Damon & Bonnie I think Damon has a "soft spot" for Witches.

ApplePie88 posted on Feb 26, 2011 at 09:46PM
I don't know about anyone else but something tells me that Damon has a hidden weakness for witches. He always seems to be incredibly fascinated with them and he always seems to be talking about them. He seems to be really interested in witches, their powers and their history, like for example, in the last episode, everything he was reading revolved around witches. I think Damon covers up this secret weakness for witches by calling them "judgy" because Damon knows that vampires and witches are "natural enemies" and normally don't get along. However, when it comes to the vampire/witch rivalry, I think more of the rivalry comes from the witches side. I think it is because witches feel like they are always being pulled into vampire issues/problems and because of it, the witches end up in significant danger. What makes me think that Damon is fascinated by witches is the fact that even though they are technically human, they are supernatural humans. They inhabit all of the characteristics of a regular human being but they have strong powers. And Damon has said that he likes strong and powerful women but he likes the soft-hearted, vulnerable side to a girl as well. Aside from Damon/Bonnie's connection, this is also part of the reason why I feel that Damon is so incredibly fascinated with Bonnie in the books is because even though she is this soft, vulnerable and fragile human, she can be very powerful and strong as well. But IDK, a part of me can't help but feel that Damon is really fascinated by witches and their history. Even Stefan is not nearly as obsessive about witches as Damon is. Anyone else see this or is it just me? I would hate to think that I am alone in having this opinion.

Damon & Bonnie 50 replies

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over a year ago chazzaf said…
No I can see it as well he was talking a lot about Witches with Elijah in The House Guest as well so I agree with you.I think you have made a lot of sense. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Metoo@Applepie and *Gloomps* Yah mate meh miss your juicy topics lol. I feel this way too mate becuz meh told a youtube mate it seemed as Damon/Emily had an sumthing lol. Wheither that sumthing was bloody love meh wouldnt know though he seem intrigued by Lucy's arrival, and how she bloody took out meh gur Katherine. In all honest mate Damon may feel like their his flippin kind of women, yet their his bloody death too. Stefan is intrested he told Shelia that but not like poor Damon where it becomes unhealthy. Like falling inlove with stick poles. lol
over a year ago lacage0 said…
big smile
You know I agree with both of you which is why I want to know more about Damon/Emily connection/pact. I mean she trusted Damon with her children in exchange to free Katherine. I mean if there wasn't something about Damon that only Emily knew, I don't think she would have trusted Damon with her kids she would have went maybe to stefan.

His fascination with Bonnie and a truce and also how hurt he seemed to kill Bree after she betrayed him. The only other person he felt something other than disgust for when killing them was rose and he was responsible for her demise.

I think Damon does have a thing for witches. I was right about the talk with Elijah about the witches's burial ground would lead to the witch story. What I didn't expect was Katherine was the reason Emily was burned and I wonder truly what's going on in Damon's head now that he knows that she betrayed and lied to him and what she did to her "friend" that she called a loose end. I mean what kind of relationship did Emily/Damon have because even Katherine said something to the effect of you have to know something because you would keep up with Emily to get me out of the tomb. I loved how he didn't confirm or deny lol I also wonder if Damon ask Emily why she wanted her line protected and if he got an answer? So many questions so much speculation so much fun
over a year ago SalvatoreBroFTW said…
now that you mention it i totally seee it.. and i remember when elijah mentioned stuff about witches damon's ear perked up and he was really interested!
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Yah were on too sumthing thnks Applepie lol. I feel like dnt memba ya name mate? Um you said Em trusted her kids to him yea but why instead Stefan like you said? Mayb they had sumthin right when he was bloody with Katherine. Who knows but he does get exicted over witches.
over a year ago lacage0 said…
@DamonsLilBird That's what I was thinking maybe b4 Katherine took off or Emily was burned something went on between Damon and Emily. Who knows but it would be interesting to see what that relationship was like. I mean to trust your kids with Damon, i've been intrigued since Stefan mentioned it before Emily betrayed Damon and destroyed the crystal. By the way, I'm Lori.
over a year ago aceg said…
I think you are right. Damon seems to fascinated by witches. Remeber back to episode Isobel, Damon's "naughty" gaze on Bonnie when she practiced magic. Maybe he's allured by their (especially Bonnie) power or sexiness?
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Lacage/Lori hi mate it's so bloody good to see new DB fans, An meh agree may b when Em saved Stefan&Damon they got together? @Aceg *Gloomps* yah meh Fantasic four mate is here meh happy lol. Meh jus love that scene he watch her like a hunter watches his prey, though meh wish we could see sum more flippin history between E/D/S. Who knows but themselves what really flippin happen mates? Arugh! Applepie I say bloody good job mate ya got meh going jackaroo, this is flippin good. lol makes ya wonder more between The Salvatore/Bennett Families.
over a year ago lacage0 said…
@aceg yeah the allure of power and sexiness and maybe the allure of the unacceptable To me Damon seems to like things that are not what accepted. He didn't fight in the war for the confederate. Why did he leave? Was it because he had something with Em and didn't feel right with fighting for a side that would repress her or did he just oppose the war in general? He's not suppose to like witches because of rivalry but he is all about some witches. I don't know he just doesn't seem to strike me as a person that goes for conventional, he likes it outside the proverbial box.
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over a year ago aceg said…
@lacage0 , I am not sure the reason why he left the conderate armies Perhaps he fed up with dark side of war? As for his liaison with Emily, I did not watch yesterday's epi (I haven't watch TVD since Sacrifce), so I am unsure waht type of relationship he had with emily. But I guess these two may have some sort of understanding, trust or respect back then? @DamonsLilBird, yeah mate, the writers need to give us more details of Damon's backstory.

