Buffy the Vampire Slayer Best Big Bad?

Joker posted on Sep 26, 2007 at 04:13AM
For me it always has and always will be Mayor Wilkins. Not the greatest masterplan (turning into a massive snake) but there is not a better line than 'miniature...golf' to Faith!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 11 replies

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over a year ago bluej12 said…
im not sure i like spike
and the first is always good
over a year ago Joker said…
Yeah the First was good because it gave the chance to see a few oldies like the Master, if only briefly.
over a year ago James12321 said…
I would have to say Angel, Spike and Drusilla not just because they were threatening but because she still loved Angel and yet she had to kill him.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i love all of them but adam because all the others baddies all have edges to them and are frankly unhindged lol especially glory and the mayor
over a year ago tisha said…
I'm stuck between Angelus and the Mayor. My favorite fight of all time is the sword fight between Angelus and Buffy, but I also loved the battle scene in the season 3 finale where all the students work together.
over a year ago x-missmckena-x said…
Angel Spike and Drusilla, The Master, The Mayor and Glory so difficult to choose between all of them, they were all awesome as big bads!
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
The first is the best concept for a Big Bad. Spike, Dru, and Angelus were awesome, but they were a trio and would have been less (although only slightly) dynamic on their own. The mayor was the best overall Big Bad because he was so funny and so random. And his relationship with Faith was cool too. He was corrupting her, but he really cared about her at the same time.
over a year ago philly_fap_fap said…
All the big bads had something that made the main story arc for that year amazing, my personal favourite being series 6 and Willows jump from foray and dabble to serious addiction to using magic. It's something that happens to all of us when we get a taste of something that we know is maybe not good for us but just seems to make life that little bit easier. The fact that Joss Whedon, obviously, used this as a metaphor for something that happens to a lot of teens (drug addiction and what it leads to, even suicide was touched on in the last few episodes of series 6) only made it hit home a lot more, Willows loss (Tara) caused a jump from using magic harmlessly, from using it to create sunlight to help Buffy fight nests of vampires at a time, to her not just wanting but needing to end the world because of the pain she felt for her loss, a pain we all have to deal with at some point in our lives at which point we do want the world to open up and swallow us and, selfishly, don't care whether or not the people around us and the people that love us most, get hurt.

As I say, this is my personal favourite but the GREATEST big bad by far is Glory..Series 5 was without a doubt the best series of Buffy, because it made all big fans of the show question everything they thought they knew, the introduction of Dawn, a big main character and the matriarch (and one person that kept Buffy sane, Joyce) died, Buffy getting UPSET by the fact that Glory was stronger than her, Giles and Riley leaving, Spike falling in love with Buffy, all these things make series 5 the best series ever written, plus all the actors seemed to be on form for the whole series...The fact that getting to see more of the big bad of the series, and what she was going to do next, was more interesting than all of these major things that were going on is amazing, no other TV series has ever gone from strength to strength in one of its later series.

Glory came, conquered and left us all wanting more. Her demise was maybe one of the only let downs of the series but what her demise lead to was without a doubt THE BEST moment from the entire show and, I am not ashamed to say, left me and thousands of others with a tear in their eye.

Buffy HAVING to die in order to correct the damage done by Glory was (sorry to use the phrase again) WITHOUT A DOUBT the defining moment in cult television. WHEN DOES THE TITLE CHARACTER EVER DIE!? Die hard fans of the show could see what was coming from a hundred miles away (Willow using the hardcore spell to bring Buffy back eventually leading to the downfall of Willow).

Sorry to have ranted on, and I know lots of people see series 6 and 7 as non events but they were major series, much better than the rest, they were amazing. It all comes down to Glory, series 1-4 had some interesting stories and amazing big bads but Glory and the events that followed in series 5 lead to the conclusions we were left with, with some of the greatest characters to ever be introduced to cult television!
over a year ago nicole_23 said…
im also stuck between Angelus and the mayor
over a year ago deathtokennedy said…
big smile
either glory or the mayor were my favoriteee
over a year ago pompeybabe said…
The First or Glory...maybe The First wins by a little bit