is a classic over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
I don't really like the movie, but I love Cinderella and so do a lot of people. over a year ago
CRaZy_rawR commented…
Meh, I don't like the movie all that much. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I actually love it over a lot of the DP films. I certainly like it more than BATB, and most of the Revival era films. over a year ago
over a year ago purplerose17 said…
Not DP related but TRON Legacy is seriously one of my favorite movies.
TheFabulousFAN commented…
I'm sorry but I must unfriend you now...JK but seriously welp I guess we are sharing are unpopular opinions over a year ago
purplerose17 commented…
We don't seem to agree on much, do we? over a year ago
Lanalamprouge commented…
I like both Tron and Tron Legacy over a year ago
over a year ago TheFabulousFAN said…
People are way too defensive of the princesses they like ...I get it you don't like it when they are called 'Mary-sues' or 'selfish' or 'annoying' but see their flaws except them and embrace the criticism but arguing against facts are just annoying...especially when they can't respect other peoples opinions
MalloMar commented…
Agreed. over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
Seriously. You can disagree, state your reasons calmly, eloquently, and/or counter with evidence from the film. Anything more though is like arguing with a pig: it doesn't accomplish anything and just annoys the pig. over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
Yes! Sometimes, it can really piss someone off. I always try my best to stay calm, even if the other person is trying to start an argument. over a year ago
casserola commented…
"Just arguing against facts are annoying"?There's no such thing as facts when in an argument about a DP. over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
I actually don't like princesses. *is shot* I find the idea boring. You wear pretty hairstyles, dresses, jewelry and dance with cute guys, but what else is there? I don't like the Disney Princesses because they're princesses, I like them for their personalities and accomplishments in their films. (In fact, now that I think on it, all my favorites aren't princesses through most of their films.)
dclairmont commented…
Definitely! I agree! I could care less about them being princesses, I really love their personalities. over a year ago
MacytheStrange commented…
Yes! I'm pretty sure that's how a lot of us feel, although some may like the 'princess' aspect as well. As for my top three... Belle never even married the prince as far as we know, Elsa was a queen for most of the movie and Tiana only became a princess at the end. So yeah, I wholeheartedly AGREE! over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I like them for both (personality and those hair/dress/crown things) over a year ago
over a year ago viktoriya773 said…
Elsa should of been the one who saved Anna not the other way around. I was hoping that she would. She needed to prove that she does care about her sister despite the fact that she would not talk to her. We all know why, but Anna did not, and it looked bad.
last edited over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
She does...they both save each other over a year ago
viktoriya773 commented…
I'm saying in the end, Elsa should of been the one to be in Anna's place and save Anna from Hans. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Interesting. over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
But with her LOVE she save Anna from the ice...I confused or I dumb either way I don't understand what is going on over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
They should make a prequel where Pocahontas goes back to John Smith. Think about it. It may not be history related, but it'll give fans the justice they need.
MacytheStrange commented…
That would be a sequel, not a prequel. And I personally don't agree -- although I don't care who Pocahontas ends up with, sequels are always bad. And it would kinda make Pocahontas look wishy-washy: "I love you John Smith, goodbye! No wait, I love John Rolfe and I'm staying with him! No wait AGAIN, I love John SMITH now!" over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
