Damon & Bonnie Some Delena Fans Are Very Ungrateful

chazzaf posted on Feb 20, 2011 at 08:47AM
hi everyone first of all I wanted to say Im new to this page but I am a big Bamon fan. I just wanted to say that I think some de fans are very ungrateful for the scenes they have I feel us Bamon fans actually appreciate our scenes when we get them because lately all im hearing is Damon and Elena haven't had a scene alone together in soooooo long ERM hello daddy issues wasn't that only two episodes ago not counting the one in the dinner party or the one in crying wolf with Stefan Elena and Damon.Sorry for the rant I just feel very frustrated that they have the cheek to moan about having hardly any scenes when they actually do have a lot. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Damon & Bonnie 15 replies

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over a year ago hinata26 said…
You're right. Welcome to the bamon spot.
over a year ago chazzaf said…
Thanks for the welcome.im glad im not the only one who thinks that DE fans are far to selfish when it comes to scenes we get hardly any scenes and we dont act like that this is one of the reasons why im proud to be a bamon fan xxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago hinata26 said…
Yuck they came here to cry and they are not ashamed about it pffffff
over a year ago chazzaf said…
LOL yeah us Bamon fans are strong we don't need to go and cry all over the DE page.But for some sick reason they feel the need to come over and cry all over ours xxxxxxxxx
over a year ago helomusic said…
It just make me laugh! What a desperate person to actually come here and complaint! Pff I find it quite disrespectful!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chazzaf said…
It is disrespectful I don't see any of us going on their boards and complaining that we don't have enough scenes even though I feel we have more right than them to complain.Hey at least we have some respect.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@charraz is it? Welcome mate and as I and a mate of mines said DE fans are selfish. "Why?" becuz of the reasons you stated up there to quote a mate @Aceg:Once said being over in youtube is like an ayslum. Their all bloody hungar for more though mate I blame thee flippin writers, becuz of their fondness for Ian/Damon... There's been nunthing but DE/Damon BS! It's just manky how sum Dumb Entertainment fans are enough with your rubish! We as TVD fans first more should support the show, not drive it too their bloody graves! Sorry mate meh rantin too lol
over a year ago nasraDsalvatore said…
Hi charzzaf...Welcome! Aaand couldn't have said it better. I saw a DE fan complain and say "being a DE fan is sooo hard" and I did a double take...like say whaaaaaat?! They only got a save, hug, an I love you,single-digital tear, infinite "be better man Damon", crazy-eye-ball rotation at every turn, a scene in 99% episodes...and they have the cheek to whine?! Gimme a fuckin' breeeeak!

We haven't had Bamon-alone time in 10 episodes! Each one that passes feels like a year...so it's been A DECADE...and still we don't act like whiny brats. We got a phone-call that lasted one intake-breath and we celebrate it like we've just received gold medals at the olympics! 8 seconds of Awesomeness Babyyy! They take my breath away with every tiny moment they have! Heck yeah so proud to be a Bamon fan!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago aceg said…
DamonsLilBird: I guess writters and fans seems to have more fondness on DE or the triangle, almost to an annoyingly obsessive level. If they really care about Damon's character development, they would not degrade him for the tasteless obsession of fans (my suspicion). Sometimes I wonder how the show will be if focus is not love triangles in the first season.

Btw, I totally love your icon. Kat's reaction match the word perfectly lol
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Aceg thnks mate hehe she knows tat's wat she's thinkin of. An yes youre right in season one you kinda saw the flippin triangle but now it's *stands up gosh im bloody short lol* Ladies and Gents CW's dullest show is back for a third bloody season, In which non of the main favs will be returning. "The Dumb Entertainment Diaries" Where tvs go Dumb and babies cry! Lol yea that's what's on meh screen Oh not bamon related on Gh Sam goes deaf and JAKE MIGHT BLOODY DIE!!!
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
Well said and i agree. It's been annoying me to no end that they come on this spot to whine and complain cuz of no DE scenes. And i've seen some whining on twitter too. Are you friggin' kidding me with this??? First of all, STFD and then STFU, and second of all, right? they had Daddy Issues which was 2 episodes ago and pretty much Delena-centric and they're already having Delena withdrawls. There was not much Stelena in that episode and did I cry into my freakin cheerios? Umm, no. Hell we hardly ever get Bamon scenes, and still, we're all calm and chill. I never see Stelena and Bamon fans go complaining on their spot. but hey, we are just nicer, respectful, and more mature so... And have these DE whiners forgot that this damn show has been nothing but their precious Delena lately?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@ItalianAngel thnk you mate we do seem to be bloody nicer with our lack of scenes. That's becuz we as DB fans figured they want happen until the flippin season 3 or 4th(If they have one mate) Tell ya the truth, TVD if makes it too fourth want probably ridin into fifth. It's becuz of DE obession and (Drag meh eyes to hell) I.S. Love (Ian S.) that TVD will be flippin doomed. Get De's hook up going already tired seening them or hearing their jackaroo fans! Arugh bat heads! *stuffs bloody eardrums*
over a year ago FrenchGiirl said…
Welcome Chazzaf :)
Your topic isn't Bamon related though :/
over a year ago chazzaf said…
Thanks for the welcome everyone.Im just so tired of listening to them droning on about them having hardly any scenes.I mean in daddy issues there was loads of Delena and I was hitting my head off the wall in each of their scenes LOL.But it just shows how pathetic they are when the cry about having hardly any screen time when they actually do have a lot of it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago chazzaf said…
Thanks for the welcome frenchgiirl.I know it isn't exactly Bamon related.But I was just getting really frustrated about DE fans complaining.But to me it is everything about Bamon we don't have nearly as much screen time as them and we are not complaining. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx