Chuck and Jenny Fangirls for Little J & The Bass Man!

Dare2Dair posted on Jul 28, 2010 at 03:39AM
OK,So This is for All of Us Chenny Fangirls!
Here You Can Talk About the Greatness of Chenny and Not Be Bash like on the GG Spot!

So Just Post Your Name and I'll Add You to the List of Us Awesome Shippers!

Fabulous Fangirls:
Dare2Dair <3 Kristina
clm-anomaly <3 Courtney
gossipgirl95 <3 Pia
mdigs73 <3 Megan
TeamEndgameFan <3 Bree
iloveejasper <3 Sarah
livelydebate <3 Lucy
OTH_Chick007 <3 Chloé
OK,So This is for All of Us Chenny Fangirls!
Here You Can Talk About the Greatness of Chenny and Not
last edited on Jul 29, 2010 at 07:51PM

Chuck and Jenny 42 replies

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over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
big smile

Hi. I'm Courtney and Chenny is my second favorite GG ship. (:

Hi. I'm Courtney and Chenny is my second favorite GG ship. (:
over a year ago gossipgirl95 said…
Hey,I'm Pia!
Love Chenny<3
They Get Too Much Hate!
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Hi Pia.

I totally agree. They get way, way too much hate.
over a year ago mdigs73 said…
Hi I'm Megan, Chenny are awesome :) they are great together
over a year ago TeamEndgameFan said…
I'm Bree.
I Think Chuck&Jenny Would Be SO Cute Together!
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
big smile
Yahhhh! Chenny lovers! (:
over a year ago gossipgirl95 said…
We Rock!
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
So, is it just me or do you guys think we need a new banner and icon? I think we should have an icon from the finale and a banner with lots of different Chenny moments.

If only I could figure out who created this spot...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago iloveejasper said…
Im Sarah,

I love Chenny and they would be awesome together :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago gossipgirl95 said…
I Totally Agree with C.
We Do Need a New Spot Look but I Don't Know Who Made This Club!
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Sarahhhh! Hi. (:

Yeah, I have a bad feeling we won't find out who made this spot.
Sarahhhh! Hi. (:

Yeah, I have a bad feeling we won't find out who made this spot.
over a year ago livelydebate said…
YAY! I'm Lucy, and Chenny is awesome. Haters to the left.

Pretty sure you wont find out who made this spot either, but there's a way to change it if you contact f4. Don't ask me what or who the hell that is or how you do that, but I see people saying that. LOL
YAY! I'm Lucy, and Chenny is awesome. Haters to the left. 

Pretty sure you wont find out who made th
over a year ago Dare2Dair said…
big smile
Hey Lucy!
Glad You Came!
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Well here is one of the f4's profile pages....


Anyone wanna ask him? lol
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago OTH_Chick007 said…
Heya, I'm Chloé and I run a Chuck/Jenny Tumblr with a friend of mine. If you're interested in following just let me know. ;)

livelydebate - That's from the Tumblr right? I believe I made that graphic.
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
We got a deleted scene from Dr. Estrangeloved!!!!



It's from this scene...
We got a deleted scene from Dr. Estrangeloved!!!!
over a year ago Dare2Dair said…
OH MY EFFING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
That's Was Total Chenny Eye Porn!!!
I'm So Pissed They Cut That Out!

Chuck&Jenny Are SO EPIC!!!!!!
over a year ago gossipgirl95 said…
That Scene Is FREAKING EPIC!!!!!!!!
over a year ago gossipgirl95 said…
I Was So Proud of Myself When I Made This.
My Best Fanart Ever!
I Got The Idea from The Fray's Song "You Found Me".
I Was So Proud of Myself When I Made This.
My Best Fanart Ever!
I Got The Idea from The Fray's Song
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Great job, Pia. I totally love it!
over a year ago gossipgirl95 said…
over a year ago gossipgirl95 said…
big smile
More of my Chenny Art!
More of my Chenny Art!
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
guys Just make a new banner and or Icon and i will deffinetly email papa and ask him!!once we get a winner!!
BTW I am Jackie and I love chenny
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Hi Jackie! Welcome to the Chenny Forum. I'm Courtney. :)

