Damon & Bonnie Enough DE HookUp&End Them!

DamonsLilBird posted on Feb 08, 2011 at 06:34PM
TheTVD Show has been slowly taking their bloody time with DE's hookup like a prolonged disease or a bloody UFC match, in which case nobody is free! I wanted to know from DB fans besides the obivous "Why do you belive the Writers are prolonging DUMB ENTERTAINTMENTS HOOKUP?!

Damon & Bonnie 57 replies

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over a year ago katesbon said…
to make the show interesting *laughs* honestly i think its because they know once tht happens ,many fans will hate it,its not a secret tht alot of de fans hate elena nd the new damon,i wonder what will be when they happen! so they will drag it until it gets cancelled.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
They are dragging the hookup because once DE become a couple, they won't stay that way long... in a way, i feel DE will be the catalyst for the real story- Damon might get a clue about what love is and is not, Elena might grow up some more, Stefan's strenght and resolve to stay 'the good brother' will be tested... in order to stay a couple DE should change too much as individuals, so if the show wants to sell the triangle, they need to capitalize on the build up to this disaster.
I still think it's unnerving and not particularly original... but it's the way they chose to go.
over a year ago Realist1 said…
It's all about buildup of when it will happen. I can't be asked with it tbh. It was dragging long time ago and when DE do eventually happen, I don't think it will be "epic" as some will think.
over a year ago CrazedBamonFan said…
lol This whole thing is making Damon so unappealing to me. I don't care how many times he strips down, gets in a bathtub, or gets in the shower. His whining is a complete and utter turnoff. Like I've been giving googly eyes at Stefan lately, and I visibly cringe when Damon comes on, knowing that he's probably going to go on one of his whining rants. Please hurry up, get them together, then get him away from her. The relationship isn't healthy to Damon, Elena, or the fans that have to see it.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
I agree mates I turly belive DE fans might actually bloody hate their own couple due to Elame. An now wit Ljs fired sum are boycotting after she said plz dnt seems to me mates Ljs hasnt, A whole on her children anymore. I get DE will be hott but to go as far as saying their gonna be electric well then... I must bloody see this! An if Electric as in my pinky glitter toe itches then WoW! um yea their Electric mates. Lol I jus wish DE would hurry up wit their one night of lust so We can see sum real bloody Electric scenes, when Bamon roads in. hehe
over a year ago AngelusB said…
You know once the couple does come together, it’s not going to be as epic as imagined. The hunts over and tormenting Stefan would be at end too - so where exactly would the appeal be?

Finally having a part of the obsession he'd been searching for, for a 145 years in his back pocket? Now, that i can see. Damon happens to be that selfish at present.

@Crazed - seriously hate Damon's whiny mode at present too and have always been a Stefan girl. I adore him - I just wanna hug the crap out of him every time he comes onscreen. Lol.
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
@CBF: Totally agree with you. So unhealthy on so many levels. I'm starting to think maybe he needs to see...idk, a shrink or something. Ugh, I cannot stand this side of Damon. the writers are ruining his character.
over a year ago helomusic said…
It's so inevitable I want to puke because that couple is unbearable in so many level for me!
I dislike Elena because she was just too nice for being real but now more she's with Damon and more manipulative I see she can be, she's so playing with him and I don't like that at all! I like Katherine despite the fact she's the queen of manipulation but she never actually hide her natural bitchiness and I like her she's funny!
Damon is just laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame and I love him so much in the books that it hurts me to see what he became!
DE just murdered him. But in my heart I know he just need to focus a little and see how Elena is insignificant!
I still don't believe he instantly stop loving Katherine and began to love Elena like that with feelings who came out of nowhere it's just unbelievable!
Hope all that ship will stop soon! Now I only watch the show for Bonnie, Stefan and Caroline when DE actually let some screen time for them!
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Yea I agree too Damon has this whole obession over Elena now that he's randomly bitting bloody Good looking broods. It makes me happy Im not on the bloody list lol but once DE happens, ppl will see just how commonly they are. DB&SC will be the spice to get the show going back from hell, I bloody belive they can and will. That's why Im glad to be on thee TEAM BAMON BECUZ WERE HOTT, BAD AND JUS SO BLOODY UNSTOPPABLE LOL.
over a year ago Lannieluv7 said…
I hate to admit it . But in the show the whole story is Delena falling in love. I feel like it's not a triangle. In the show it's the story of Damon and Elena falling in love , with Stefan on the side as an obstacle.
over a year ago kindhiya said…
But in the show the whole story is Delena falling in love. I feel like it's not a triangle. In the show it's the story of Damon and Elena falling in love , with Stefan on the side as an obstacle.