^ Hello? Didn't you see Pocahontas 2? THAT'S a sequel, my dear. over a year ago
CRaZy_rawR commented…
I like John Rolfe and Poca, so no thanks. XD over a year ago
over a year ago princecatcher93 said…
I hate it how some people only watch the masterpiece Disney films (Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Aladdin, Mulan and now Frozen) and don't know any of the other films. In fact I laugh at my friends' facebook pages when those are their favorite films and they say their a Disnerd but can't tell you if Pooh Bear wears pants or not.
viktoriya773 commented…
I find movies like Brother Bear, Atlantis or Treasure Planate to be great movies. Personally, I like Brother Bear, for example, more than Frozen or Aladdin. And I don't think Frozen is a "masterpiece" It's nice but I saw Disney and non Disney movies more deserving of that title. over a year ago
mergirl13 commented…
I agree, princecatcher. It's like not all the Disney movies are being treated equally. over a year ago
Lanalamprouge commented…
i tried to see all of them... even watched black cauldron.... over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I wish they gave Elsa a love interest. That would've been good.
TheFabulousFAN commented…
I like a girl that doesn't need a man....not every DP or DQ in this case needs a prince and Hans and Brave are good reasons why i don't really like the disney prince concept ...but it guess it's your opinion over a year ago
princecatcher93 commented…
Agree with Elsa and Love Interest. Maybe another Ice Cutter like Kristoff. over a year ago
over a year ago MissAngelPaws said…
Jasmine is very underrated, and it makes me feel so sad. Whenever I see polls asking who your favorite princess is, Jasmine always has little to no votes. Sometimes, it seems that I'm the only one who really loves her. (even though I know I'm not)
MalloMar commented…
Yeah. :( I wish she had more active fans here. Unfortunately, she's low on my list, though I really like her. The most underrated Princess in my opinion. (at least on Fanpop) over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
Sorry, I'm as guilty of that as the next person. I want to rate her higher, and she actually has risen higher on my list since I first came to fanpop, but she can only go so far. When I was a kid, I actually noticed she has the same temper as my mom, and so the little girl in me clenches up when I hear Jasmine yell the same way I did as a little girl when my mom scolded me. I know it's not an excuse, but I hope it's a decent explanation. =( over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
Jasmine got a good share of popularity until Rapunzel came along. That's just my opinion. over a year ago
over a year ago MalloMar said…
Not really an opinion, but it's probably somewhat unpopular:
I don't watch my favorite Disney movie a lot. I have seen it about 6 or 7 times, while certain other Disney movies, I've seen more. (I only fell hard for Disney 3 years ago) I guess I like "keeping it golden" by seeing it after a very long time and getting blown away every time.
Oh, by the way, this special movie is Tarzan. <3
shanyuisboss commented…
I LOVE TARZAN! over a year ago
dclairmont commented…
I've only seen Tarzan once *gasp* I just fell in love with it and it became my favorite like that! I REALLY need to rewatch it, ahhhh!! <3 over a year ago
Lanalamprouge commented…
TARZAN!!! over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
I don't think Ariel's a bad role model because she "changed herself for a man." Far from it, I actually don't mind that about her. Part Of Your World establishes that she desperately wanted to gain legs and walk the land long before she ever set eyes on Eric. He was just the final push to pursue what she already wanted anyway. It's like wanting to go to college, but never really pushing for it, then you see or meet someone you're interested who is attending the college you already wanted to attend, so you go both for it and the person you like. Is it better to give up on your dream and stay home just because someone you're interested in romantically happens to be part of the deal?

