Charmed Why do you like Piper?

xxshannen1xx posted on Jul 07, 2009 at 11:19PM
Personally, I do not like Piper so i want to know why people like her, but please don't write "cos she is awesome" because that is not a reason.
last edited on Jul 09, 2009 at 07:13PM

Charmed 7 replies

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over a year ago xxshannen1xx said…
i see your points
over a year ago Natalia94 said…
yes thanks! u don't like her at all???ur fav is prue right?
over a year ago xxshannen1xx said…
yeah basically,i dunno sometimes i agree with piper but her persnality is too rude and mean for me to like.
over a year ago charmedgirl97 said…
she if funny and beautiful and and everything i want to be and she is like me a geek in school and then i am getting out my shell
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
I think I like her because I can relate to her.She was a sweet girl at first, but then she lost her big sister and had to become the big sister.She became sarcastic and neurotic and sometimes a little bit bitchy.I've lost my big sister,too,and I became the big sister.I became sarcastic and neurotic.In the episode Imaginary friend(or something like that)adult Wyatt says that he inherits his optimistic from Piper,so she lost her neurotic mood along the years.Well, now eight years after my sister's dead I'm getting more happy and cheery.

Is that a good reason?
I think I like her because I can relate to her.She was a sweet girl at first, but then she lost her b
over a year ago no1knowsyou said…
Ok, Piper is one of those people from television that I really would love to see in movies or back on tv. She is a great actress, first of all. She is so passionate, and just beautiful.
Her actual character in the show- hilarious! I love sarcastic people, because I am one. I always thought that Prue was the Bitch of the group, personally. Piper is just... off the cuff I guess. I think it's because she is so connected to her emotions (as a natural 'earth mother') that if she doesnt blow off some steam by making a joke, she may just explode (literally lol). But, look at that picture above: pure beauty!
over a year ago mimialliwell said…
i love piper because can really relate to her she is the middle child and always in the middle of the fights (im the 2nd) but then when prue dies she has to grow up and look after everyone (this happened to me when my little bro was born and my sis stopped hepling around the house)

she is/was a a chief and that is what i want to do
she is soooooooo sarcastiic hehe me too
and she is the respinsible yet fun and funny and shes just piper!!!!!
oh and she has leo!!!!!