OMG Lannieluv7 i though i was the only one who though about this :/
over a year ago Lannieluv7 said…
It really is. Theres no doubt in my mind Delena is endgame in the show.
over a year ago kindhiya said…
thats why sometimes i hate this writer because they don't make their work really good to stelena at the begining....it was too weird the beginig of stelena...its my point
over a year ago kindhiya said…
me too i think in the show DE'll endgame :/
when i see what this fucking writers did
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over a year ago SalvatoreBroFTW said…
well as for the books, we do have a pretty good chanceat being endgame. and if the books have bamon endgame...wouldnt the show have to do that too?? :S
over a year ago kindhiya said…
some tv show based on the book don't care about the end of the book so im not sure
over a year ago kindhiya said…
i don't want to scare you but thats my point :/
but who knows...maybe we'll be surprise by the writers and the beginning of bamon (im doubt but im still optimistic)
over a year ago CrazedBamonFan said…
Why are you guys freaking out lol It's only the second season. If you think Bamon is going to be anywhere close in the future, then maybe you should freak out. But in reality most of us knew when the season started this season was going to be a DE sob fest... I mean, really, what did you expect?

But luckily enough, the writers are showing that DE isn't a relationship built on unconditional love. Damon's whining montage is proof of that. He'd have to change too much for Elena and "Be a Better man". So when they do get together, I doubt it's going to be for long. After all, all the entertainment is in the chase. Elena is a prize to Damon. Once he gets her, he won't be able to keep her. Especially when Stefan's around.
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over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
1st off@Kindhiya hi hun still luvin the bamon vid u jus made lol. Second I once again agree Delena seems to be the whole flippin bloody show! An Lani um cnt memba how to spell ur name sorry mate, But I thought I was the only one who notice. Stefan is being push off on Carolina which meh honestly dnt mind. Next to Katherine who's my fav bloody female besides Bonnie an Car. Poor guy doesn't derseve tis hopefully Elena get's wats owed to her. A hott vamp girl catching Stefan's eye now there's a bloody story, I would'nt mind obcstales for DB. Jus no guy who's gonna make Bonnie into a whore lol.
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
Count me in the "TV!Delena is endgame" club. No doubt in my mind. And what JP and KW said about Stelena in the past or what they say now...errm idk, tbh, I find it hard to believe any of it. meh I think they're all closeted Delena shippers. Notice that DE have been hanging out alot. Obviously the reason is that they're starting to build up a friendship that will turn into something more eventually. I'm calling it right now: A REAL Delena kiss coming in the finale. Doesnt matter if we're spoiled with a "surprise kiss" (even tho to me it WOULD NOT be a surprise) or another "hot kiss", just anything with the word "kiss", its Delena. And yes this time I think it'll be REAL. They already fooled us once with last year's "Hot Kiss", who we all thought was DE but then turned out to be DK, they're not gonna do that again. Nuh-uh. Real deal this time. And i hate to say all this btw.
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over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@ItalianAngel no no mate speak ya mind becuz I totally felt the flippin same. Told meh bro that the show has became more and more DE obesse, that everytime Damon arch his brows my spasma colon punches me.(Which isnt good 4 meh) I'm not total bloody sure what the writers hope to achevie with Damon, being Elena's Vamp Toy. Only thing he does less snarky and more whinning I mute my bloody tv, everday becuz of his new attitude. Which hasn't earn him Elena inside his bed ppl dish Stefan but I love him. Cuz at least he's real and by gosh he's bloody faithful to Elena who does'nt derseve him. My only prayer is when DE happens and if Stefan&Carolina dnt happen... Well bring on my fav Bitch everybody loves to hate. Evil Stefan wit Bitch Queen Katherine stirring up bloody drama while havin crazy steamy nights, One word mates SWEET!
over a year ago silvina19 said…
I feel like it's not a triangle. In the show it's the story of Damon and Elena falling in love , with Stefan on the side as an obstacle.

