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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Question

What do you think would happen if Buffy and the Scoobies met the Cullens (twilight saga)

 i-luv-jazz-hale posted over a year ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Answers

Cinders said:
Now, now, let's be nice. I know a lot of Buffy fans don't like Twilight (I myself being one of them), however there are some Buffy fans who DO like Twilight and we should respect that.

I did make my own little link and added it to the spot a while back. But to be fair to Twilight-friendly Buffy fans, let's try and keep this spot Twilight-tolerant.

So, in respect for everyone's opinion, I, personally, don't think Buffy would get along with Edward or Bella. Realistically, considering Edward and the other Cullens' apparently good nature in the series, I don't think she would STAKE them. But I don't think Buffy, nor the rest of the gang, would like them much either. For their part, I don't think the Cullens would be fond of Buffy.

Also, Joss Whedon did mention that if Edward were ever to face off against Angelus, Angelus would win. As Joss put it, link
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posted over a year ago 
xxbangelxx said:
The cullens and Buffy and the Gang are at the Bronze. Edward asks Buffy to dance (Edward is a stalker after he meet Buffy who were bio partners)
Buffy says "What are you, Stalking me know? As Far as i know your not human and are soon gonna be dust, lets take this outside!"

Edward gave Buffy the Surprised, hungry look: "Excuse me"

Buffy: You heard me I know what you are

Edward: I thought you would figure it out

Buffy: Well guess wat it wasnt too hard

Edward: What am I?

Buffy: Please the question is what am i

Edward: You smell so good i just ... this is embarrassing i mean really... (He Laughs)

Buffy: (Buffy gives him the dirty look)

Edward: You smell goood

Buffy: Its called Deodyrant you should try it sometime, it stops you from sweating

Edward: Im not an idiot, I mean if anyone were to be it would have to be...

Buffy: Can we just stop this random talk and get it over with

Edward: ahhh... Get what over with.... the part where i drink your blood and you scream helplessly

Buffy: No its the part where you run and i stake you

Edward: huh?

Buffy: You still havent figured it out have you? What i am? Your the worst, ugliest, senseless, dumbest, smelly, stalkerish vampire i have ever faced.

Edward: (Confused look)

Buffy: Omg i like said your an idiot you still havent figured it out have you

Edward: (Gives the concentrating look)

Buffy: The Slayer AKA: The chosen one you want me to say it slower

Edward: Im sorry i cant read you

Buffy: T-H-E C-H-O-S-E-N O-N-E You got it someone who stakes you before you have the chance to run away like a girl.

Edward: The only running away you will get girl is that you wish you were running away.

Buffy: okay, less small talk
(Buffy starts fighting but then suddenly he says)

Edward: Stop Stop, Im running out of oxygen

Buffy: Are you really that dumb, Vampires dont have oxygen

Edward: Right, I need a time out

Buffy: The only Time out you are getting is in the ground

Edward: (Runs and screams like a girl)

Buffy: Come back here bitch we werent finished yet.

Edward: (Still remains running)

Buffy: (Throws the stake and he is dust)

Buffy walks back in the club and says

Buffy: Hes gone

Xander: Thank the lord that was one hell of a dumb vampire

The cullens Run in
Esme: Where is my poor lil baby

Buffy: Gone as in never coming back

Cullens start running out of the bronze
Emmett: See ya later (Waves)

They start screaming and then

Buffy: Ill get them next time im beat, that edward dude gave a no time to prepare myself for my next bio class!

The End!

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posted over a year ago 
that was a great answer and i thought it was funny.
SarahGellarfan posted over a year ago
cobragirl posted over a year ago
xjamiee said:
cut a bitch :)
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cut a bitch :)
posted over a year ago 
Nice lol :) I agree!
xxbangelxx posted over a year ago
Yukari12 said:
I really enjoyed this video:


Buffy would probably do that :D...
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posted over a year ago 
DimitriLover said:
Buffy meets the Cullen's