"he just doesn't seem to strike me as a person that goes for conventional" Yeah I thought too. Just think about all the women he cared, Katherine, Bonnie, Rose or Elena. They are all unusual in their own character.
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over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Aceg lol yea that's what meh wants mate we all bloody derseve it cmon on mates we might get a better understandin of the women and Lochness *ELame*, why he loves them?
over a year ago aceg said…
A interesting question came to my mind momentarily. How many of you wish to see Kat take the role of Emily in the flashbacks of future episode?
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over a year ago lacage0 said…
big smile
hmmmmmmmmmmm interesting thought. Only if Bianca Lawson doesn't come back. I wonder........
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Aceg mate I thought she was bloody emily the first time meh saw the flippin photo. Im like Oi she looks like Bon Bon but hey it would make for great tv. lol
over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird, lacage0, Continued with the discussion about Emily/Damon. I think It would be interesting to see how confinements of Civil War era stretching to black female maid/white men relationship.
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over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird @lacage0 I have the same idea as you after I watched ep.9 and ep.13. I thought she was played by Kat.
over a year ago lacage0 said…
I agree. I can see Damon having an appetite for chocolate but how did that play out with him back in the 1800s Did the Salvatore's had slaves and if they did how were they treated? I know Emily came with Katherine so was Damon attracted to katherine right away or was Damon interested in EM and Kat compelled his affections elsewhere?
over a year ago aceg said…
@lacage0: from the short flashbackes, both Stefan and Damon seems seem like gentlemen with civilized personality? So they treat slaves more kindly?
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Lol yea sumbody agrees with meh Mum no more henatta lol! @Aceg they couldve been lovers secert ones since she was black and as a half black gur I understands her. @Lacage hmm very good mate we really should link this sum where mates but where? I feel the writers arent fully understanding the potienal (did meh spell that right?) they have, with this bloody story.
over a year ago Thedarkeststar said…
I just saw the episdoe again if you see in the last scene where Damon was saying he didn't understood why the council knew Emily was a witch to Katherine, but saying in a sarcastic way, implying that he knew that Katherine was the one that handed Emily to them so she ended up killed. In his face you can see he was pissed about that, he was with the face pratically saying "you back stabbing liying bitch". I didn't undertood why actually but Katheirne said he had to protect Emilly because of the tomb stuff and in the end Emilly died because of the vampires problems... and maybe just maybe, that's the reason why Damon thanks Bonnie all the times she does something that helps him directly. Maybe he dosen't want her to feel used by him at least. Just guessing, problaby, I'm wrong :P
But now, Damon is the only one that really knows where the witches where killed since the witches are the ones that created the way of killing the Originals with that dagger then maybe, they also knew how to kill Klaus. And now, so does Bonnie. I think this may lead to a Bamon scene and some witches flashbacks lol
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over a year ago lacage0 said…
I mean we know that Kat had compelled him to leave once in a flashback. He said Kat never compelled him to love her but maybe she compelled him to stop loving EM. The intense feelings he thinks he has for Kat are actually for EM. Lets skip to present time. Although, Damon is becoming undamonlike proclaiming love for Dopple, his body language and unconscious reactions to Bonnie says otherwise. Could it be a continance from the past just with newer generation? Here's a thought that just came to me, EM knew that Damon would be destined to be with Bonnie and that's the reason she wanted her line protected by Damon. The betrayal and the bite was the beginning of their journey. What do you think?
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over a year ago aceg said…
Oh this is so much info for the shallow mind of mine to take. I don't know. Maybe they have a friendship. What do you guys think.
over a year ago lacage0 said…
lol @ aceg sorry when there are so many unknowns I tend to do the whole conspiracy/let think of every way this can go even if it seems far out lol
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Meh apogolizes mates had Hado classes @TheDarkestStar *Gloomps* meh loves and misses you lol love what yee just said. May b becuz Damon feels Witches has been used bloody burned at the stakes for their problems? Hmm were onto sumthing mates lol @Aceg,Lacage meh sorry too *bows* Hado 41 classes arent easy but I agree with ya flippin all.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
Oh boy, what have I started here? LOL
over a year ago ayananecohe said…
ApplePie88, I agree. I think he does have a soft spot for witches. He's fascinated. I think all the vampires do. In The Sacrifice when Jonas came home, Elijah asked him where Luka was. It seemed strange. I don't think he'll be happy when he finds out their fate. Witches are valuable to vampires. People notice the witches are black, and see them as slaves, but I don't think so. They are making their own choices, and have reasons for what they do. And I think vampires put witches in bad situations to save them and say, "You owe me."

I'm glad you all brought up Damon leaving the Civil War. He did leave it on principle. I think he hated war, and was against slavery. Giuseppe disapproved of him and Damon refused to be "owned" by his father and was his own man and did what he wanted, no matter how unpopular. It wouldn't surprise me if the mistreatment of African Americans disgusted him. I think he respected Emily too. Her powers and her person. He's always saying to Bonnie, "It took Emily years to learn that spell." Those two had to talk often. Emily may have seen Damon's sensitive human side, and may have witnessed Giuseppe talking down to him and felt bad for him. And also, maybe Bonnie reminds Damon of Emily.
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over a year ago lacage0 said…
@ApplePie88 LOL oh yes what have you done lol

@Ayananecohe I know about the "It took Emily years to lear that spell" that's what got me to thinking how close were these two if he is knows how long it took her to do spells. One question I had was did he know about her being a witch before he was turned because that would explain some of the statements and does that mean he spent alot of time at Kat's or the quarters since he knows so much about EM?

He could see alot of Emily in Bonnie so that could be the reason he is so gun-ho to have a truce with Bonnie. Remember Emily did inhabit Bonnie's body to destroy the crystal. Emily possessed Bonnie for a reason and that was to tie those two together for a reason.