Lannieluv7 ITA too.. and in the book happened the same specially in the SS (obvious!!)

i hate this so much that sometimes i wonder if it is worth it that in 40 minuts i spend 80% or more cursing to the tv for only 10% of meh... 9% of joy and if we are lucky 1% of Bamon that most of the time are comments one character make about the other.. its NOT enough!!! im going mad here!! my patient will be over soon!!!

And the books arent much better but i still remain hopefully for midnight

over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Slivna let it out Mate You're right the only Bamon we get is when Damon's talking, about her. Or when they need some bloody help basically the gents are flippin pimping bloody Bonnie and her powers out. ELame did it with Rose, Damon does it 24/7 and even Stefan too. Rose was right about Damon he'll use and sarcifie anyone for ELame including her. An in the end flippin end Rose died for being with him. I turly bloody dreg the day Elena's gaspy mouth flippin opens, as Damon works his way all over. *pulls trash mat out an vomits* Tis might sound cruel but I hope like bloody hell Stefan catches them becuz then Ms.Whore will lie. An seening Damon&Elena act all normal around him will be bloody tortue.
over a year ago nasraDsalvatore said…
Hell YES! The sooner the better! I'm sick of them on my screen with their crazy-eyed fish mouthed gawking! Just get on with it and spare us!!! Ugh!

I don't believe DE will be end-game...they're too sleep-inducing to last long...come on Bamonistas, let's not lose all hope. ;)
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over a year ago silvina19 said…
ahha yeah you are cruel but so i am because im agree!
over a year ago helomusic said…
I think we all have the same conclusion: DE will happen and beside the fact that it will make me sick I just HOPE really HARD with ALL MY HEART they won't be endgame! And that Damon we gain some sanity and forget Elena and fall for Bonnie because she's just perfect for him! He just need to see it!
BUT the more I watch him like that (I mean so laaaaaaaaaame!) after Elena and how stupid he is, I just think they need some new badass guy for Bonnie since she's just too good for that guy!
I just hate the fact that the show made me dislike one of my favorite character of the books it's just painful!
But I love Stefan on the show and I think he just need to let that thing called Elena and go with Caroline! He's way too good for that hum sorry I'll stop to insult the thing! ;)
over a year ago MissAllisonLove said…
I agree with CBF.... I understand you all, but you know, why will Delena be endgame if the producer are making all this of "be a better man/I can't be what she wants me to be.. also Damon being not himself around her, also Damon leaving Elena because he cares more for Stefan (2x08), etc.... I don't trust in the producer but they are making Delena so pathetic that I think they are not going to put Delena surely as an endgame just because the TV Show now show them a lot together... And yes it's only season 2... a lot of things can change.... I know we have our sad days because of them but after all, we all knew from the beggining that we all were going to pass through a lot of thing, mostly Delena happening, before Bamon starting.... I'm sad and bored about Delena but I still have my hopes high, so try to relax a little guys and don't draw conclusions too early. Have faith and hopes in Bamon, thats what make us differente, even if the producers screw it.
over a year ago kindhiya said…
loooooool the thing called Elena..... thats so true i wish elena end up with nobody....she doesn't deserve the salvatore's brother...
over a year ago kindhiya said…
don't worry MissAllisonLove...even if i fed up with DE things i can't stop to have faith and hopes in Bamon....i love bamon forever and never...its just sometimes its really hard...you know because its a long time without bamon scene...or bonnie scene at all
over a year ago MissAllisonLove said…
Yes, she doesn't... but I'm pretty aware that she'll end up with one of them just because she's the main.... unless they kill her at the end which I would not mind...
I understand you Kindhiya, it happens to me and I really feel bad, don't get me wrong, but Bamon, the love for my bamon heals all...
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over a year ago AngelusB said…
But in reality most of us knew when the season started this season was going to be a DE sob fest... I mean, really, what did you expect?