"Let me take down the blond bit** who just hissed at me!" Bella would shout, "NO!" and trip.
"And let me take down the cluts!But don't kill anyboby else!"
The other Cullen's wouldn't mind,(Emmett would run out the door and leave.)Everybody would stand there and watch the cluts & the blond die.
Then after they die...Buffy would fall in Love with Edward.Angel and Spike would relize that they weren't getting any anymore and run out the door to catch up with Emmett. Alice would do Buffy's hair and makeup for there wedding.
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posted over a year ago 
blackwithpink said:
I think Buffy would try to kill them...But wouldn't be able too..Because she dosen't know how to kill them and they are stone...If she didn't try to kill themshe would probably (knowing Buffy) Fall in love with one of them...(most likly Edward,lol)
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posted over a year ago 
not edward, anyone but edward
hollynn posted over a year ago
edward is really ugly(in the movie)
impotential posted over a year ago
em_em said:
I can see the Scoobies becoming extremely confused, especially Giles whose brain may melt due to the new 'lore' the Cullens bring with them. But in the end, due to the Cullens' veggie life style the Scoobies would come to the decision that they should not kill them. But I can't imagine that the Cullens would wanna hang around the Hellmouth too long with all the evil vibes. LOL
Oh and I just wanna say a quick thanks to Cinders for taking us Buffy and Twilight fans in to consideration :D
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posted over a year ago 
royalgirl65 said:
I am one of the rare Twilight and Buffy fans, and I have to say that I include Spike in this question because it would make it all the more funnier. Well, first off the gang would be very surprised at how the Cullens are indestructible, and don't react to stakes, crosses and garlic. Spike would definitely want to know about how he could be the type of vampire they are. He'll try and get one of them to do it and they will refuse, he'll then kidnap Bella to get Edward to do it, Edward then will probably kill or injure spike beyond repair. And then the gang will go home to Sunnydale.
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posted over a year ago 
so true\
impotential posted over a year ago
destuctogirl said:
I am not a twilight fan. I have read the books and watched the movies under coercion from my sister who is one of those rabid fans. But I respect them since they have just as much right to their fandom as we do ours. but I will stand by my belief that vampires don't sparkle, that is just wrong. To be honest I don't believe that Buffy would kill Edward, as much as I may wish she would, but I don't think they would work together either. She would probably give them her ultimatum to get out of her town. If it did end up that she had to kill him she could, obviously she is strong enough to rip the vamps apart. If she needed backup she could always call her trusty vamp ex to back her up. There is no way that Buffy and Edward would be together, she has done broody vamp with someone so much better and better looking, Edward's character is just a weaker, not as interesting version of Angel. I know I may be crossing the line with putting the Edward character down, but his character is not at all well developed.
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posted over a year ago 
ScottishChic said:
Let me start by saying i LOVE both, jst so not to make any offense.

Ill jst doo da intro ovawise this cud go on n on.

Cullens meet Buffy slaying.

*Shocked faces*

"What are you?" Carlisle.

"Cant your boy read my mind? I must be a sheild too! I'm a Vampire Slayer." Buffy.

"AWESOME!" Emmett.

*Emmett and Buffy Hi-five!

Emmett asks buffy for a fight. -its a VAMP SLAYER HW CUD HE PASS THT UP-

"Sure." Buffy.

Buffy wins and Emmett gets laughed at and runs off Rose glares at Buffy snappin her teeth and Buffy says "Bring it on blondie!"

But Edward holds Rose back and Alice beggs Buffy to tell her where she bought her outfit!
-she was supposed to be goin on a date (unscheduled slayage)-

Carlisle cleans up any wounds she has.

The scoobies come.

Anya "Oh, you are all very strong and masculine with very fine muscles. Xander get some of those muscles. He'll do it, he need all the-"

Xander slaps his hand across her mouth.

"He. Shes kidding, so Buffy, Stakes and Crosses if you please."

Willow just says "hey,"

As does Tara but more shyly.

The Cullens explain they r a diff sort o Vampire.

"Oh, my lord." Giles. "A new breed. Fascinating."
He badgers them wit Questions.

Spike comes.

"who r these cats?"

"New sort of very sexy Vamps." Anya. She smiles charmingly.

Spike acts al manly. "Oh yeah, never met the Big Bad did they?"

Then Dawn starts checking out Jasper and he uses his gift to get her to feel diferently about him.

Buffy checks out Edward.

THE END... For now.
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posted over a year ago 
impotential said:
The cullens are going down
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posted over a year ago 
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