Ok I have a question for everyone here, think hard on this one, besides the tomb thing in the Sacrifice, was there any time other than then did Damon ask Bonnie anything that would cause her harm. I remember him wanting help with Mason but that wasn't putting her in harms way and when Mason did grab her, he got his hand off her with a quickness.
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over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
@lacage0 - LMAO, sorry for causing chaos on such a quiet and peaceful board. :P

Well, the way I have seen it and will always continue to see it, I think that Damon is always protecting Bonnie, even if he himself is not really aware of it. I think he's doing it without even noticing, he does it subconsciously. It is like it is fate for him to protect her as much as possible and why at the same time, he seems to involved in the witch history. In fact, I feel like he pays more attention to witches then he does about Elena and her doppelganger business. If you count last season and this season, there isn't one time when Damon doesn't mention something about witches and their history. It seems that this makes Damon come off rather obsessed and I don't want to sound like I am reaching or anything but I firmly believe that whenever he is discussing the topic of witches and their history, he is always thinking of Bonnie; how he can protect her and such. I think that the deal that he made with Emily over 145 years ago meant something significantly deeper then what the show is letting on, which sucks because I would really like to know the connection between Damon/Emily. It must have been a pretty meaningful and deep bond that these two shared in order for Damon to make such a big pact to protect Emily's family. Whether the bond between them was romantic or strictly platonic, I don't know but what I do know is that Damon/Emily definitely had a significant and meaningful relationship/connection.

Because of this connection to Emily and Damon's fascination with witches, a part of me can't help but feel that Damon/Bonnie are destined because of it. Why else would Emily possess her ancestor 145 years after being burned? This may have been Emily's way or sign of saying to Bonnie and yes, even Damon as well, that they have a connection and that they are meant to be in the future. And yes, in "Plan B", Damon did pry Mason off of Bonnie as soon as he tried to attack her and he did it really quick as well. Damon did not hesitate whatsoever and he stepped right in basically guarding her like a bodyguard. It was so adorable if I'm being honest. LOL. Also, in the episode "History Repeating", when Bonnie is possessed by Emily and Emily destroys the crystal and Damon attacks Bonnie out of pure anger and impulsiveness, you can clearly see that immediately after Damon attacks her (Bonnie), he feels incredibly guilty. I even thought he looked downright sad when he saw what he had done to Bonnie. He was just looking at Bonnie on the ground basically unconscious and his face reads "Oh no, what have I done?" (Ian totally sold that scene BTW of showing mixed emotions of anger, guilt, sadness, and pain). He had no intention of harming her whatsoever and he even told her that to her face. He told her that he wanted to do nothing but protect her.

Absolutely everything in the Pilot episode gives away the concept of the Bamon connection. Like I said in another post, Bonnie's very first visions were all about Damon. As soon as he came to town, Bonnie's powers started to evolve and strengthen. She never had these powers before and she also said that she could "sense" a negative, dark presence (the presence being Damon). Why couldn't she sense Stefan? The only time when she could sense Stefan was when she touched him in person. But she could sense Damon's presence long before she met him in person. This was the first sign that Bonnie's powers were heightening and that she was destined to go through a major spiritual individual journey.

Also, is it also any coincidence that when Damon made that deal with Emily over 145 years ago, there was a comet passing through Mystic Falls at the time, and when Damon comes back to Mystic Falls 145 years later, he "meets" Bonnie when the comet comes back to Mystic Falls after 145 years? I don't know, there's just a lot of hints IMO.
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over a year ago lacage0 said…
@ApplePie88 something else that stuck out in this was when Damon was at the tomb when they first put Kat in there he said you should have known not to mess with a Bennett witch it was his face and how he said it which makes me wonder what that statement meant and then no follow up. Now we all know thanks to Damon she was the reason Emily was burned at the stake and he didn't look to happy about it. Did you get that sense from the last scenes with Damon and Kat
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over a year ago katesbon said…
sure,one of the reasons i am sure bamon will happen is the way damon is connected to bon more ways than anyone ,first before he even know she was a witch at the carnival after he escaped from the cellar he met bon ,and he was all saying u r so loyal and stuff and, if u watch the rose eps after she did the locating spell ,he glance at her direction saying its elena before getting out she was bleeding,if the writers decide to follow the witches story invoving damon it will mean a new chapter for bamon and bon sure will forgive him ,stefan used bon but never were sencire or greeetful unlike damon so they are destined to be togther.it would be a shame if they give the story yet another save elena save the world kind of crap they been feeding us and i love emily and i think damon has a very strong connection to her that is one of the reasons he always compared bon to her and also when he first saw emily posessing bon u can clearly see tht they get each other i am gonna stop now because my head is gonna explod by excitement!!!
over a year ago lacage0 said…
@katesbon I thought it was kind of cute how Damon was acting around bon at the carnival. It seemed to me he was kind of I don't know shy when he approached her.

