Buffy the Vampire Slayer Rate Season 6.... Favorite To Least Favorite

buffyl0v3r44 posted on Jun 28, 2011 at 02:02PM
1. Once More With Feeling
2. After Life
3. Dead Things
4. Smashed
5. Wrecked
6. Older and Far Away
7. As You Were
8. Gone
9. Grave
10. Bargaining Part 2
11. Seeing Red
12. Tabula Rasa
13. Entropy
14. Hell's Bell's
15. Bargaining Part 1
16. Life Serial
17. Villains
18. Normal Again
19. Two to Go
20. All the WAy
21. Flooded
22. Doublemeat Palace
(they might not be the exact order I like them in I haven't re-watched all the episodes in a while)
1. Once More With Feeling
2. After Life
3. Dead Things
4. Smashed
5. Wrecked
6. Older and Far Away

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