I can make some icons, but I have NO idea how to make a banner. lol
Hi Jackie! Welcome to the Chenny Forum. I'm Courtney. :)

I can make some icons, but I have NO idea
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
I could try to make a banner but it would suck!!you could call on a favour!this girl i know makes brill banners one of you could give her pictures and request one when she comes back!!cause shes making some for me atm!
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Maybe Lucy (livelydebate) could make a banner. I'll ask her tomorrow, because she's not around today. She's really good with graphics and stuff. (:
over a year ago clm-anomaly said…
Okay, so I'll talk to Lucy about it tomorrow! (:

pia,bree and kristina are the same person!!

over a year ago gossipgirl95 said…
We Are Not The Same Person!
I Don't Feel Like Running Three Acounts.
And I Don't Remember "Stalking" the Serenate Spot!
But,Sorry If I Did...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dare2Dair said…
Holy Hell!
Someone Said This on a Pick!
Sorry If We Agree on Stuff.

over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
yeah aparently you three were lurking around the racoony cedric team spot and a trusted friend of mine looked into it and said you three= 1 person
over a year ago ncjgg said…
I love Chenny! I have since the pilot. And that deleted scene was so good! Also there's a deleted scene from 1x13 where Chuck mouths hello to Jenny. link
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
omg I hate that they have delted scenes!!they should be proper scenes!!
over a year ago ncjgg said…
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
yeah cause they need to eb normal scenes that we do not have to dig for
over a year ago ncjgg said…
Yup they are important.
over a year ago ranstell2703 said…
Lol might be late but Hi, I'm Stella.
The only couple I like more than Chenny is Nenny !
over a year ago ranstell2703 said…
01. because he was probably her first kiss.

02. because she managed to get his pants off and have him not enjoy it.

03. because everyone knows he secretly enjoyed it!

04. because she's the only freshman Chuck Bass ever respected.

05. because it was the hottest "hello" we've heard from him.

06. because they are now officially even.

07. because opposites attract.

09. because only Little J could keep up with Chuck Bass.

10. because the unexpected pairings are the best kind.

11. because he was instantly attracted to her (twice!).

12. because Jenny asked Eric about Chuck when his father died.

13. because she went to Bart's funeral.

14. because Chuck came to Jenny's birthday.

15. because he deeply regrets his action of that night.

16. because he's sorry.

17. because they needed each other's help

18. because he was totally checking her out at that movie premiere

19. because he came to her rescue

20. because he really cares about her and wants to protect her

21. because she exceeds his high expectations

22. because the face touch was HOT

23. because he always smiles when he sees Jenny

24. because they make a very good team

25. because ... Come on!. The physical attraction was always there

26. because the chemistry between these two is overwhelming

27. because Chuck loves to tease Jenny

28. because he was her first time ♥

29. because they are two lost souls
over a year ago ranstell2703 said…
The wishlist;

+ a scene.

+ midnight snack!

+ playing Monopoly

(money bag vs the thimble)

+ doing jailtime

+ Chuck throwing her 18th birthday.

+ drunken karaoke

+ a hug

+ Jenny telling Chuck she forgives him.

+ protective older brother behavior

+ scheming with Blair

+a real conversation where they just talk about them

+holding hands

+a dance

over a year ago ranstell2703 said…
over a year ago ramyy said…
Hey! I'm Ramona. I love Chenny, my favorite ship ever! I hope we'll get more Chenny scenes.
over a year ago Chanelsimone_5 said…
I really wish they could have dates!!!!!!! does anyone know any good fiction chenny stories?
over a year ago Chanelsimone_5 said…
I wish they could have dates, does anyone know of any good chenny fiction stories????????