With the possession he was really hurt that Emily was going back on their deal and after attacking Bonnie you could really see how he really regret and was sorry for what he did.

As for the comparison, I agree there had to be a strong connection there for him to always compare Bonnie to Emily.

@ApplePie88 Yes it was no coincidence that the comet comes 145 years later and he meets Bonnie. I could go a step farther remember the crow when it hit Bonnie's car, we all knew Damon controlled the crow, but why hit Bonnie's car of all cars. Some would say because of the start of the Doppl tri, I say he had been in town a minute and had been watching Bonnie for a while. In a way, he was letting his presence be know without being seen. Remember when he met Caroline, he was sitting behind Bonnie out of her sight. So that gave me the impression he had been around watching Bonnie, possibly waiting for her powers to kick in? What do you think?
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Applepie you have started sumthing intresting mates you bloody rock mate lol. I just saw The House Guest and can meh just say this mates Omfg lol @TheDarkestStar you were flippin right mate meh saw the anger inside his face, Perhaps they did have sumthing? An Jonas meh cried for him and Luka becuz he gave Bon Bon her powers back.
over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird, I bet Luka's death scene must be really hard to watch
over a year ago katesbon said…
@lacage0 ,oh my god i never thought of the hit on bon car ,u r right i don't think it has anything to do wit elame and meeting caroline i always think tht may be he heard bon saying those nice things to care about not to compit wit doppy and felt bad for her and tht may be bon has something to do wit it.@aceg well for me it was hard because i loved luca and jhonas was a good dad trying to save his daughter it made me think how much power did he add to bon!!
over a year ago lacage0 said…
Hey just got through watching the table scene in the dinner party and when elijah started talking about witches Damon was looking at him but when elijah started talking about them being tied to the stake and burned Damon reaches for his glass and looks off and they didn't even show his face when elijah mention hearing their screams. Then he seem to try to cover whatever emotion he had when he asked why elijah was looking for the burial ground. I wished they had showed his face when elijah was talking about the screams because it looked like it was really affecting him when he was listening to the part about tyiung them to a stake and burning them together/
over a year ago Thedarkeststar said…
quote that got me supicious:

Katherine: "You knew that Emily Bennett was the key to getting me out of that Tomb, something tells me that you did everything in your power to make sure she was safe yet you have no idea where she was killed."
Katherine: "Who's the lair now?"

