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Damon & Bonnie Question

Who's getting really sick of all the Bamon bashing??? Because I am!!!

 ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
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Damon & Bonnie Answers

CrazedBamonFan said:
I most definitely am. It's like ppl don't have anything else to talk about. If they think Bamon isn't ever going to happen, why do they keep bringing them up? I mean seriously, I don't know how many times I've said this, but all ships have the potential to happen if the show wants to last long. But nooooo, we still get dissed and put down. Well heck, I'm just glad that I'm keeping to my morals and not rooting for a girl to get with two brothers.
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posted over a year ago 
I think Delena fans are very rude and totally threatened by Bamon!!! To them they see this as a two way competition: To beat Stefan because they hate his character or to prove Bamon fans wrong!!! If they weren't worried about us then why do they continue to bully us??? They're jealous, insecure and threatened big time!!! They can't see that another girl, better suited for Damon other than Elena is also a key point in his life!! How can Bamon not have something?? Look at his pet names for her "little witch", "little bird" and he kissed her before Elena so he clearly shares a deep connection with Bonnie!!! Right now in the show the writers are trying desperately to concentrate on the triangle but in every Bamon scene there's no denying the chemistry!! The actors have sooooooo much of it, be stupid of the writers to overlook it!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
lol they are definetly threatened!!! i just dont see the chem tween delena
bibsd21 posted over a year ago
Welcome the more fans the better!!!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
samjhart said:
I know this show is based on the triangle, and all but THIS is getting ridiculous. I knew this day would come when the (ex)Twi-harders/teens would projrct their immature and illogical arguments on to other fans. What they don't understand is that by basing another ship and its fans they are NOT helping TVD. I fear the same thing that happened to Twilight will happen here - they are putting off a lot of potential fans with their craziness. Its ok to criticise a ship but some ppl jus go overboard.

Besides, I don't think these ppl get it. The triangle CAN'T sustain the show or fans forever. If they wonna last as long as Buffy/TB did they have to give each ship a chance to develop. I mean they're bashing from the off-set not even knowing how Donnie is really gonna pan out - jus to give their own ship more cred. I say, if ur ship is so great then why do you need to bash a rival ship then? *shrug* Talk about feeling threatened.

