Captain Planet and the Planeteers Updates

a photo was added: Captain Planet and the Planeteers over a year ago by LunaNoctis
a video was added: Captain Planet - Theme Song [HD] over a year ago by LunaNoctis
a video was added: Captain Planet Intro Redux over a year ago by Sandman2286
a poll was added: Did Captain Planet seem too tamed? over a year ago by RangerRebirth
a question was added: If the show came back,which actors would you want to voice on Captain Planet? over a year ago by sturmelle15
an article was added: Fire Sale over a year ago by FonzFan82
a comment was made to the photo: Captain Pollution drawn over a year ago by Chi21
a comment was made to the photo: Gaia over a year ago by Chi21
a comment was made to the poll: What actors from The Simpsons do you think should of have voiced on the show?(They have to be ones that haven't voiced on the show already.) over a year ago by sturmelle15
a poll was added: What actors from The Simpsons do you think should of have voiced on the show?(They have to be ones that haven't voiced on the show already.) over a year ago by sturmelle15
a poll was added: Would you like if they make a live action captain planet movie? over a year ago by Princessofpower
an answer was added to this question: Which Captain Planet character have you had a crush on? over a year ago by Princessofpower
a reply was made to the forum post: the main point over a year ago by fudail99
a comment was made to the link: Captain Planet - Skumm Lord.avi over a year ago by fudail99
a link was added: Captain Planet - Skumm Lord.avi over a year ago by fudail99
a poll was added: Favorite Planeteer? over a year ago by Tigressfan10689
a video was added: Captain Planet over a year ago by Tigressfan10689
an answer was added to this question: Which Captain Planet character have you had a crush on? over a year ago by robinfanforever
an answer was added to this question: Which Captain Planet character have you had a crush on? over a year ago by BlindBandit92
a link was added: Captain Planet movie announced over a year ago by 2Dfan
a comment was made to the link: cone crusher over a year ago by woyaodixingfu
a link was added: cone crusher over a year ago by woyaodixingfu
a link was added: Captain planet fan club on facebook over a year ago by Nazza
a comment was made to the answer: It was Wheeler of course. And Captain Planet. Who can beat those two? over a year ago by alicelace90
a reply was made to the forum post: how tall do you think Captain Planet is? over a year ago by alicelace90
a question was added: Which Captain Planet character have you had a crush on? over a year ago by Nazza