I expected more bonnie and the writers attempting to fix her relationships and throw in some Bamon for extra measure! ;-)

It is the second season though and as much as I hate DE and pure emo Damon, it can't last like that forever. Lol.

Our time will come! *feeling totally positive today!*
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Mates again yee are all right we know from the flippin beginning Damon&Elena went on that bloody road trip. That a bloody storm was hovering and no mates I aint quaking about Storm from xmen, But bloody DE. It kills meh becuz with Twlight I was most defintely acting like sum DE jackaroos. Slashing Bella&Edward down as hush hoo's(which their still flippin are). I never got over how crazy us Bacob fans were lol so too meh DE fans are the same, as most JB fans. Though once they happen I better not see Stefan moppin in a bloody cave listing to Bon jovi, or Bonnie chasing Damon. Damon needs to first get this unhealthy obession of Elena outta his system. Few drops of revaine and seeing a real woman go about herself will do the bloody trick. An I most indeed wanna see Ms.Elame bloody unhinged and miserable becuz Stefan moved on with Katherine or Carolina, But hey in the flippin books SC did kinda hookup memba mates? So it's not a far hope but Elena needs to suffer including Damon before they can find true bloody happiness.
over a year ago helomusic said…
"Stefan moppin in a bloody cave listing to Bon jovi" LMAO you just killed me!
[I'm a JB fan actually and I don't consider myself as an hardcore one but it's quite insulting being compared to a DE it's like a sickness! I hate Bedward (eurk what kind of name is that shit!) but I'm moderate I really didn't like how he left her and came back like nothing happen! (tss Bella is just stupid! Unbelievable!)
I'll leave the funny part to say that that's so true, Emo Damon is just unwatchable now I kinda want them to be together so he can see the true face of the Thing (Elena I don't want to say her name one of my favorite cousin actually share it!) and then move on since that Damon had the gift to move on really quickly!