And attacking those who haven't read the books? so the hell what! The majority of fans haven't read the books but are shipping jus from the show I'd say. And jus cz Donnie haven't had much screentime - doesn't mean they can't be shipped. It jus takes ONE moment to fall in love with a ship and ONE moment to fall out of love. I mean I'm in ove with Jyler after their 1st hall scene and I loved the Delena interaction until the ill-timed hug. It jus didn't make sense to me anymore. And Delena doesn't anymore. But I avoid saying anything that would totally offend Delena fans cz when it comes down to it the FANS are REAL and TVD is NOT.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with everything you just said 100%!!! There is absolutely no need to trash other ppl because of who they ship!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
i second that samjhart
nglenn9 posted over a year ago
I completely agree with you!!!
bibsd21 posted over a year ago
cheekygirlrulz said:
Yes. I am absolutely sick of Bamon bashing. I mean it's about time that people (Delena die-hard fans) accept that there is a possibility for Bamon. I mean the whole point in the books right? In nightfall we have a few scenes between the two of them that suggests that there is something there.
I am not saying that we should completely ignore Delena either because then again the main plot is based on the triangle and elena is meant to fall in love with Damon at some point. I love what they have like the whole 'forbidden love' thing it's really edgy and exciting but I mean come on a witch and a vampire. We haven't had that one before. We've had a human girl and vampire a lot now so I think seeing Bamon progress and develop is really breath taking also.
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Yes. I am absolutely sick of Bamon bashing. I mean it's about time that people (Delena die-hard fans) accept that there is a possibility for Bamon. I mean the whole point in the books right? In nightfall we have a few scenes between the two of them that suggests that there is something there. 
I am not saying that we should completely ignore Delena either because then again the main plot is based on the triangle and elena is meant to fall in love with Damon at some point. I love what they have like the whole 'forbidden love' thing it's really edgy and exciting but I mean come on a witch and a vampire. We haven't had that one before. We've had a human girl and vampire a lot now so I think seeing Bamon progress and develop is really breath taking also.
posted over a year ago 
wow great answer!
samjhart posted over a year ago
totally agree there!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
here's some prime examples of Bamon Bashing, check this out!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
ScottishChic said:
I didn't even know there was Bamon bashing!!
Loads of people I've talked to have been rooting for them!!
Officially, I am pissed.
Why do the think Bamon won't happen??
There have been loads of scenes where Bonnie and Damon have kissed, or had chemistry or whatever. Do they think just because he's in love with Elena too that they can't have anything together or something?
Well it's bull.
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posted over a year ago 
Exactly. I think Damon loves both the girls in different ways. And since Elena is forbidden for him and looks like Katherine, he's got this "thing" for her. But Bonnie means a lot for him, I don't understand why these Delena fans feel so insecure. Maybe it became sort of a competition and they want to beat us. It's nonsense.
pattykirsche posted over a year ago
sokay i get that everyone isn't gonna like the same things, but seriously Delena fans should respect other ppl's opinions instead of bullying them!!! I've been bullied for being a Bamon shipper one too many times and it's sickening!!! I think these Delena fans have gotten out of control and I agree 100% that they are threatened!!! They think this is a competition but how is that so when Stelena is clearly meant to be!!!! Why does every guy in the story have to be in love with Elena and vice versa for her??? Stefan is her soulmate no matter what Delena says and Bonnie has soooo much potential to be meant for Damon!!! He only wants her because she looks like Kathrine, why can't they see it???
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
Thanks to you both, I was expecting a lot of hate comments and I agree with you both. And all I can really say is, Stefan and Elena began together and they will finish together, or maybe not, all we can do is wait and read the books but they SHOULD STOP BASHING US BECAUSE IT IS ONLY OPINIONS AND FANTASIES GUYS!!!! We can want Damon and Bonnie together if we want to and not expect rude, undeserved comments!!!
ScottishChic posted over a year ago
check this out, the bashing took on a whole other level!! link
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
sihab said:
As I have not read the books, some people even tell me that I don't know anything about the books .They tell me that Bonnie and Damon has no connection in the books. So first read the books.I think the show can be different. I'm a show based fan and I like Damon and Bonnie's chemistry. So,I choose Bamon.For this reason I don't answer in the picks that much as I'm a show based fan and people criticize me harshly.
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posted over a year ago 
ppl are just bullies no matter what subject it is and Delena the biggest bully to Bamon. Fans are threatened by other fans for shipping couples that aren't the same!! But everyone roots for what they believe in. All of us here see chemistry between Damon and Bonnie and we don't really see any between Elena and Damon. I'm gonna be one to support Bamon no matter how things end up because I feel things any other way wouldn't be as great!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
lol Well i have read the books but i started reading them AFTER i watched the show. To be honest i dont see the big hype over Delena i think the big thing about delena is Lust ! i mean besides that why would you want to leave a guy you claim is your soulmae to be with his brother that you hated ?!? so other than Lust i cannot see the chemistry but whatever Delena fan can say what they want they just see Bamon as a threat cause bamons fanbase is growing more and more everyday ! :) In their hearts they know bamon is Best :)
Vamp321 posted over a year ago
lol Yes I know that for a fact cuz I get trashed all the time by Delena fans for being a Bamon fan!!! I don't let it get to be because all of us here have sense, we know who'll Elena will choose in the end.........STEFAN!!!! They're just afraid to see their favorite badboy vamp lose the girl, haha!!!! I don't know why they keep insisting that Bamon will never happe, sounds like more fear than confidence!!LOL!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
AngelusB said:
I'm as sick of Damon/Bonnie bashing as much as I am Buffy/Angel bashing. It's truly disheartening and seems to suck the joy out of my fandoms for me. I'm trying to remain with in each sanctuary though AWAY from their hateful crap but yet - they seem to wonder in... which leads me to believe they're the ones most threatened... :/
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posted over a year ago 
Exactly, I'm a Bangel/Bamon fan too so I know what it means to be trashed for shipping certain couples. I wish they'd all just get a life and leave the rest of us alone to enjoy our couples!!!! I know the bullying can be more than one sided but I've seen way too much bullying from Delena fans to make me think otherwise. I love Buffy & Angel and I love Damon & Bonnie, so thoes negative people can take their hate elsewhere as far as i'm concerned!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
I suppose that's why I rarely entertain the idea of friending people with different *shipper* tastes than myself because I don't like or even enjoy the idea of having it forced down my throat in some repetitive discussion/argument that’s been had time and time again. I just want to enjoy my couple now, without character bashing. I know here -- people mostly go down on Bonnie. Why? I don't understand it. She's a good character, loyal to her friends and trying to figured out who/what she is as a person... to have her bashed just annoyed the hell out of me (same with angel, whom seems to get the brunt of most hate. *snorts*) ...and just wish as you say, that these people would get a life and take their hate elsewhere. This be our spot! RIGHT? right!! (lol) .. hyped on caffeine this morning. ;)
AngelusB posted over a year ago
take a look at the bashing here it's sickening!!!:
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
itsmeclorene said:
I am! I want Bonnie and Damon together! He loves her in the books, she is his little bird. Elena and Stefan belong together. & I want Caroline and Tyler together. Idk who Matt should be with, he needs someone. But that's what I think
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posted over a year ago 
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