I once actually made this point to an avid feminist (who loves everything about Ariel except that) and she said, "But she was still willing to change herself for a man." Yes, but she's willing to change something about herself that she already wanted to change anyway. Imagine you have blonde hair, and you hate having blonde hair. You really want red hair. You've been desperately wanting to dye your hair red for a long time, but just never worked up the nerve. Then you fall for someone you learn likes red hair. Is it bad that you dye your hair a color you wanted anyway because someone you like happens to also like it? Should you keep your hair a color you don't like because the person you like likes the color too? What sense does that make? How about piercings? You want to get a certain piercing (say, navel), your learn someone you like has a thing for people with that piercing, so you shouldn't get it even though you would both love it?

Now, I dislike a lot of other things about Ariel - her personality, the way she became human, the mess it caused that I don't think she did enough to help clean up or apologize for - but those are unpopular perspectives while the one that she didn't give up her life for a man because she wanted to anyway is the unpopular one.

It's not a popular opinion, but it's mine.
last edited over a year ago
MacytheStrange commented…
I agree. I personally don't like Ariel and Eric's relationship, but Ariel didn't change herself for Eric. over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
I agree I don't hate Ariel because of this but for her behavior, attitude and actions. You make a good point, Ariel didn't just change for Eric but for her dream, because she was mad at her father I don't like Ariel but ...this I what I think of her over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
TheFabulousFAN, oh definitely, I agree. I don't like how she went about it. Having a dream is fine, pursuing it at the expense of others is not. I don't like how she ditched responsibilities, let others down, blew others off, got others in trouble, made messes for others to clean up, showed no gratitude or concern for others' well-being, didn't learn or grow, etc. over a year ago
MadameLee commented…
so a 16 year old girl who is daydreaming of being human/collecting human stuff isn't allowed to forget about the fact that there was a concert? I mean it's kind of half mentioned that Ariel skipped rehersals a lot. She didn't realize the 'fine print' of the scroll she signed. I over a year ago
over a year ago MacytheStrange said…
I wasn't really a princess fan when I was younger. *astonished gasps* Until my mother gave me the Princess and the Frog DVD, I had always by far preferred super heroines, book heroines and especially other Disney heroines to the Princesses. In fact, the only princesses I didn't think of as anything more than girly ditzes when I was younger were Jasmine, Belle and Mulan. Like, for most of my childhood until Tiana (which I first saw when I was like ten), Alice, Megara and Esmeralda were my favorite Disney girls.
Silverrose1991 commented…
Well, I don't actually remember that much from my Disney childhood, but I was obsessed with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I also became obsessed with BatB a little later, but just because of the objects. I remember when I first watched Cinderella (a rented DVD) I was scared of the stepmother. Later I discovered it again in Youtube and was enchanted by it. I also became obsessed with Sleeping Beauty for a time and I always borrowed the DVD from my father's friend's video store. I also remember watching Mulan when I was very young. Sorry for the rant. over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I have a pretty similar story. I liked Aurora and Cinderella when I was really little, but not obsessively since I liked animated movies about animals better. In fact, I just wasn't into Disney princesses at all. When I discovered Miyazaki heroines, I jumped onto those growing up. I also loved Mulan when she came out, but that's it. I didn't really warm up to Belle till my late teens, then Tiana came out and I loved her. Otherwise? Yeah, no princesses. over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
This feels blasphemous since I'm in the Disney Princess club, but I'm actually annoyed that most major Disney heroines are princesses. I understand that most Disney movies are largely based on European folklore and fairy tales, but given how many changes they make to the original stories, would it really be so hard to change some princesses into every women (like Tiana) instead of vice-versa (like Rapunzel and Gerda/Anna)?

Heck, even heroines to more original stories, like Atlantis and Brave, are princesses. I understand there are story reasons, like how Kida's sense of responsibility to her people drives her to seek Milo's help, and her royal blood gives her a special bond to the crystal that makes her vulnerable to being absorbed by it... but that just makes a "rescue the princess" climax, which is so tried and true.

On Merida, people begged Pixar to make a female lead for ages, and they finally did... with a rebellious princess. In the words of Mark Andrews: "She happens to be a princess because that just heightens the stakes in the story. If she was a scullery maid, 'big whoop, she wants to be different!', where’s the stakes in that?" I get it, but why use a "medieval gal that wants to be different" at all when we've seen it so much? Pixar was FAMOUS for their creative and original stories. Why fall back on the tired old "princess wants to challenge tradition" story just for their first leading lady?

Heck, these days Disney makes every heroine a princess even when it contradicts their original stories, like Rapunzel and Gerda/Anna. I understand the story reasons, but still... Like Alice and Wendy, Penny and Jennifer, Esmeralda and Lilo, I'd like to see more Disney heroines who happen to not be or become princesses.
last edited over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
Frankly, I think Merida shouldn't be a princess. Now, she was made to be the anti-princess. Just look at what Brenda Champman said: "we want to give girls a relatable, strong role model, not just a pretty face concerned with looks who wanders around looking for romance". I hate this woman with a burning passion: she's the embodiement of extreme feminists who hate DPs without apparently seeing their movies. over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
But I love Merida, of course. over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I don't really want non-princesses to enter the "Disney Princess" line so much as I want the Disney Princess line to tone down in general. Why does a character have to be made a princess (even if she isn't one like Mulan) to get recognition? What's the point of being a princess anyway? Political power? Pretty dresses? Marriage to a rich handsome prince? These ideas have been explored in various princess films, which I think is great, but I think there are more stories to tell and more characters to create than just the plight of princesses. I'd like to see more average every girls gain recognition, like Mulan and Esmeralda, instead of yet more princesses by birth or marriage. over a year ago