Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy Chat - With people to actually talk to...

0oSquirto0 posted on Apr 07, 2010 at 11:18AM
OK well it seems every time I go onto the Buffy chat there is NEVER anyone on! I am pretty sure others are having the same problem so I think I may have thought of a solution. We should organise a time to come onto the chat room. Obviously we would have to convert time zones and things but I think we could make it work. At least so there are a few people to talk to! Please reply if you are interested or have any suggestions. I want to talk to fellow Buffy fans!
OK well it seems every time I go onto the Buffy chat there is NEVER anyone on! I am pretty sure other

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1 reply

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over a year ago Rogue-slayer said…
yes please! i dont know what to suggest cos im in australia which is a bugger for time zones but i would love to actually chat to some buffy fans