Charles and Erik Kiss Slap Hug(Game)

frankthe2nd posted on Jan 04, 2012 at 07:54PM
I saw this on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spot and I always loved doing these. I figured it might be fun here. :)

So I'm going to post the names of 3 characters from X-Men and then you need to decide who to kiss, slap and who to hug, then you need to post 3 diffrent names at the bottom of your comment. The next person decides who to kiss who to slap, and who to hug. and posts the names at the bottom, and so on.

So I shall start:

Also, I know this isn't really Cherik related but it does involve X-Men characters and you :)
last edited on Jan 04, 2012 at 07:55PM

Charles and Erik No replies