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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Question

New slayer activated after buffy died in season 5 finale?

What happened when Buffy Died in 'The Gift' with the whole slayer thing. I mean when Buffy died for a second in season 1 a new slayer was activated - Kendra. Though when buffy dies in season 5 for 3 MONTHS we have no information on a new slayer being activated. I was just wondering was there a new slayer activated? Because I dont remember hearing anything about it on the show, and i havent read the comics (yet! i a getting them online soon). I would like it if you could reply because it has been really bugging me
 TitanicLeoKate posted over a year ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Answers

sugarrush said:
There didn't need to be a new slayer. Because when Buffy died the first time Kendra was activated and Faith after her. So when Buffy died a second time no new slayer was activated because it's not planned that a person/slayer dies twice and the only way for a new slayer to be activated would be if Faith had died since she is the 'offical/active slayer' and B considered dead already
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posted over a year ago 
Oh... Thanks. it's been really bugging me :)
TitanicLeoKate posted over a year ago
No problem :)
sugarrush posted over a year ago
That would be a fine answer, if it wasnt the fact that, at season 07, everybody, all the time, talked about "being called after buffy died", and would be ok if it were just the potencials, but it was said by Dawn, Xander, and Buffy herself. They actually believed that someone would be called if Buffy died for the third time. So why wasnt someone called when she died the second time? Plus, the first time she died, she was dead for like 3 seconds, not 3 months!! I have literally spent hours of my life thinking about this, and it doesnt make any sense, and I will be eternally bugged by this.
Lai_Lestrange posted over a year ago
It was the characters making a mistake in the 7th season. After Buffy's first death she was removed from the Slayer lineage, so no future death of hers would create a new Slayer, no matter how many times she died or for how long she remained dead.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
buffyl0v3r44 said:
a new Slayer wasn't activated because Buffy had already died in season 1 and then Kendra came, then she died and Faith died so the only way for another Slayer to be activated is if Faith died because Buffy isn't supposed to be alive but she was revived!
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posted over a year ago 
ewb991 said:
Yes. You are right. There is no other mention of another slayer being activated in the show, but in the spin off series "Angel", Justine was mentioned to have slayer strengnth and powers. I would have to find and watch the specific episode, but I definitely remember someone saying something about her having "slayer like" abilities. (That episode is definatley in season 3of "Angel") hope that helped!
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posted over a year ago 
soon after, angel finds out that Willow gave all potentials their slayer abilities.
effingmayhem posted over a year ago
Season 3 of Angel was a year before Willow's spell though. I think the comment about Justine was just meant to be a comparison.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
jamiemdumas said:
all these theories are good but buffy says herself in season 7 that if she dies one of the potentials will become slayer! so there should be a third slayer or else she would have said when faith dies one of the potentials would become slayer
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posted over a year ago 
charmed-buffy said:
Buffy died in season one for several minutes and when the current slayer dies another one is activated - so Kendra was called but she then was killed by Drusilla so Faith was called. Kendra was called because technically Buffy was well and truly dead so when she died for a second time which was not thought possible as most people only die once there was no new slayer because Faith at that time was the "One girl" who was the slayer because Buffy was thought to be dead so technically Buffy isn't/wasn't the slayer - Faith was (I always liked Faith more anyway!) oh and though the thing about Buffy saying in season seven that when she dies one of the potentials will become the new slayer is a good theory it's not right as if Buffy died AGAIN there would be no more new slayer because Faith is the slayer and Buffy isn't though she still slays the vamps she doesn't have to it just happens that Faith went all rogue slayer on our asses so Buff has to do the job but if Faith died one of the potentials would be the "New slayer" most likely Kennedy as Lyari Limon has the largest career and is the best fighter of all the girls!
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Buffy died in season one for several minutes and when the current slayer dies another one is activated - so Kendra was called but she then was killed by Drusilla so Faith was called. Kendra was called because technically Buffy was well and truly dead so when she died for a second time which was not thought possible as most people only die once there was no new slayer because Faith at that time was the "One girl" who was the slayer because Buffy was thought to be dead so technically Buffy isn't/wasn't the slayer - Faith was (I always liked Faith more anyway!) oh and though the thing about Buffy saying in season seven that when she dies one of the potentials will become the new slayer is a good theory it's not right as if Buffy died AGAIN there would be no more new slayer because Faith is the slayer and Buffy isn't though she still slays the vamps she doesn't have to it just happens that Faith went all rogue slayer on our asses so Buff has to do the job but if Faith died one of the potentials would be the "New slayer" most likely Kennedy as Lyari Limon has the largest career and is the best fighter of all the girls!
posted over a year ago 
natrac said:
Buffy died kendra got called, Kendra died faith was called, Buffy died again but it does not count because technically she is dead
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posted over a year ago 
rpope20 said:
no the only other way a slayer can be made apart from what willow did in season 7 is by faith dying because technicly buffy has already died activating kendra and when kendra died faith was activated.
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posted over a year ago 
randafaye said:
I think everyone is forgetting that now Faith doesn't have to die for a new slayer to be activated. All slayers that would be slayers are slayers now lol
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks, Captain Obvious.
Endymion2013 posted over a year ago
Endymion2013 said:
When Xander resuscitated Buffy at the end of Season one the Slayer line was changed forever. In the past that had never happened because Slayers were solitary warriors without companions. Kendra was activated when Buffy briefly died. That ended Buffy's contribution to the Slayer line. When Kendra was killed Faith was activated. When Buffy died at the end of season 5 no new Slayer was activated because the ancestral line is now with Faith. Buffy was already removed from the ancestral line. Faith would have to die for a new Slayer to be activated. That exact paradox is why the First was drawn to the Slayer in the first place. When Willow raised Buffy from the dead, that was the final straw. By all accounts, Buffy the Slayer should not have been able to exist, which gave the First an opportunity to gain a foothold. That is, until Willow ultimately changed the rule that there can be only One.
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posted over a year ago 
hordemaster55 said:
Faith was the official Slayer at the time Buffy died during the "Gift" but because her death was mystical, she could not be revived through conventional means and therefore no slayer was called to replace her since she was dead and Faith still lived. Potentials only come into the picture after Buffy comes back to life and empowers them all, which was the whole premise behind the series finale.
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posted over a year ago 
mysticfallout said:
I wonder than, did the writer's pay attention to the story line. In 7x12 "Potential" they all say that in order for Dawn to be the slayer that Buffy would have to die. Giles explains when Kendra appears about the whole change to the slayer lineage.

