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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Question

Am I the only one who is disagreeing with the new Buffy movie!!

I love Buffy and am getting all of the seasons for Christmas (YAY!!!!). But I cant help but think that the new Buffy movie is definitly going to bomb!! Joss Whedon, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan etc. are having NOTHING to do with it and I think that taking what some of us really love and changing it completly is...horrible.

But am I the only one who disagree's with the movie!?!?! <3
Nope, you're not the only one not on board. I've ranted my heart out about all the reasons I think it's a bad idea, lol. I'm just planning on ignoring it when it comes out.
Mermaid-Tail posted over a year ago
 pompeybabe posted over a year ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Answers

ScottishChic said:
OMG I TOTALLY AGREE! Even though I just heard of it when I read your question... but there really is and only can be 1 BUFFY! It'll just be confusing if it's not the originals, and they're epic actors as it is! But hey, we may be wrong and it may be brilliant... I'll cross my fingers.
Oh, and I hope you enjoy having ALL the Buffy Seasons at last, I know I do! :D
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posted over a year ago 
I GOT THEM ALLL!!!!!! Whoo!!! And yes I really am enjoying them. But yeah, lets all hope this movie is great because I dont want Buffy ruined because of it :( xx
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
gossipgirl1324 said:
Well it's not like the director could get all of the old cast together even if he tried as much as i love sarah and im not with this opinion but the public likes actors mid teens to early twenties at least as the main character. And Giles is probably dead or very very old. ive also heard some things about michelle trachtenberg that may or may not be true but if you look her up online you will hear them too. and xander has been arrested befor im not sure if that has to do with who they hire but it surely cant help his getting recast. im in disagreement partially though because it just wont be the same! Lets hope its good And hopefully Joss gets involved if they do a crappy job. <3
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posted over a year ago 
The reason the actors will be different has nothing to do with their age, it's because the people making this movie are making it without the consent of the show's creator, Joss Whedon. Because of that they are not legally allowed to use characters from the show other than Buffy, and none of the shows team will be involved. And Anthony Head (who played Giles) is certainly not dead, nor is he old enough to be considered too decrepit to be hired or assumed alive, lol.
Mermaid-Tail posted over a year ago
pkeati01 said:
I completely agree, Buffy isn't Buffy without the characters we love, It is suppose to be completly different, I don't know if I even want to see it.
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posted over a year ago 
JoeLaveau said:
I don't think anyone will ever capture the chemistry of the TV show. Buffy without Joss can only be a pale imitation. Even so, I am ready for a re try at the movie. I did not like the flic much at all. The only part that worries me is it's supposed to be set in college and the High School Is Hell episodes were my favorites.
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posted over a year ago 
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