And Stefan and Caroline: I totally approve! I don't want him to be with Katherine anymore, they sure have chemistry but I'm afraid she could break his heart again!
The Thing deserve to end alone!
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Aww thnks mate and I didnt mean all JB fans just sum which mafe me kinda hated my team lol. Though you're bloody right Bedward sucks and I hated how Bella easly forgave Edward. I always laugh with meh mates when Bella goes into those screamy fits becuz too meh, she looks like an addict. Though I luv Carolina&Stefan I most bloody denfinetly love my Katherine&Stefan. Have my icons are of them my heart just going to break soon for Stefan. ELame doesnt derseve him lol she's too pityful.
over a year ago MissAllisonLove said…
Yeah... Staroline power!!
hahaha DamonLilBird, your commetns always make me laugh... ELame hhahahahhahaha LOL
I have my hopes very high that Delena will not be endgame!
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
Yea me too mate but I was swiping the web and some many bloody DE fans are hatin on us. Claiming damon never loved anyone else besides ELame I'm like what the flippin? He kiss Bonnie more then ELame but I gotta keep meh faith too. Thnk u for thinking my comments are funny lol
over a year ago ForsakenMoon19 said…
YES HOOK THEM UP THEN RUIN THE SHOW AND THAT WILL BE THAT!!! I hate Dumb Entertainment with a passion!!! But I can't stand its fanbase even more, majority are trolls (aka our dearly deleted sunflower) and most of them haven't even read the books!!! They just want DE becuz of Ian, LAME!!! Either way the show is stupid now and putting Dumb Entertainment together will only make things sink faster which I'm hoping for, then we can be rid of this damn triangle Stefan can dump Elena's cheating skanky ass and find someone who actually deserves him!! Oh and above all else Damon can steal back his brain which was abducted by aliens and become S1 Damon again in order to finally be with Bonnie!!:)
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@ForsakenMoon19 you bloody rock mate lol the show yes would indeed die but more importantly it will go to bloody hell! Due to Ian's ego and his fans who think's he's a dream come true. I've actually heard sum DE fans on the web sayin the show is only holding on due to Ian and clearly DE. Um excuse meh mate what the bloody crooker you just say? Ian Somerhalder does not make nor hold the show and DUMB ENTERTAINMENT DAMN DONT! We as fans... viewers are what's saving TVD from sudden death but if the writers keep spinning this triangle I'm gonna cry Bloody Mary! Enough is flippin enough let ELame have her one night lust with Lameon(Damon lol new name). Everbody knows their gonna be hot for one night only now Bonnie has beat on ELame stickle body. Their gonna be bloody sexy and once Stefan has a go with Carol or Kat, then he too will be sexy. Nomore humping on Walk poles Stefan needs a gur who'll keep up, Not personally dig her own hatch and happily roll over in it. ELame as far as Meh concern derseve to be listing to 'Heartless" and each time the bloody line "How could you be so Heartless?" comes on, Elame needs to say becuz I'm a hoe. That's exactually what she is I rather Lameon listens to "His Heart" not that bloody cut out heart he made in flippin Arts&Crafts, but his heart. An go after his true love Bonnie while making it up too Stefan. Yep a gur can dream Mate lol!
over a year ago nsk said…
that could be a good thing if delena happen , imagine if they doesnt work , that he realize she isnt made for him ....i mean at least people wont say that they were made for each other...
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@nsk hmm yee might be on sumthing mate but then we wont get Bamon, and I personally would bloody die mate. Jus cnt flippin stand them jus hurry them an BEER-ME along this show needs sex appeal. An Bamon are the bloody cure lol
over a year ago aceg said…
@helomusic: Actually Damon went back to the old badass Damon we all loved in last episodes. His scene with Jules and Eliagh is beyond amazing. I think the producers know perfectly the appeal of Damon's "bad side" to the TVD viewers. As the shows continues with its werewolf and Klaus storyline, we'll see more glimpse of bad boy Damon in action. So there is less need of worry for Emotional Pining to Elena Damon. futhermore, We all know that D/B are becoming allies or frenenemies at this stage, we ready see a development of hesitant connection between them. (the phone call for example)I'm confident that the producers have good Bamon storyline in stored for the future. I think we have to wait and see (sound like Kat lol). Who knows if the writers will surprise us with Bamon interaction in upcoming episodes or season finale.
over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Aceg welcome mate lol and yea I luv the Bamon phone call which I'm sure Dumb Entertainment fans were bloody pist about it. They had none DE scenes so I have to bloody agree with you, hopefully when DE happens so does the birth of DB. Damon and Elena for meh it's all about the bloody chase an the lure of Darkness, like from the books. Once we flippin get bloody past that... well then comes real Entertainment. lol
over a year ago BeyondTheStars said…
Writers for the sake of non-DE shippers just hook up them and break up!
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over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Beyondthestars lol ur funny mate but so ture *nodds* very ture indeed. Plz put DB fans even SE fans outta their bloody senses.