It's april 7 already here?
over a year ago lacage0 said…
@Thedarkeststar I know that line got me. I wonder did Damon try to go save Emily but he couldn't without revealing himself. I know when Elijah was talking about tying the witches to the stake and setting fire Damon looked away from him and it had an affect but we didnt' get to see his expression on the screams that were heard. then you have Kat in this episode talking like that and saying Emily was a loose end? Damon figured out that she was the reason why Emily was murdered. I bet he was thinking how could I love a disgusting evil b like you. Whatever it is about the Bennett witches, Damon wears that info and emotions close to the vest. I want the witches story to unfold like now the suspense is killing me.
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over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@aceg yes mate it was and I still couldnt belive he's gone him or jonas why must they kill off poor bon bon's ppl?
over a year ago aceg said…
big smile
@DamonsLilBird: Because it is the bloody writers' fault. Why don't we add writers of last episode to our black list then?
over a year ago SalvatoreBroFTW said…
we should kidnap the writers and send some of our own!!!
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Aceg meh apogolizes mate ran out of bloody time on meh college's puter lol. Im not sayin their bloody racist but almost ever charcther they, murder is flippin black. @SalvatoreBroftw why dnt we mate? Hell they flippin sucks with their plot storyline.
over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird: lol mate I have two essays due within like 10-11 days and I barely started "sign". I understand your reaction to the character's death. But I think it has more to do with writer's frequent disposal of guest stars, when they running out of ideas. I understand this is a vampire show and everyone will stay, but the writers should at least had the decency of giving them a good storyline before let them die. Hello, anyone remeber how the writers treat Rose and Lexi?
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Aceg lol thnks mate I feel they bloody derseve a better story then they were flippin getting. Meh hopes Lucy and Luka's sister shows up and helps our Bon Bon she's gonna need it. Lol Jonas knew she was the key all along and in death they will be avenge.
over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird: Yeah, Lucy's return would be great as her being a experienced witch will definately help a young witch like Bonnie. She can teach Bonnie ways of handling different source of power as she absorbed from Jonas and Luka (from what I've heard,when a witch die, his/her essence will be taken by another witch. So in this case, the "another witch" is Bonnie, right?)
over a year ago silvina19 said…
i hope so @aceg!!!

OMG too much information to think about... great topic @applepie!!!

i doubt that kat compelled damon to love her instead of emily because he would remember that when he became a vampire as caroline remember all the stuff that damon did to her... if something happened between damon and emily he must to remember i hope that in the upcoming episodes we will see what happened here!!!
over a year ago lacage0 said…
@silvina19 I know right! April is not getting here fast enough. My mind is racing with so many possibilities and I bet the show doesn't go anywhere where my head is at lol Hey here's speculation, what if in the spell book it says doing that spell at the burial/burning ground results in death dun dun dun Bonnie would go through with it to save everyone but would any of them try to stop her besides germs lol
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Omg mates have we pick up on sum bloody loose ends? May b hinted out there for us?!@Aceg Yea it is that way mate meh mum is wiccan so she would know. Lol Jonas/Luka weren't bad or bloody evil *coughs Dumb Entertainment and BEER-ME FANS* They were just following others to a T so their family can be together again. *sighs* Aww mates now im sad again great flippin job Nana lol.
over a year ago silvina19 said…
haha yeah @lacage0 im soo soooo anxious!!! more than a month !!!
and its totaly the same here!! im mean my mind is a coctel of ideas and posibilities of bamon that i'll never drink!! its like the writers are killing me for thirst!!!

i was thinking something similar about the spells too, like the gang -for a miracle- would realice that she could end like her grams..dead... how would they react?? would they do something about?
over a year ago AngelusB said…
I do feel that he has a respect for them/Emily and is therefore fascinated by witches but I don't feel whatever he had with Emily was beyond platonic. He'd been to obsessed with Kat, hadn't been granted to see her in her true disloyal light yet and Emily played guide for Stefan/Damon in the beginning, helping them with the whole transition.

Damon's mention of Emily being burned was clearly upsetting because not only had she been more than willing to kill him but she'd not thought twice about sacrificing her friends either. Emily and Katherine were suppose to be close and think that at the end of it all, the more Kat actually talks the more disconcerted he becomes about what he actually loved.
over a year ago katesbon said…
may be its agood thing tht kat is the reason for emily's death,now may be damon will feel that everything he believes about her is a lie and feel some remorse for emily and decide he would do anything to protect bon and be there for her no matter what because emily helped him and stefan and died so may be bon's fate will be the same ,grams said tht witches always pulled by vamps problems so probably we will have more bamon scene hopefuly without germs!!!