Not that I know of. The new slayer
is only called after the previous
slayer has died-
Good lord . . . You were dead, Buffy.

Clearly, it doesn't matter how long
you were gone. You were physically
dead, causing the activation of the
next slayer.

We have no precedent for this. I'm
quite flummoxed.

The way it is written is this. Buffy died in season one and brought back but by slayer standards Buffy was never brought back. Kind of a human slayer -> bringing Kendra forward as the only living slayer. Kendra was killed by Dru -> bringing Faith, the only living slayer. -> Season 7 brings about the largest change to the slayer lineage ever, every potential in the world becomes a slayer.
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posted over a year ago 
jaywes said:
Hmmm, I get the argument that the lineage is with Faith now. Just a few points missing. So, willow does a spell to make all the potential slayers actual slayers. In the comics, Buffy gets stronger every time one of those "new" slayers dies. Wouldn't that mean that Buffy is still very much the front runner in the line?!?!
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posted over a year ago 
Is it only Buffy who gets stronger in the comics, or Buffy and Faith, or all surviving Slayers? Or do we not know?
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
hollyrw16 said:
In one of the last few episodes when Giles & Anya went to go see that big eye demon in that demension thingy, it said that when Buffy died the second time, it messed up the Slayer line so no slayer was called. Due to it being of supernatural forces, the "slayer had to die" thing just didn't work for her because it probably wasn't a real death in the people's eyes that created the whole Slayer thingy.
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posted over a year ago 
boohooforyou said:
all of you have great theories about why there wasnt a new "third" slayer. the fact is, yes officially faith was the active "one girl in all the world", this is the simplest answer and easily accepted. the reality is that a potential may have been activated but not in sunnydale, and may have subsequently died prior to events in season 7 otherwise, buffy's attempts to channel the first slayer and the m? to turn all potentials into slayers would have been faith's obligation. as well her continued slayer-strength would have been also negated during both deaths.
therefore you may accept that only faith is the active slayer, otherwise there is another slayer out there we dont know about (also meaning dawn should have been sent to faith if you REALLY overthink it). subsquently and finally, the easiest anser is that she didnt die a mortal death, also being the reason for her resurrection as per Willow's explanation, therefore it would have negated any reason for a new slayer and essentially a loophole in the slayerline.
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posted over a year ago 
If there had been an unknown third Slayer activated after season 5, you'd still have expected the Council to detect her and find her, though. In reality, the writers couldn't think of anything new to do with another Slayer and didn't want to repeat that storyline.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
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