over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird: lol not to mention Damon already made it clear that he will not let walk away from Elena and let his brother be happy. As for Ian, in many cases, actors say many things for the sake of promoting their storyline or pairs. There are many times when their comments often sound alienable and contradictory to us. During the Carly/Sonny storyline, Maurice Benard referred to Carly as the true love of Sonny by degrading Brenda. Recently, Kat's comment on Bonnie loves Jeremy. I am saying it is not fair to blame on actors for something not their fault. Unfortunately, many immature fans dragged them into this endless shipper's war using every possible way. Even Ian and Kat's twitter account were bombarded by these fans. It is fortunate both Ian and Kat are nice and patient.
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over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Aceg lol first off Hey Gh Mate luv Carson&JaSam, second yes I do belive the fans drag the actors and actress into the spoil. Though you've made sum good cases to back up the actors Entertainment claims, I cnt help but bloody feel Ian is DE. Not becuz he has to pormote them but becuz he has this soft spot for Nina. Which the whole Dumb Entertainment base feels these two are bloody dating. "Can ya flippin belive them mate?" It's rubish how they go about taunting Kat&Paul calling them not good looking but hey that's their bloody asses. Just feel this sense of fakeness from Ian but hey may b my jackaroo senes are jumping in. Damon needs a weekend in ShadyBrooke along wit Lulu,Brenda,Liz,Robin lol. They each need blody help.
over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird: lol I'm going to hide behind the wall. Maybe I'll put in this way lol. Sonny/brenda was like a rarely shining jewel you found in nature, not created. Maurice and Vanessa had this special spell just suck people in. Their chemistry, the S/B writing, and the actor's performance are truly epic. Now back to Ian and Dumb Entertainment (whoever came up with this nickname should be rewarded lol), I think many DE fans "intentionally" mistaking Ian/Nina "close friendship" for something that is not. Okay, Ian did go to Venice, NBA games,and shopping with Nina, big deal. Does that necessarily mean they are dating? No, of course not. The problem was media focus more on the three main casts and the triangle storylines when the first season began.(see the past TVD poster, covers, ), since the original theme and promos of TVD are all about the D/E/S triangle. Whether or not it is real friendship or promotion (well, Ian and Kat are close friend in real life, but rarely see pic of them hung out, maybe a way to protect their privacy I guess), at some point Nina and Ian hunged out with each other alot. This gaves both the media and many viewers kind of wrong ideas. Some DE fans take this as a sign and started real life shipping stuff. Does this so called closeness making Ian a DE? I am not sure about it. But I highly doubt it. I've seen vids of Ian, he is always generous towards fans and have a very good relationship with co-stars.(Paul, Kat, Candice, Matt, etc). I once heard a story of Ian defending Kat from some crazy fans who dislike her.As much as it pains me to say this, D/E fandom seems to be large and vocal, at least that is how it looks like on internet. Don't forget D/E/S triangle had been the headlight of TVD for quite a long time. I think Ian is careful with choosing his words regarding D/E or the triangle, not to drive some fans (they are viewers too)away from the show.
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over a year ago DamonsLilBird said…
@Aceg Oh my bloody flippin gosh mate you're right ... Oh and I'll take that reward if yee so kindly dnt mind. lol Dumb Entertainment is my nickname slang I came up with and alot of my DB mates bloody luv it. I just notice that by the flippin media giving TVD fans clips of Ian/Nina, it's not a bloody safe to say their an item. No! Ian strikes meh as the unsettling down an IanKat are close mates inlife, she even said they go out alot. DE fans are like nutty Beward fans and their bloody Robsten obbession. C mon off it stalkers if they havnt came out in four bloody movies as a couple. Then sumthing should flippin clue yall into the real picture THEIR NOT DATING(BESIDES MEH WANT ROB TO MEHSELF LOL) LOL Sonny&Brenda were amazing back then now I just wish Balden would axe her sleeve tugging ass already, Or bloody hell let Carly do it. Ugh! She annoyeds meh now her and "Dnt need another baby Liz" lol a Gh bloody fan where have ya been mate all meh life? lol
over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird: lol the Rob/Kristen, Rob/Megan gossip, I heard a lot about them. I guess he must felt really uneasy about all the rumors and gossip centered on him. Expsore sometimes can be a bad thing for stars. On the other hands, I couldn't help but think sometimes Kat/Ian need attention, not to the degree like Rob's case. But sometimes it could be helpful if they hung out in public, doing live-chat, or promos around. I mean come on, Ian did the Texas tuor with Candice, why not Kat.
over a year ago aceg said…
@DamonsLilBird: We see Damon always flirt with every women she had a scene with. Even when he was tortured by Jules, he can't help treading sexy banter and eye-sex with her. I don't know if it is Damon or Ian doing it.